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How To Effectively SELL Your Offer, At ANY PRICE

Written by: Mallory Meyer, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In business you do not get paid based on what you’re worth, you get paid o" the value you articulate and deliver. You're not worth the money, because you are PRICELESS. It's your birthright.

Yet, we can get caught operating with a business mindset under what we're worth as such evoking a high emotional experience to sales.

TWO key elements, to receive sales calls where clients are ready to invest in your business, come down to if you've:

  1. Illustrated the value of what you deliver.

  2. Articulated clearly to an audience which values this.

The essence in sales is certainty and security to convey.

You may find you've been focused too heavily in selling your process but not articulating the promise of services.

Painting the vision of their success in the investment.

Pricing is a neutral circumstance. What are the thoughts you have of yourself and your o'er?

Would you hire you?

Additionally, if you're not selling as much as you'd like, lowering your price won't help you sell more.

When I begin to work with new and aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs they initially believe they need to keep their prices low or have multi-tiered pricing structures based on di'ering commitment levels to their service.

They believe that they need to have an o"er for EVERYONE's price point. Ultimately held in this realm of playing small, feeling undervalued and serving no one.

Regardless of how low of an o"er you have, there are people who will still tell you NO. Regardless of o'ering accessibility pathways to work with you, there are people who will still tell you no.

WHY? Simply put, people don't buy because of price.

Their decision to buy is based on the value of what you o'er.

Again, your position as a spiritual entrepreneur is to e"ectively communicate the value of your o'er. Because, if people don't buy from you, it's because YOU don't BELIEVE in the value of your o"er, and when YOU don't believe in it (and yourself), you can't clearly communicate the value of what you o'er.

If you did, the price would be reflective of how you think about yourself, your o'er and the work you do. Associating a premium price that's in alignment with you.

The value of what you o'er as a spiritual entrepreneur is the thing that will attract soul-aligned clients who are willing to pay YOUR price and are a DREAM to work with.


When you believe first, then you'll attract soul-aligned clients who buy because they believe your o'er will help them.

Clients of mine are reclaiming their innate gifts, feeling more confident in their path,

self-coaching and aligning their energy (daily), for committing in who they are here to serve as they build + scale a profitable and aligned business of their own that's sustainable in success. All the while supporting and enhancing your core values and beliefs so there is no wavering on your o'er (when you're not getting the results) and you're inspired to SELL.

Schedule a complimentary consultation call via my website or connect with me on Instagram, to learn more.

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Mallory Meyer, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mallory Meyer, is a Reiki Master, Medium, Cosmic Channel and certified Life and Success Coach, NLP, TIME, EFT, and Hypnotherapy Practitioner incorporating Trauma-Sensitive practices into her business. Weaving the metaphysical with the physical, the soul and strategy, with intuitive transformational coaching and manifestation, to bring forward your reality at a quantum level. Mallory helps spiritual entrepreneurs build a profitable and aligned business, that's sustainable in success in her 8-week online course and mastermind.

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