Written by Tanya Tsikkos, Innovative Jewellery Designer
Tanya Tsikkos is an innovative jewellery designer who promotes mental health and wellbeing. Covid-19 left her with emotional challenges, and she found a way to cope and to improve her mental health with her jewellery creations and empowering messages.

Reorganise your life to suit your needs. Learn how to clear out what no longer serves you, and how to gain a clearer perspective on your life goals.

It seems logical to me that, as well as spring cleaning my house around this time of year, I could also do with spring cleaning my life. Dust off the cobwebs, release what no longer serves me, and bring a renewed and gleaming sparkle back to my life.
I believe that it is a necessity, as part of your personal growth and development journey, to bring some clarity and focus into play, so you can get clear about what you want your life to look like. What life do you actually want to live? What does it look like to you? What life would you like to create for yourself?
Taking stock of your life and doing a life audit is an extremely valuable exercise to do. It allows the mind, body and soul to align and brings you back on track, helping you to discover your life's purpose. We often find that we slip off our path, and sometimes we need to re-evaluate and steer ourselves back on to the road towards our desired destination.
Here are a few simple suggestions that could help you to reorganise your life through a life audit
Think about where you're at in this present moment. Ask yourself if you are truly happy with everything you are doing. What has made your life easier, and what difficulties have presented themselves to you?
Encourage yourself to think deeply over your life, and pick out the things that have uplifted you the most.
Now, with a clearer picture and better understanding of your current life, start thinking about the amount of time and energy you want to put into the things that are of value and importance to you, and decide on how you want to clear out the things that aren't.
Where might you need to make changes to your daily routines and habits, in order to achieve your desired outcomes?
Start categorising your goals on paper, so that you can organise them better. These categories may include mental health, family or love relationships, habits, career, etc. Once your groups are listed, you can then think about each individual unit and its priority. For example, what does each category involve and how would you like to adapt it to serve you best?
Now the fun begins! It's time to plan exactly how you are going to put your thoughts together, and start organising your life. I find it quite therapeutic to work in the same way as if I were clearing out my cupboards, with a 'keep' pile and a 'chuck out' pile in mind.
I write down a list of things that I want to keep a hold of (these are the things that have worked quite well for me so far), and the things that I could do without (either I've evolved and outgrown them or have no interest in them any longer).
For example, I have kept a bedtime regime where I journal at night to get my anxious thoughts out so I can sleep better and healthier, and then again in the morning so I can start my day better with more positive thoughts. And I have 'chucked out' trying to please everyone, by not attending every invitation sent out to me because, let's face it, I really don't want to go to all of them! Instead, I now only go to the ones I really want to go to, and I truthfully decline the others. This helps me to prioritise myself and my needs, which leads to a healthier life that serves me better.
When doing this exercise, think about what brings you more joy and refuels you, and what depletes you mentally and physically. This will guide your plan better and will make things a whole lot clearer to you.
It's important to keep track of your progress consistently. Sometimes, it's easy to fall back into unhealthy habits and find that you are not progressing as you'd like. With constant evaluation you can be sure to notice when things may slip a little, and then place yourself back to where you would like to be on your journey.
Remember not to be too hard on yourself though. Self-compassion and kindness are key to your development. Celebrate your wins, and allow yourself to learn from your setbacks. Without these, there would be no substance, and that is the very thing that makes life all the more interesting.
A life audit can be done at any time, over and over again. Have fun reshaping your life, and creating the life you've always dreamed of. Declutter your mind to declutter your life, and get back into the driver's seat to steer your way to happiness!
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Tanya Tsikkos is an innovative jewellery designer who promotes mental health and wellbeing. COVID-19 left her with emotional challenges, and she found a way to cope and to improve her mental health with her jewellery creations and empowering messages. She has since dedicated her life to helping others to always feel good and empowered . She is the CEO of EntityUK, an online fashion jewellery company, that combines jewellery with empowerment in each design. Her mission: To inspire, uplift and empower all, to live their best lives, with confidence and style!