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How to Define What Success Looks like For Yourself

Written by: Lori Clark, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What is success? Is it being an executive at a prestigious company? Is it being an award-winning celebrity? Is it being well known internationally for your work and contributions to people? What is success?

Many people look at the people that have money, power, recognition and automatically define that as success. However, what they fail to realize is that every person alive can achieve success no matter what they do.

Success for one person could mean they have achieved all of their personal goals. Or success could be landing your dream job.

What about taking care of your family?

People don’t really label that as success. But a person could be struggling at work, yet managing to take care of their whole family day by day is their personal success.

What about hitting your weight goal? Is that not success?

Over time we’ve grown to look at status and money when in reality, success is very personal and different for everyone. I’d say, when determining success for yourself, start with your personal desires and goals.

Look at the plan you have and evaluate the steps you will take. Once you reach your desires and goals, you can define that as your personal success.

Some people may say, “well, what if things fall through?” Well, sometimes things don’t always go as planned or as we think they should. And that’s okay.

Life will always continue with new opportunities and new possibilities. Our personal world is always changing. One month success for you could be getting up on time because you once struggled with it. Three months down the road, success for you could be eating healthier and maintaining it. We have to get to a place where we are not comparing ourselves to what we think our life should be or feel like, but rather embrace our heart's desires and accept what is and what isn’t for us and our personal journey. Once we get to that place, we will see that life isn’t as hard or as stressful as we think.

Being completely happy isn’t as far out of our grasp as we think. And most importantly, doing what’s best for ourselves doesn’t seem as self-centered as people may believe.

Good luck on your journey to success.

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Lori Clark, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lori Clark is a leader in the life coaching industry, dedicated to helping individuals overcome life's challenges. She also aims to help people reach their highest potential while eliminating mental barriers. Lori had a rough childhood that led to an adulthood of trying to fill different voids. She eventually made up her mind; she would live a life worth living and changed her world. During this time, her health failed, and she was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Doctors told her she would never be the same. Instead of playing small, Lori took her circumstances and excelled. She finished college, went back to work, and is now certified to help others.

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