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How To Create A Space For Empowerment For Your Children

Knowing how to create space for empowerment for your children is the best way for your child to grow into the best version of themselves, and as parents, caregivers and educators, this is precisely what we want. The best way to create that space is for you to live your life in a way that encourages positive and healthy mindsets, which can be done if you put practices in your life, such as looking after your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. In this article, we will speak about how to create a space for empowerment for your children and whether economic status matters when creating an empowered space!

The world today and how it’s different from ours

In a world of likes and followers, our children grow up in an environment completely different from ours, where their authentic selves can easily be pushed to the margins.

It is more important than ever for parents to encourage, develop, and empower our children to share their true selves because their truth (like yours) is their gift to the world. Their unique blueprint is how they do, speak, share, and create.

If we empower kids to always be true to themselves, the likes and following will be meaningless to their creations and sense of worth. And that’s exactly what we encourage here at Faith and Sparkles World.

How does a parent create space to empower their child?

Your child is already authentic – allowing your child to be their honest, true self means giving them the freedom to continue loving themselves so that they can develop and enhance it.

Children like you are strong creators; they are souls who are here for a specific mission; therefore, allow them to walk that road with gentle assistance.

So, let’s talk about how to create a space for empowerment for your children.

Let go of perfection and accept learning.

Have you ever noticed how fearless a child is? Years of conditioning in our lives, we lose the ability to take that leap of faith that calls us, and it becomes muddled by limiting beliefs and fear of failure as adults. So, encourage and empower them to take those leaps, even if it scares you.

Your child does not need you to be perfect.

They do not want you to constantly achieve your goals, get things done, or complete tasks – they probably don’t even realize that you have these goals and tasks in mind. While this is great for children to see, it is also okay for them to see the other side. Tell them you’re learning too and don’t have all the answers. You’re on the journey together!

Allow opportunities for open conversation.

We live in a world preoccupied with “we” and “them,” which is an illusion because we are all one. But the frequent contrast of “against” this and “pro” that, “the star,” or even “the influencer,” fosters this divide. We even have physical barriers with our family and neighbours.

We no longer gather or live in communities as we once did. We can remove this misconception and open respectful conversations with our children. Show your child how it is to speak about and openly about topics as young ears consistently listen and follow in your footsteps – even if you don’t realize it.

Being aware of our words

This is critical to creating a space for empowerment for our children. A sensitive and sympathetic child who tears frequently but is encouraged to ‘grow up or stop being a baby’ is teaching them to be disconnected from their emotions, which they may hide as adults to please their parents.

It is often instructed to quiet their voice and may grow up unable to speak up for themselves or scared of sharing their abilities with others.

Listen and emphasize

Practising listening to your child’s problems rather than ‘fixing’ them is an excellent method to empower them. We desire to protect our children from pain as parents, but this is disempowering because we can never escape the anguish that is a part of life. We can, however, support them and provide them with tools to help them overcome any setbacks. Validate their feelings because they matter.

Make time for joy and play.

You both deserve to have a good time! And your child deserves to see you happy and at ease. Seeing you do activities that delight you will motivate children to do the same, not just when they are little. Life isn't always about getting things done, flourishing, or pushing forward.


Your child deserves to witness you having fun and playing just as much as they deserve to see you resting. When they watch you rest, they understand that their body is tired and that for them to blossom, they must spend time grounding themselves.

Allow your child to express themselves.

Allowing kids to choose their outfits is a terrific way to support their originality and show them that you accept them for who they are; celebrate their inventiveness; value their viewpoint, and show them that they don't need to be 'perfect.' Experimenting entails being willing to take risks, make mistakes, and solve difficulties.


Give time for your child to listen to their inner voice and direction through meditation. The most excellent method to teach your child meditation is to show them how you do it for yourself and then give them the option to practise it.

Does a parent's economic status matter when creating an empowered space?

Empowerment for your children requires a safe space – safe for children to feel secure and confident to express themselves and challenge themselves; safe in terms of mistakes won't harm a child emotionally or physically; and safe for parents in terms of they have confidence that the child has the right environment to express, and learn for themselves. Being an empowered parent, it is vital that you are their role model. Although this shouldn't be a factor, the parents' socioeconomic background can be a barrier if they don't have a strong family structure, such as having two parents or live in poverty. So other pressures take precedence over parenting. However, if there is love and an ability to create that safe space, then that should overcome any socioeconomic barriers.

Create a space for empowerment for your children.

Faith and Sparkles World takes pride in empowering parents, caregivers, educators and their children. We want to guide you through creating a space for empowerment for your children so that you can live the best version of your life and your children follow in your footsteps.

To learn more, connect with us at

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