Written by: Melanie Ashley, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The last step in the Pathway to Peacefulness Program suggest that living with abundance means embracing a full connection with the creative energy that infuses life into every moment. By connecting with the creative life force energy, we are living and breathing abundance every moment. It cultivates the mindset that everything is already taken care of which means we can be free of worry, stress, and agitation.

The element we work with – from the 5-Element Model: which helps us understand how all elements in nature lives within us – is ETHER. Absolute stillness. Coolness, the upper regions of space beyond the clouds. A state of simply being.
Feel the future
If we knew, believed and trusted that the future was already taken care if, then we might feel free to enjoy the present, with a feeling of spaciousness, freedom and lightness. Such is the mindset of experiencing Ether. Yet, despite being empty this space also holds all the other elements ready to paint a new canvas.
It is a place for the imaginal to create. For those who dare to create within this space, they can dream of a new world and bring it to reality – which will be explored further within this article.
Feel the Future within the Pathway to Peacefulness Programme challenges us to apply our newfound understanding. Working with the imaginal can help us connect with future self to inform us in the present moment. However, the question you may ask is “Is this possible?”
Explore a spiritual concept of time?
Let us create some scenario to explore the concept of time.
1. Present conditioning can impact the future
This scenario based on some inspirational talks by Peter Sage – a serial entrepreneur and coach.
If you knew you had £1m ready to be a–ded to your bank account on a certain date in the future – no questions asked – but all you had at this moment was a single £1 coins on the table to spend. How would you feel about spending that £1?
Same question if you had ten £1 coins and you needed to spend £1?
Same question if you had a hundred £1 coins or even a thousand £1 coins and you needed to spend £1.
At what point would you feel you had enough on the table at that moment in time that you could spend a small portion – a 10th or 100th – of what you had, knowing that at an agreed point in time you would have £1m on that same table. What unconscious conditions came up before it was OK to spend the £1. At what point would you feel so full of abundance in that moment that you felt at ease to spend the £1 without worry or attached conditions, knowing that £1million – with certainty – would be in your bank account on a future date.
This serves to illustrate how we are creating a future based on conditional thinking within the present which has no impact on the future. With this in mind, Is it time to cut those chords or attachment? Is it time to rewrite your spiritual contract? Is it time to be free of conditional living?
2. Science often explores the past to make the present more convenient to live in
Let us take the Ouroboros. It is an ancient symbol depicting a snake biting its own tail. It embodies the endless cycle of renewal and the unity of all things. This symbol mirrors the essence of creative energy, continuous transformation, and rebirth.
In the realm of science, this imagery sparked a revelation for August Kekulé, which led to the discovery of the benzene ring's structure. Kekulé envisioned a snake seizing its own tail, a dream that illuminated the cyclic nature of the carbon atoms which created benzene molecule. This breakthrough, inspired by the Ouroboros, marked a significant leap in organic chemistry which impacted the entire world.
Kekulé had borrowed from the past to influence the present moment, which completely changed the future for the convenience of modern life.
Another story of borrowing from the past for modern convenience is the creation of the chip and pin by inventor Roland Moreno. He said the idea came to him in a dream about a signet ring used in the 14th century, whose unique engraving created a seal which secured official documents. This sparked the idea of 3D digital ring which became the chip and pin we know today. ¹
3. Is it possible to borrow from the future to support our life in the present?
A known phrase is to raise the question: ‘What advice would we give our younger self?’ Is this the same as ‘younger self asking advice from its future self who is you in this present moment? By the same logic, what advice would we be looking for if you could ask your future self? In this case you are the younger self in the present moment communicating with the self of the future. Hmmmmm?
These could also be examples of Time Travel within the imaginal. It is also a concept used by Shaman’s who are also cartographers of time. Their belief is time is a continuous never-ending cycle as opposed to thinking of time as linear. It begins and it ends.
Align with the universal energy to find your purpose
To connect with different versions of self – and the overall creative energy of life – requires creating the mindset of being empty and still so the senses can experience the vibration and inspiration as something new and different; free from past karma, trauma, hereditary patterns, ancestral stories, peer group pressure etc. trying to live in the present moment through you.
By shedding such threads of connection and conditioning yet trusting our senses to embrace all aspects of self, can we create the stillness to fully experience the new vibrational energy. Our senses will recognise the limiting vibration from previous practices. Then the mind will know, without doubt, that the new vibration is from the highest source of love and creativity communicating with us for the highest good of ourselves and humanity and we can bring what was witnessed within the imaginal – our purpose – into the living world on earth.
In bringing the vibration to life we must pass it through the whirlpools of energy within the body via the Sen lines for assessment, through the heart space for a sense review before planting this seed into the earth to grow.
The old saying that comes to mind is ‘Know Thy Self” – Socrates, an Athenian moral philosopher.
Entering the world of Ether can also be just a dream unless we believe and bring the insights from the imaginal into the living, breathing space on earth to contribute uniquely and meaningfully.
For leaders and innovators, embracing this energy can also guide us to solutions that resonate deeply with the fabric of existence and propel humanity forward.
Aligning with universal energy for transformation
By collaborating with the creative life-force, we can embrace guidance from this exceptionally light subtle energy to realign our dreams with our purpose and passion.
This collaboration has the power to transform us. It aligns our physical existence with our thoughts and spiritual goals. Imagine your body, mind, and spirit moving in harmony, driven by a force that encourages growth and fulfilment with deep, inner peace of knowing. This is the essence of working with the creative life-force energy.
By dreaming positively, we open ourselves to this nurturing force, allowing it to guide and enrich our lives. This process is not just about dreaming; it's an active engagement with the energy that connects us to everything.
Now, if scientists can dream products into reality for the convenience of modern life, can empaths – who are sensitive people – dream a new world of beauty and peace into reality for the sake of health and well-being of humanity and our planet?
If so, then the question is ‘Where Does Your Light Shine’ to support and grow this vision of earthly beauty?
Embracing our natural connection
As we explore the essence of our connection to the universe, we are living and experience the biophilia hypothesis. ² This concept suggests that humans are genetically predisposed to be attracted to nature, proposing that an inherent love for the natural world is coded into our DNA.
This hypothesis offers a compelling explanation for the interconnectedness of all living things, suggesting that our affinity for nature is not just a preference but a fundamental part of our being. It implies that our spirits and the natural world are deeply entwined, highlighting a luminous energy field that binds us to every living entity.
Embracing the biophilia hypothesis can profoundly influence our understanding of our place in the cosmos. It underscores the importance of preserving our natural environment, not just for ecological balance but as an essential aspect of our own well-being.
and this could be defined as living with abundance
How to bring stillness across our 6 layers
1. Positioning the mind
Use breathing techniques which involve suspending the inhalation, exhalation, or both. The stillness
is experienced in the space between each breath.
2. Create energetic locks within your physicality
Every physical posture can activate the whirlpools of energy to assess the validity of what was experienced in the imaginal. They also bring about steadiness as well as inform the nervous system,
mind and consciousness. Within yoga movement for example, activating the whirlpools of energy is
akin to activating energetic seals so the body can contain the prana.
3. Continue to develop sensitivity with passion
By including vibrational energy in your practice we can attune the subtle senses. At this stage music
would be the instrument of choice. Music can stir deep feelings, transport us to different
states of mind as well as allowing the body to experience a full range of vibration and
how it feels in the body. Different notes relate to different energy pools, organs and
consciousness. It is a practice of Nadi Yoga.
4. Our psychology is that of deeper curiosity
This step is akin to the Hero returning to his village with amazing wisdom from the model of
Joseph Campbells Hero’s Journey. This model reminds us that with hast and eagerness to share your purpose and incites we may trip and fall. And the Hero may return to a place where everything is as it was before his journey with few people realising the significance of the gifts he brings. Thus Trust in one’s new inner wisdom is paramount as validation may or may not be supported within the
5. The mantra or psalm
Silence. Nothing is, was or could be.
6. Embrace and repeat the practices
This shift in perspective opens new channels for personal and professional growth and allows us to explore paths less travelled with courage and openness to receive guidance from the imaginal.
Leaders and entrepreneurs may see the excitement of this journey to tap into a deeper source of inspiration and purpose. It's about letting this universal energy shape our aspirations and actions, leading to a life that is not only successful but also deeply connected and meaningful. Engaging with this force brings our dreams into reality, creating a path where our highest aspirations become our lived experience.
And then we bring this wisdom back to share with friends, colleagues, family, strangers. Then we conclude our exploration and then the real work begins.
Through this series of articles, we've transformed the feelings of chronic stress and general aches and pain within the body to rediscover our authentic self to gaining a deep understanding our innate connection with nature. We’ve cleared our energetic paths to create a profound impact of collaboration with the creative life-force.
The Pathway to Peacefulness Programme is designed to help you remember Who You Are and Why You are Here. There are no accidents.
It does this by aligning 6 threads which represent distinct aspects of us – the physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and spiritual, explored across 4 steps Heal, Build Energy, Dream, Connect with the Universal Energy. to transform experiences of chronic stress into purpose with passion. It is based on the elements or nature reflected within us, to create harmony and a deep sense of peacefulness.
Then… We Start Again. It is a never-ending evolution!

Melanie Ashley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Melanie helps overworked and exhausted professionals navigate through draining life changes. She helps them find mental clarity, physical strength and emotional balance by them to reconnect with their personal truths, purpose and motivations. Melanie does this by uncovering hidden gifts, building energetic practices and opening the realm of possibilities to create a unique practice for each person.
Inspirations: The Shamanic perspective of life as taught by The 4 Winds and Spirit of the Inca; Yoga Practices from Ashtanga Yoga, The principles of the 5 elements within Ayurveda; Pranayama as taught in Kaivalyadhama; Meridian Theory from spiritual practices in Thailand; Spiritual Practices from the Q’ero Shamans of Peru; Insite's from my practitioners; Personal experiences and reflections.
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