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How To Connect To And Live From Your Heart Center Every Day

Written by: Michall J. Medina, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Connecting to your heart center is not as easy as meditating daily, though many think that that is the way to achieve a heart-centered state of being. The truth is, you’re naturally meant to live from your heart center. It’s the traumas, triggers, repressed emotions, and overthinking that keep you out of your heart center and into the thinking mind.

Repressing our emotions and not processing traumas and triggers is actually not natural — it’s a conditioned behavior because of what society has taught us about emotions. Society has taught us that certain emotions are bad and certain ones are good. It becomes socially unacceptable to cry because it shows “weakness.” We’re punished as a child for expressing our emotions that are considered “bad” emotions. And so through environmental conditioning, we develop the habit of repressing our emotions and not allowing them to fully flow. All of this buildup of unhealthy behaviors around our emotions keeps us stuck in our minds and out of our heart center.

The process of reconnecting to your heart center goes beyond simply meditating daily. Meditating daily helps, but it’s only half of the equation. What meditating daily does is it kickstarts a phase of personal growth that’s necessary in order for you to be more fully connected to your heart center. In this phase of personal growth, the repressed emotions and triggers start to come to the surface so that they can be shifted and resolved. The mistake many people make in this phase of the process is that they view the triggers and repressed emotions that are coming to the surface as a setback — as something bad. And so, they bring themselves back to square one as they continue to repress, manage or cope with the triggers that are coming up.

The key to break through to the other side is to allow those triggers to come up, welcome them, accept them, and allow space for them to be processed and resolved. They can never be processed and resolved if we’re continuously managing them and trying to shift into positive thinking and “raising our vibration.” The fact that the triggers are coming up is not something bad, but it’s actually a good thing! It’s part of the process of your personal growth so that you can shift into a new perspective, resolve the triggers, and as a result, become even more naturally heart-centered as there is less and less “stuff” keeping you out of your heart center.

So, the next time you meditate and connect to your heart center, know that when triggers come up, they are opportunities for growth so that you can be even more heart-centered as a result! You as a powerful creator of your own reality set in motion for these events to occur in service to you to bring to your attention something that is out of alignment to where you want to be. Now use these opportunities for growth so that you can be more and more deeply connected with your heart center every day!

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Michall J. Medina, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Michall J Medina is an award-winning spiritual and mindset coach and an international bestselling author and speaker. She helps aspiring heart-centered visionaries to claim they are true calling without waiting to feel ready, by amplifying their ability to intuitively attract opportunity. Before she launched her business, Michall had trained in over seven different healing modalities in search of a cure for her anxiety. As a former electrical engineer, she brought her analytical skills to the world of healing and spirituality and developed a ground-breaking method of resolving the core root of any struggle and shifting it into expansion and freedom. She now shares this method with her clients to help them to access clarity, ease, and flow as they connect to and embody their true calling. Michall has been featured for her work in Yahoo Finance, Fox News, International Business Times, Wall Street Select, and Digital Journal. Originally a Texan, she now lives in Israel by the forest with her beautiful cat Stella.

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