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How to Confidently Pursue Your Dreams

Written by: Elizabeth Olujimi, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We all have dreams at some point in our lives but unfortunately, we don’t all get to live out our dreams. This could be because of various reasons, or should I say excuses that we choose to accept. The path of least resistance will always be the one where we choose to settle where we are and do nothing. However, it is important to wake up to the fact that our dreams won’t just happen, we have a part to play in making them a reality. You are responsible for your dreams.

1. See It

In case you are wondering what your dreams are, I would like you to take a moment and imagine the future you desire, what do you want your life to look like in 5 / 10 years’ time? This will help you to start putting together a picture of your dreams, write them down and put them on a vision board. Position your vision board somewhere visible so you are constantly reminding yourself of what your dreams are. Being able to see your dreams will enable you to start with the end in mind, as you plan your steps to making it a reality.

2. Believe it

If you are going to confidently pursue your dreams, you need to believe in your dreams and believe in yourself. This is where some of us struggle because we have a negative narrative in our minds feeding us the lies that we will fail, or we don’t deserve it. Maybe you have shared your dreams with some people in the past and they laughed at you so now you have lost the confidence to pursue them. The environment you are in and the voices you are listening to can affect how confidently you pursue your dreams. If you need to make certain changes, do so because you need to give your dreams a chance. Believe that your dreams are possible, and you have what it takes to make them a reality.

3. Act on it

Your dreams will remain wishful thinking or a picture on a vision board unless you start taking intentional steps to make them a reality. If I asked you, what is standing in the way of your dreams, it would be easy to draft a list of excuses, those excuses will largely be linked to a fear you have. If we embrace it, fear will always stand in the way but why not feel the fear and do it anyway. You will never know how successful your dreams can be if you don’t act on them. Your dreams are an opportunity for you to leave an imprint so if you don’t act on them, the world will never feel your impact.

I will leave you with this mantra,

“When I see it, believe it, act on it, my dreams can become a reality.”

Elizabeth Olujimi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Elizabeth Olujimi is a Coach, Speaker, Mentor, Wife, Mother, and Pastor. She is known as the Thriving Coach who helps women in their journey of self-discovery, confidence building, personal growth, and achieving their goals and dreams so that they can thrive in life. She is the CEO of Dare To Believe Coaching Ltd, and her mission is to see women transition from surviving to thriving. She has spoken on virtual stages, inspiring women and young people to maximize their potential. Elizabeth is also a Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team and has published articles for the Luminous Wisdom SOPHIA magazine.

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