Written by: Deeana Tate, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

You intend to apply to that job, knowing that the money and benefits are what you need but for some reason, you never make the time to do so. You want to interview for that next position to advance your career but the fear of not being qualified like the rest keeps you at bay. Going back to school seems ideal to earn that degree that will enhance your skillset, yet you do not complete the process due to fear of the unknown. Booking that trip that you have had your eye on for quite some time now would grant you the opportunity to learn a different perspective while giving yourself different cultural experiences yet you have not mustered up the courage to take the trip. Going to the supermarket with a list of grocery items is a necessity to begin formulating healthier eating habits yet you do not go because you are reminded about the previous attempts of starting a new diet that became unsuccessful.

What do all of these scenarios have in common? There is a goal to be accomplished yet self-sabotage is rearing its ugly head, as demonstrated in these few examples. We as human beings tend to get in our own and be our worst enemy. Factors such as past hurts, previous disappointments and the idea of it all can cause us to become stressed and begin feeling anxious to the point that it has a grip on us.
We want to do great things in life but in the back of our minds we are wondering "How do I start?" "Where do I start?" "How exactly do I do this?". The answer is quite simple. We begin with changing our thought patterns (www.deeanatate.com). Rather than focus on what can go wrong, we need to begin to focus on the goal itself and map out a plan for actually achieving said goal. Our minds have so much power that a mere thought can turn into reality. Alia Crum, Asst. Professor of Psychology and Director of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab, has suggested: "our minds aren't passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality."
What we think of in our mind happens, good or bad. If a thought lingers in our mind long enough, it will eventually become embedded deep within us to make us act accordingly. With that being said, do you have the right mindset, one in which it can enhance your life? Are your everyday choices and decisions reflecting that mindset? Is your thought pattern consistent with that mindset? These questions will keep you focused on that goal and should equip you to take the necessary steps of action.
Our lives are consumed with a variety of factors that at times cause us to lose focus, which can delay that goal. Sometimes we need to step back to gather ourselves and then come back on board, ready to regain focus on that goal to get back on track.
Here are 5 key strategies that can help keep us focused:
Believe!! As I like to call it from a spiritual standpoint, have faith. You've got to believe in your heart and mind that you will be successful in accomplishing that goal and that everything will fall into place. You must see it before you see it. You must believe that every step along the way will go smoothly, no matter how it may appear at first. We must also keep in mind that words also have power, good or bad. Once something is said, it is put out in the atmosphere and cannot be retrieved. No special formula is needed, just believe and achieve!!!
Know and understand your "WHY". Why do you want to achieve this goal? How will life be better for you (you, your family, etc.) after achieving this goal? What was the breaking point that made you decide that it was time for a change?
Become excited about the goal. If you are not enthusiastic about achieving, it will become challenging to focus on it. Get a picture of the finish line in your mind and use that as motivation to finish to the end.
Make good use of your time every day, commonly referred to as Time Management. To have the right mindset is one thing, but we must purposely and purposefully put a plan into action. This is indeed one way to show ourselves how serious we are about our goal; we make it a priority. We list our daily tasks and the approximate time of day we complete that task as well as the duration. The allocation of time put towards that goal can begin.
Be in good company. Who we spend the most time around can have a direct effect on our personal growth. They can either encourage us in our journey or distract us with negativity. Are you able to comfortably share your dreams/aspirations with the people whom you hold dear? Will they support you? Will they give you moral support as well as constructive (yet tactful) criticism to steer you in the right direction? Are they productive? Does their vibe feel genuine towards you? Again, who we grant access to makes all of the difference.
To conclude. you must feel empowered on the inside which will enable you to adapt and maintain the right mindset to be successful. You must consistently speak positivity over all your goals. Words are powerful. Mindset is everything. The right mindset can take you places further than what you can imagine.
Read more from Deeana!

Deeana Tate, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Author of you: yes YOU: Comprehensive self-care for the everyday busy lifestyle and Founder/Owner of Beaute’ de la dame D LLC (Lady D’s Beauty), Deeana has been in the Beauty industry since 2015, correlating it with the Health and Wellness industry helping others look and feel their best. She decided to make strides to become a certified Health and Wellness Coach. Furthermore, Deeana decided to focus on Weight Management and Nutrition Coaching, to be able to assist others who may be struggling with lifestyle choices but have the desire and willingness to do better. Changing lives for the better, one mind at a time. Signed, your wellness strategist & health coach.