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How To Change? It Is Easier Than You Think

Written by: Anton Broers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When you look at your life, you probably observe that there are things you are very happy with and there are also things you would like to change. This is common for most people. It is wise to be grateful for the things that work well in your life. It is also wise to take responsibility for the things that you don’t like. Most people though don’t do either. We forget to celebrate the good things in life and we don’t take action to change.

 I can do it, wrote on note pad

One of the prime reasons people don’t change is that they do not know how. They are stuck in their ways and believe that change is simply not possible. ‘This is what it is’ is a mindset that I frequently detect. It is possible to change and it is simpler than you might think. Change to improve is very beneficial for your precious life. Read the wisdom about how to change in this article and be inspired and guided to improve your life!

Is it me?

One day a master was talking to a man and the man was complaining a lot about many aspects of his life. The master listened patiently and he then asked the man a question: “Who is the owner of your life?” The man thought for a while and he answered: ‘’That must be me, right?’’

The master nodded. ‘’I have another question for you. Who made your life into what it is today?’’ Again, the man thought about the question and then he said: ‘’I don’t know, master. I see that I have played my part but there are also influences from many other people on how my life has turned out. So I don’t know.”

“Have you participated in all of your life?’’ the master then asked the man. ‘’In some aspects yes and in some aspects no,’’ the man answered. ‘’What does not participating mean?’’ the master continued his questioning. And the man said upon some reflection: ‘’It means that I have accepted whatever other people deemed right for me or whatever other people wanted from me.’’

‘’You are very right,’’ the master spoke. ‘’And it still means that you have participated. As people, we can either actively participate or passively participate. What I would like you to understand is that either way, you are a participant in the creation of all of your life!”

When we look at our life, we will find that we all have things that we like and things that we don’t like. There are things we like to keep the way they are and things we like to change. This can apply to our personal life, our professional life, our relationships, our results for life. ‘Is it me?’ people ask when they reflect on their life. The wisdom answer is: yes, it is you! You have played a role in all that your life is today. Change can only happen if you accept that you have been a participant in all aspects of your life. It is wise to realise you are the owner of your life and you are responsible for your life. It is not only wise, it is also empowering. It means you have created your life, consciously or unconsciously, which also means you have the power to change whatever you might want to change.

How long does it take to change?

“So you say I can change my life?’’ the man asked the master, who nodded. ‘’How long does it take to change? I mean, if it takes years and years, is it all worth it?” The man enquired.

The master looked at the man. ‘’That is a very good question,’’ he said, ‘’but before I answer, let me first ask you a question. Imagine a room that has been dark for more than 10 years. Windows blocked and covered by curtains, doors not opened. My question is: how long does it take to bring the light?”

‘’Oh,’’ the man responded, ‘’that is an easy question. We can bring the light now. We only need to open the curtains or flip the light switch!’’ He had a smile on his face.

‘’Very good!’’ the master said, ‘’The same applies to change. You can change now! Change starts with a new thought and you can choose to bring in a new thought now. A new thought is the start of any change and you can change your thought now!’’

How long does it take to change? Many years? 6 months? A couple of weeks? Days? Wisdom is clear: change can happen now, in an instant. You can start the change of whatever it is you want to change instantaneously. It requires a new thought, a new idea, a new resolution, a new intention. It will take time for the change to materialise in your life but you can take the first step now. You don’t have to wait for anything or anybody to initiate the change. You can do it now!

How does change materialise?

“Ok master, I understand. I can change my thoughts now. What then does it take to bring the material change into my life?” the man asked.

“Our reality is always created twice,” the master explained. “Firstly in our mind, in our thoughts, and secondly in the material world. And in that order.”

“What order master?” the man enquired.

“First in our inside world, i.e. in our mind and emotions, then in our outside world, i.e. in our experience of life, in our relationships, in our successes. The bridge between our inner world and our outer world is made up by our actions. Our actions have the power to translate our thoughts, objectives and aspirations into the physical reality of our life!”

‘’What kind of actions are needed?” the man continued his questioning.

“If you want to turn your thoughts into the reality of your life, you should take consistent action in alignment with your goal and over a period of time. In time,” the master explained, ‘’your outside reality will reflect your inner change.’’

Change always starts with change on our inside, our world of thought and emotions. From there, through the right action, our inner change will translate into change in our outer experience. Wisdom says ‘as within, so without’ which confirms that we all possess the power to change because we all have the power to take control over our inside. First inside change, then outside change!

The master’s formula for change

If you want to change certain aspects of your life, you should know that it is possible! And it can be done faster and simpler than you might have imagined. Here is the master’s formula to trigger change in your life:

1. Know what it is you want to change

Clarity will always be needed first. What do you want? It is inevitable to get clear on what it is you want to change. If you don’t have clarity, how would you know what to think and what to do?

2. Commit to change, take ownership

Realise and accept that you are the owner of your own life’s creation. Your power to change lies in your own commitment toward… yourself! Commitment is step two for change realisation. Your commitment toward improving your own life!

3. Take the right action

Masters have said it throughout the ages: when you change your thoughts, you can change your life. Yes, change starts on the inside, in your thinking. But another step is needed: tangible action in alignment with your change goals. Based on such action, in time, the change you are seeking will become a reality in your life.

Don’t wait to improve your life!

Usually we do know where we would like to improve our life, where we would like to change. Maybe you want more joy. Maybe you want better relationships. Maybe you want more freedom? Maybe you want better results? We all have change wishes. Don’t wait to start to make the necessary changes. Life is uncertain. We do not know what life will bring us. So don’t wait because it may be too late. Your life is happening now and you owe it to yourself to improve your life now! Change is possible. For everybody. We all have the power to take our life in our own hands and apply the master’s formula for change. Do it now to create the biggest benefit for your precious life.

Sometimes we may need help in our life. Help from the right coach who can guide us and show us the path. The coach who gives us the right insight and practical tools and guidance. The coach who is grounded in wisdom and whose life reflects what it is we are seeking. I am working with my clients every day to help them to improve their lives and it works. My client base is steadily growing. Contact me if you are clear on what it is you want to change and committed to make your life bigger, better, brighter and braver. I can show you the how now!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Anton!


Anton Broers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anton Broers is a leading mindset coach and trainer based in Europe. He is a former senior business leader at a global brand who spent time in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Anton is a keen student of ancient spiritual wisdom made simple for modern-day application. As the CEO of Mind ur Life in the Netherlands, he helps children, adults, and businesses toward happiness, success, fulfilment, and freedom. Anton’s mission is to introduce the world to the power of the mind to create the life and results we desire.

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