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How To Become Your Best Self – 5 Tips Everyone Should Know

Written by: Jacqueline Neuwirth, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jacqueline Neuwirth

Have you ever wondered what it takes to really become the best version of yourself? The journey to become your best self is different for each person. The one thing is common is living authentically. It's about discovering the core of who you and stepping into your full potential to create a life that's deeply fulfilling and true to who you are!

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Here are five transformative steps to guide you on the path to success in creating your best life

Step 1: Spend time with yourself

The foundation of becoming your best self is self-awareness. It's about turning the gaze inward and getting curious about who you are at your core. Self-improvement involves observing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with a compassionate, non-judgmental mindset. 

Start these new skills by journaling daily or meditating. Here are some great journaling prompts. These practices can help you tune into your inner voice and understand what truly matters to you. Reflect about your family, what you want to achieve, your health, your happiness, set goals and think about self-care

Journaling is a healthy habit that leads to success. Remember, self-awareness and the relationship with yourself is not a destination but a continuous journey of discovery and understanding, one that will create a more confident you!

Step 2: Set intentions that align with your core values

Once you have a clearer understanding of who you are, it's crucial to align your life with your core values. Your values are the compass that guides your decisions, actions, and priorities so you can lead your best life. Take time to identify what values are most important to you—whether it's creativity, connection, integrity, or something else entirely. Then, set intentions that resonate with these values. 

Discovering your intentions is powerful because it will set the direction for your life and help you focus on what you genuinely want to manifest. I have a wonderful exercise I include in my coaching sessions that is very successful in uncovering my clients core values, or what I consider their “essence”. It’s a fun process that really gets people thinking. Exploring your authentic self can teach you how to be true to yourself in a relationship, to be comfortable in your own skin, and to live the life of your dreams.

Step 3: Embrace growth and learning

Becoming your best self is a dynamic process that involves growth and evolution. It may requires stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences. Adopt a growth mindset, where you see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. 

Whether it's picking up a new hobby, learning a new skill, or simply changing up your routine, these experiences can lead to profound personal growth. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is progress on your journey. A growth journal may help keep you accountable—track your time and how you choose to spend it.

Step 4: Cultivate positive relationships

An important tip...the people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our journey to becoming our best selves. Be a person who cultivates relationships with people who uplift, support, and challenge you to grow. These relationships can provide encouragement, inspiration, and accountability as you pursue your goals. 

Don't be afraid to set boundaries with those who drain your energy or detract from your growth. Instead, invest in connections that nourish your soul and bring out the best in you.

Step 5: Practice gratitude

An essential aspect of becoming your best self is cultivating an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking in your life to the abundance that's already present. Start or end your day by listing three things you're grateful for. This simple practice can transform your perspective and increase your overall sense of well-being.

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Becoming your best self is a journey filled with self-discovery, growth, and transformation and leads to better life satisfaction. It's about aligning your life with your core values, embracing new experiences, cultivating positive relationships, and giving back. 

Remember, this journey is uniquely yours, and there's no one “right” way to become your best self. Trust your intuition, be gentle with yourself, and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. 

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Jacqueline Neuwirth Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Neuwirth, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Neuwirth is an experienced Certified Life and Relationship Coach, CPP and Master Certified Neurolinguistic Programming Expert, MNLP. She supports clients in the full spectrum of love and relationship coaching including dating and finding love, healing from a breakup or heartache, navigating an existing relationship or deciding to stay or leave. Jacqueline is helps her clients foster confidence, self-esteem, and build communication skills which assist clients in all aspects of life, including family, career and friendships. Combining a holistic and strategic approach, Jacqueline helps people transform fear, confusion and anxiety into love, freedom, and success.

Her coaching incorporates a lifelong study of both Eastern and Western philosophy plus her ten year journey of working one-on-one with a Zen monk. To assist her clients, she incorporates Attachment Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Non-Violent Communication, Shamanic Studies and the Law of Attraction Principles. In addition, she brings in knowledge from a host of amazing teachers including Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Thich Nhat Hahn, Brené Brown, Esther Perel, Michael Singer, John Gottman, Helen Fisher and many more.

Jacqueline draws on her history as an award-winning entrepreneur, and previous owner of a 25-year career as a designer and art director working for Fortune 500 companies, along with a successful career as an exhibiting fine art oil painter with gallery representation across the US. She is also a mom, friend, sister, and inspired by all things related to personal development and finding joy, easy and flow in life!

If you are ready to make lasting change, visit her website and sign up for a free consultation at



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