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How To Become A Happier Person

Written by: Sandra Daniele, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You might be asking yourself what does it even mean to be happy? Studies show that most happy people are optimistic. Life will always have ups and downs, but how you handle the turbulence makes a difference. Happy people tend to see the glass half full instead of half empty. If you have spent most of your life feeling down and out, the leap to happiness can seem far and long. Don’t be discouraged, one small step at a time. If you are looking to become a happier person in the new year, here are 8 suggestions to move you in that direction.

8 Ways to Become a Happier Person

1. Stop Focusing on Pleasing Others

It is hard to be happy when all your attention and efforts are placed on pleasing another person. If you are constantly acting and reacting based on others' needs you are neglecting the most important person in your life, you. Put the focus back on you and stop working so hard to please other people.

2. Leave Perfectionism at the Door

Perfection is a myth. Trying to create the perfect appearance, write the perfect paper, have the perfect house or whatever you might be striving to do, is both unattainable and unrealistic. This drive to be and/or appear perfect can lead to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Be okay with doing the best you can. Sure there may be room for improvement, which is great because letting go of perfectionism will have you whistling while you work.

3. Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes and Fail

You learn and grow through mistakes. If you aren’t making mistakes then you probably aren’t trying new things. Life is more fun when you push past fear and try new things. As a human, you are bound to make mistakes and those mistakes mean you are living and taking chances.

4. Figure Out What Truly Makes You Happy

Have you given much thought to what you used to enjoy doing as a kid? Maybe think about a time when you were working on something and looked up only to find that day had turned into night. It is those moments that you have lost track of time that you are doing something you enjoy. Usually, when working on things you enjoy you are feeling happy without even realizing it. Pay attention to days when time flies. How can you incorporate more of what you enjoy doing into your everyday life?

5. Be Open to Doing Something Different

If day in and day out you find yourself feeling like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day it’s time to shake things up. Getting stuck in a routine that is comfortable and familiar is a quick way to turn down the volume of your happiness. Next time someone asks you to try something new, say yes. Change your morning routine simply by finding a new route to work. Get up earlier on Saturday and take a walk in a new neighborhood. Anything outside of the norm will put some zing back in your life.

6. Change What Isn’t Working

It is really hard to be happy when you are in a job, relationship or environment that isn’t working for you. The new year is a great time to take inventory of what is and isn’t working in your life. If you know that your job is a drag on your mental health, consider looking for a new one or talking to your boss about a change. If you are in a difficult relationship, have a tough conversation with your partner. Change can be challenging, but happiness is waiting for you on the other side.

7. Commitment and Accountability

Being happy is a commitment. You have to commit to the goal and desire to show up differently and implement new ways of thinking, acting and being to achieve your desired outcome. Commitment is the first step and then holding yourself accountable to the promises you make is the key to unlocking your happiness.

8. Participate and Take Action

Ready, set, go. Nothing changes if you don’t change. You must participate and take action towards your goal of being and feeling happier. It won’t happen all on it’s own. You are going to have to start working through these 8 suggestions and take action on them. There is no particular order this has to be done, but for change to happen you have to refocus your attention on what matters.

Final Thoughts

I know you can become a happier version of yourself. In fact, I am confident it is possible. I can say this with 100% certainty because at one point in my life I didn’t believe happiness existed. I honestly thought people were really good at acting. I thought these people with the big smiles and loud laughs must go home exhausted because I certainly didn’t have the interest or enthusiasm to show up in places as excited as they did.

Fast forward to the present and now not only do I have the interest and enthusiasm I also have the big smile and laugh. I have found my way to happiness and now I help others uncover what is holding them back from finding their happiness. If you want to know how we could work together and make your desire for a happier 2022 a reality visit my website.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Sandra Daniele, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sandra Daniele is a certified life coach who has helped numerous women break through limiting beliefs that held them back from relationships, jobs, and the life they desired to live. Sandra is passionate about joining women on their journey to self-love and acceptance while guiding them to confidently show up as who they are, not who they think they need to be. She has discovered the secrets to identifying what is most important in life and how to live authentically. She gladly shares these secrets with her clients. In her free time, Sandra enjoys beach yoga, reading, and time with family and friends.

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