Written by: Zach Bailey, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Are you operating as the CEO you know you’re truly capable of? Are you showing up with sustained mental and physical energy to pour into your business every single day? Are you radiating confidence and conviction? Are you in control of your health and habits?

If you aren’t, this article is for you.
I would like to provide you with a brief passage of inspiration, followed by a digestible and actionable framework to help you start developing into the ELITE version of yourself immediately, without any more procrastination, analysis, or self-sabotage.
As an entrepreneur, the extent to which you realize your true potential is directly related to the extent to which you develop yourself.
This is why Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn have both said “work harder on yourself than you do on your business” and “If you want to 2x your business, 3x your personal growth”.
Your business strategy is important, but what good does a bulletproof plan do you if you lack energy, focus, health, and confidence?
As the driver of the ship, you need to optimize yourself to be the highest quality captain you can be.
Your team, partners, clients, and ultimately anyone involved in your vision are not going to be led by a person who cannot lead themselves.
And if you’re not leading yourself in the department of your self-growth, if you’re not disciplined with yourself, it will become evident sooner or later to the world, if it isn’t already.
You’ve likely been aware that you need to make a change for a while now, but even if it’s a recent realization, the second you admit to yourself that you need to improve, it’s your DUTY and OBLIGATION to carry it out.
Every second you wait to start developing into the next level version of yourself is another person not helped, another client not served, another team member that didn’t buy in, another person you could have inspired, but didn’t.
Every second you wait is another ounce of your max potential left on the table at the end of the line, leaving you with that piercing, unescapable regret none of us want to feel as we get older. The “what if”.
Now, to transition into the framework, it’s time to define the fully optimized version of yourself. Define and imagine your ELITE-Self
You’re healthy, and energized, you have your dream body. You have real self-confidence. You have developed into the version of yourself you know you’re truly capable of. Imagine this version. What is different? How have they leveled up? How do they think, feel and act? What do they look like? What is the life they have created? How do they show up as an entrepreneur?
See and Feel it.
Now, Why is it important that you become this version of yourself?
I want you to define to yourself WHY it is IMPERATIVE that you make a change NOW. I can talk all day, but ultimately you have your own “why”. Defining both the pleasure you’re attaining and the pain you’re avoiding by changing will serve as potent psychological fuel for you to follow through on the commitments you’re going to make in a second.
Answer these questions with serious, deep thought:
With that version of yourself in mind, why does that development need to happen? Why must this change happen? How will this impact my life and business? What would improve in my life and business if I became this version of myself? What will this do for me? Why must you not wait another second?
What pain will I experience if I don’t change? What impact would it have on my life and business if I did not level up in the ways I need to? How would this impact my ability to create my dream business, dream life and the impact on the world I know I’m truly capable of?
It’s time to DECIDE.
One decision can change your entire life. It’s time to DECIDE that you WILL become this version of yourself. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know how or how long it will take. DECIDE. Now is the time.
Now, as Tony Robbins Says “Never leave the scene of a decision without taking specific action towards its realization.”
You need to begin BEHAVING like the version of yourself you want to become in order to become it.
Let’s set your 90-day action plan.
What are 3 simple things you can commit to doing (or not doing) for the next 90 days?
The common tendency is to go all or nothing. This is usually unsustainable. Commit to 3 simple things and follow through on them immediately. Do them right now or schedule them in for later today.
And schedule them as recurring events in your calendar for the next 90 days for whatever frequency and duration you commit to. Create a checklist of the three items for each day so you can check off that you either did what you committed to, or didn’t do what you committed not to.
Take this seriously.
You need to start building consistency and confidence in yourself. This comes from following through on the promises you make to yourself.
90 days seems like a long time to just focus on three things, but if you crushed these 90 days, imagine the confidence and momentum you’d have to build on that for the following 90 days.
This can start to compound into some profound self-growth, and you could find yourself as a completely different person, mentally and physically within a year or two.
Cheers to your growth, success, and realization of your true potential.
You got this (START NOW).
To double down on your understanding of how you can change your life immediately, I would recommend reading Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins and consuming any and all of his content and materials.
Here is a super quick Youtube video of Grant Cardone talking about his journey, mentioning how self-growth was the catalyst that helped him start his climb to the top.

Zach Bailey, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Zach is an established Fitness & Mindset Mentor focused on helping the world's most ambitious entrepreneurs develop into what they define to be the max-potential versions of themselves mentally & physically (Their “EliteSelf”). Zach helps his entrepreneurs get in a movie star shape, become disciplined with their routines, create sustainable health, revitalize their energy, and 10X their confidence so they can take their business, life, and impact to new heights.
Zach is the Founder and CEO of EliteSelf Coaching, whose mission is to help solve every single world problem within this century by helping 1 Billion entrepreneurs develop into their EliteSelves. This mission will effectively create an army of the world's most ambitious, impact-oriented people who are becoming their max-potential selves, creating their dream lives, and impacting the world to the extent they know they’re truly capable of.