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How To Be Your Own Best Friend – 5 Strategies

Written by: Dr. Erika Montgomery, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Everyone needs a best friend. Have you ever had a best friend? If not, can you imagine what it would be like to have a best friend. Having a best friend means you trust this person with your deepest desires. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable with sharing your most inner thoughts and feelings with this person. You are comfortable and feel at home with this person. You are supportive and listened to by this person. You are accepting and compassionate towards this person. You care about this person’s wellbeing and happiness. You love this person unconditionally. You create memories with this person that last a lifetime. Does this sound familiar or inviting?

A photo of smiling woman in front of the mirror.

I often wonder why people treat their best friend better than they treat themselves. Why does your best friend get the better version of you? Well, I think you deserve to experience the best version of yourself. Your mission, if you choose, is to become your own best friend. Here are 5 strategies to becoming your own best friend.

1. Trust Yourself

You are more than just a physical being. You are an energetic being with our own vibrational frequency. You are a part of the divine energy that created this universe. Trust that the divine energy within you, that breathes you, created you for love and only wants you to experience abundance and love. What you truly desire, desires you too.

Mantra: “Everything always works out for my highest good, no matter what.”

2. Know Your Power

Accept responsibility for being the co-creator of your life experiences. Understand that the only person you are in control of changing is you. Everything starts and ends with you. You co-create through your beliefs, habitual thoughts, predominant emotions, spoken words and daily actions. So what does your heart desire? Ask yourself what you want without any limitations and believe you can have it. Be intentional every day about what you want and place your focused attention on the end result of what you desire; speak it, write it, dream about it, visualize it, and take inspired action. Where your attention goes your energy follows.

Mantra: “I am intentional about what I want.”

3. Be Kind To Yourself

Commit to only speaking kindly to yourself. Speak to yourself with words that are encouraging, uplifting, motivating, compassionate, and forgiving. Remember that being human means you are perfectly imperfect. You will make mistakes – that’s life! Life experiences are meant to teach, change, and grow you. You are an ongoing masterpiece in progress. Forgiveness is accepting that you are doing the best you can, with what you have, what you know, and at this moment in time.

Mantra: “As long as I breathe, I will continue to evolve into the best version of myself.”

4. Just Be You

Accept that no other human on the face of the earth can be you. You are the only one that can tell your story. There is no other person that has lived your life and experienced your journey. Your eyes have a unique perspective created from all of your experiences since the day you were born. So just be you.

Mantra: “I love myself unconditionally and I am loved infinitely.”

5. Be The Person You Want To Attract

The love you feel for yourself is the same vibration of the love you attract. So work on being a good listener. Work on forgiving yourself for past mistakes. Let go of negative emotions that keep your vibration low. Say goodbye to anyone that perpetuates cycles of anger, pain, resentment, worry, doubt, fear and the like. Say yes to new experiences that move you out of your comfort zone. Believe good things will happen to you. Have faith that love recognizes love. Your experiences teach you how to become a better you. Believe in your goodness.

Mantra: “I attract the love that I am.”

Being your own best friend means you are never alone. As a human being you are designed to be in partnership with the divine energy within you that breathes you and sustains your life. Along your life journey you are constantly evolving, learning, changing, and becoming who you want to be. You have been gifted with the awesome responsibility to co-create the best version of yourself that you can imagine. Believe that you were created for love and that you are abundant. From this day forward, make it your life’s mission to be your very own best friend. When you adopt these mantras and speak them daily, it will shift your mindset and open you up to a new experience of yourself. Remember that you are enough! You are worthy and deserving of living the best life you can imagine.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Dr. Erika Montgomery, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Erika Montgomery is a Clinical Psychologist and Life Coach with 25 years of experience providing mental health treatment. Dr. Montgomery owns an online CBD dispensary with Wakanna, a Female Black-Owned CBD Company, and advocates for the daily use of CBD for mental and physical health. Dr. Montgomery is a Mental Health consultant with the Social Security Administration for the past 11 years. Dr. Montgomery hosts a weekly podcast called, "Master Your Mind with Dr. Erika," on the Law of Attraction Radio Network. Dr. Montgomery believes every human is worthy of unconditional love and has the power within to change. My motto: "Mental Health Is Human Health."



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