Written by: LaTrenda George, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Happiness is a feeling that has a very positive effect on our mind as well body. To be happy one should know how to achieve it. Some people find happiness around themselves while spending time with people. On the other hand, some people find it more fulfilling when they are alone. They find happiness in solitude, in spending time with themselves.

Effective ways to be happy alone
Spending time with yourself can be an excellent opportunity to know yourself better, do the things you actually enjoy, and improve your mental health. Following are the ways you can adopt to be happier alone:
1. Practice self-love: Sometimes, we are our own biggest critique. When you are battling with this, it can lead to negativity and depression. Therefore, take some time out for yourself. And first, you have to tell yourself that it is normal to be alone sometimes. Moreover, it is very necessary to use positive affirmations of the things you do in your alone time. Reward yourself by doing something for yourself. Indulge in some self-grooming activity. And focus on your strengths and make them a staircase for yourself.
2. Learn something new: Alone time is the best time to learn something new. Engage yourself in the activities that you like but didn’t get enough time to practice. You can learn an absolutely new skill or polish an already acquired skill. It will be an accomplishment and so your brain will release necessary endorphins that are also known as happiness chemicals.
3. Do some physical exercise: When you get some alone time, you can indulge yourself in some physical exercises to get the necessary endorphins. Doing exercise not only will help you get your body in shape but also will make you feel good about yourself.
4. Spend time in nature:
People who spend time in nature are healthier mentally as well as physically as compared to the people who spend time indoors. The fresh breeze and green surroundings have a tranquilizing effect on the body. It is always recommended to spend at least 30 minutes in nature to improve your health.
5. Appreciate the things you have in your life: You can make a list of the things you have in your life and for what you are thankful for. Gratefulness is the feeling that can boost hopefulness and happiness. So, you should remind yourself of the things you have in your life. Jot down even the little things you have in your life. It will improve your mood.
When to seek professional help?
Being alone and feeling alone are two different things. You can be alone and enjoy your alone time. But feeling alone leads to depression and anxiety. If you are feeling alone and couldn’t make yourself content by doing anything, you should immediately seek professional help. Takeaway
Spending some alone time can be a fruitful experience especially in this chaotic world. Engaging in positive activities, self-affirmation, and spending time in nature can assist you open doors to your new self.
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LaTrenda George, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
LaTrenda George is an author, podcaster, and transformational coach specializing in spiritual coaching and mentoring. She is also a certified mind, body, and soul practitioner and facilitator. LaTrenda brings eleven years of experience to the table, un-programming her clients from past challenges and teaching them how to live from within. She inspires and empowers others to act on their deepest desires.