Written by Dr. Dain Heer, Speaker and Author
Dr. Dain Heer is an avid explorer of possibilities and an internationally recognized author and speaker. As the founder of the annual International Being You Day and Co-creator of Access Consciousness, one of the largest personal development movements practiced in 176 countries, Dain serves as a catalyst for empowering individuals to realize they can change anything in their lives. For over 30 years, he has encouraged people to view their differences as strengths, amplify their uniqueness, and fully embrace their greatness!

For the longest time, I felt like a kid in a grown man’s body. I used to say I was a six-year-old with bigger and better toys. In a way, that was, and still is, true. There is an unquenchable sense of playful wonder at my core, and I’ve discovered that it’s an undeniable part of what makes me: me!

However, a few years back, I began to realize that there was another energy and frequency available to me. I was not yet claiming a frequency that could co-create with that playfulness and turn my capacity into a superpower.
What I am talking about is being an adult of consciousness, embracing the frequency that shapes not only the present but also our past and future.
From the moment we’re children, we’re sold the idea that there is an underlying quest a mission, if you will to grow up and become adults. But here’s the kicker: growing older doesn’t automatically make us wiser or more conscious. We achieve milestones like driving or voting, but we still miss the essence of what it truly means to be an adult.
We’re never shown how to become an adult of consciousness, someone who leads with possibilities rather than perpetuates the status quo. As I started to explore and step into this frequency of adulthood, I found that every layer opened another one, creating a new platform for me to leap off.
If you’re curious how to implement this in your own life, read on.
An adult of consciousness is someone who recognizes that they are responsible for how their life shows up. They own their choices and understand they're never really wrong or right; it’s all part of a unique journey.
And with that, they have a sense of freedom where there’s no blame, no self-victimization, and no guilt over past choices. Instead, there’s a recognition that every choice creates. If they find that past or present choices aren’t creating what they desire, they know they have the power to change it, and it’s up to them, no one else.
As an adult of consciousness, you don’t have to define yourself as superior or inferior to others. Instead, you are the kind of presence in the room that people are drawn to while maintaining that sense of engagement with everyone around you. An important aspect of being an adult of consciousness is a willingness to face everything head-on. There is no need to avoid uncomfortable conversations or difficult situations; rather, those are all doors to what can create more since consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. With this as your platform, you will always be ready to choose again, to move on, and to embrace new possibilities. That’s the essence of being an adult of consciousness, choosing, moving forward, and living in awareness.
No more looking outside
It took me quite a while to start navigating my life from this place, even with the tools of consciousness that I use every day. Like most of us, I was caught in the trap of looking “out there” at what “they” were doing about the state of the world. I had a lot of points of view and judgments about what “they” should be doing regarding all those challenges that I had decided were beyond my reach.
We’re all taught that this is the way the world works. Society places celebrities, wealth, and power figures at the forefront, telling us that they alone can create change. But what I’ve discovered from working with thousands of people is that true change comes from those ready to step beyond the status quo and those willing to be pioneers of potential.
“They” are not responsible for change; WE ARE. Living as an adult of consciousness means understanding that the power resides within you. It's so easy to wish for someone else to step up and blame external circumstances, but that just perpetuates a cycle of disempowerment. The real shift happens when you realize that the voice of change, the catalyst for transformation, comes from you.
When that realization finally hit me, it was a game-changer! I recognized that I was much more powerful than I had been willing to acknowledge. And in every area of my life, not just on the playing fields I had claimed up until that point. With that shift, something unexpected began to occur. I relaxed!
So I get it; it may feel like adulthood is a heavyweight, a burden of responsibility resting squarely on your shoulders. But what if stepping into consciousness offers freedom instead of an additional burden? What if when you own your ability to shape reality with every choice, living becomes less about obligation and more about possibility and play?
Frealz! My inner six-year-old exclaims!
Changing the past
What it boils down to is that if you want to create and live in an adult world, you must also be willing to ask for it, receive it, and be it. That means getting totally present with both what is and what has been.
One of the most magical side-effects of becoming an adult of consciousness is that you can change your past! When we function as a powerless child, our lives tend to follow a set manuscript that we were handed at an early age to follow along. But what if, as an adult of consciousness, you can ditch that story and go off script completely? With the potency you have, you can make choices when it comes to the present, the future, and yes, even the past! The way you choose to be today with your past, in all its grit and glory, is part of how you’re shaping your future. The child you once were did its very best to handle what was going on at the time. But now you are an adult (of consciousness)!
So, as that adult, take a moment and thank that child for getting through, finding ways, and surviving. And for bringing you here, to this moment, where you can choose to let go of that story, of all stories, and every presumptive reality they created. Here and now, where you can ask questions from a bigger, adult perspective from the consciousness that includes everything and judges nothing.
Questions like: What was right with my past that I haven’t acknowledged yet? And if I acknowledged it, what magic can I choose to be now that I’ve never even considered being before?
Hello, big, bold, and beautiful pioneer of possibilities!
Read more from Dr. Dain Heer
Dr. Dain Heer, Speaker and Author
Having grown up in a challenging environment in Los Angeles, Dain faced constant adversity but chose resilience over victimhood. His determination to create positive change has fueled every aspect of his work, from facilitating global classes to authoring books and developing business ventures embodying benevolent capitalism principles.
Dain draws from his personal experience to inspire individuals from all walks of life to create the money, happiness, and life they truly desire. In his talks and workshops, he offers a set of tools and step-by-step energetic processes that help people break free from limiting conclusions and judgments, guiding them toward a place of choice and transformative change.
As a conscious and innovative business leader, Dain’s passion for possibilities and creating a better planet fuels all of his projects, including Castello di Casalborgone, a luxurious castle in Italy restored to its former glory; a thriving ranch in Houston; and EL Lugar, a fully sustainable eco-retreat in Costa Rica, designed in harmony with the earth.