Sandra Akkermans is an exceptional medium and hypnosis practitioner who has positively impacted the lives of thousands. Through her expertise, she has enabled countless individuals to gain profound insights into their personal blockages and life lessons, empowering them to strive towards becoming the best versions of themselves.

Taking care of your mental health is super important, but it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing. This is when we use spiritual beliefs or practices to dodge the real emotional issues we should be facing. Think of it like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound and hoping it magically heals. Spoiler alert: it usually doesn’t!

So, let’s dive into a light-hearted, step-by-step guide to help you avoid spiritual bypassing and take meaningful responsibility for your mental well-being!
1. Recognize spiritual bypassing
First things first: What is spiritual bypassing? It’s when you use spiritual concepts to sidestep your emotional challenges. For example, telling someone to “just think positive” when they’re feeling down is like handing someone an umbrella in a tornado, a nice gesture, but not super helpful.
Spiritual practices like affirmations, manifestation, or even cacao ceremonies can be great, but if you’re using them to avoid real responsibility, you might be on shaky ground.
2. Identify your coping mechanisms
Let’s face it: we all have our go-to coping strategies. Do any of these sound familiar?
Binge-watching Netflix like it’s your full-time job?
Scrolling through social media like a squirrel on caffeine?
Playing video games instead of tackling that to-do list?
Snacking on all the junk food as if it were your soulmate?
Using substances like cigarettes, weed, or wine to escape?
These are coping mechanisms that can help us deal with feelings we’d rather not confront. Acknowledge them, but don’t let them be your besties!
3. Watch your behavior
Take a good, hard look at your habits. Are you:
Making excuses like a pro?
Mastering the art of procrastination?
Hoarding stuff like you’re preparing for the apocalypse?
Struggling to keep your space tidy?
Finding it hard to hit the gym or start that healthy lifestyle?
These behaviors are signs you might be feeling emotionally overwhelmed. No judgment here—we’ve all been there!
If you’re curious to dig deeper, sessions like Quantum Hypnosis or soul readings can help you uncover those pesky patterns.
4. Listen to your thoughts
Now, let’s peek inside that busy mind of yours. Are your thoughts running wild like a pack of raccoons in a dumpster?
Do you believe every thought that pops up?
Are you identifying so much with your thoughts that you think they’re the gospel truth?
It’s time to take responsibility for your mindset. Just because everyone else is using certain coping mechanisms doesn’t mean you should jump on that train. Meditation (in any form) can be your lifeline to calm that chaotic mind.
When you ignore your coping mechanisms, behaviors, and thoughts, trying to manifest your dream life becomes a bit like trying to bake a cake without any ingredients. You’re the chef of your reality, so don’t skimp on the important stuff!
5. Be honest with yourself
Let’s get real for a moment. It’s time to stop the sedation. When you choose to avoid your feelings, you’ll definitely get uncomfortable. So, grab a journal and write about those feelings before you give in again. What’s making you want to escape?
Stop making excuses, too. Write down what you feel right before you make a decision to avoid something. What’s causing you to feel emotionally unsafe or overwhelmed? This can be tough, but give yourself some time to sit with these questions without overthinking. Just feel!
We all have emotional bumps in the road. When those feelings rise, we often resort to our coping mechanisms. But if you stop them, the anxiety may rise, and that’s where the magic begins. You might just catch a glimpse of what’s really going on.
6. Acknowledge your trauma
Emotional unsafeness often comes from trauma. Recognize what’s been running the show. Feel it, acknowledge it, and then let it go. Remember, you are not your trauma; it’s just a program playing in the background. Time to hit the “stop” button!
Again, if this feels too daunting, professional help like Quantum Hypnosis can be super beneficial. You don’t have to navigate this solo!
7. Let go
Once you’ve recognized and felt your trauma and triggers, it’s time to let them go. Now, this is where all those wonderful tools, like affirmations, reiki, or even a chocolate bliss ceremony, can really shine. Use them wisely!
Stop gaslighting yourself with spiritual bypassing. If you find yourself going in circles, trying to “work on yourself” without really addressing anything, it’s time to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and behaviors. And remember, asking for help is totally okay!
In conclusion
So there you have it! By following these steps, you can avoid spiritual bypassing and take charge of your mental health. Be kind to yourself on this journey; you’re doing great! And remember, facing your feelings might be uncomfortable at first, but it’s a whole lot better than hiding behind a mountain of spiritual fluff. Happy healing!
Sandra Akkermans, Medium, QHHT Practitioner, Ceremonial Guide
Sandra Akkermans, with her innate gift, guides individuals to explore their inner selves deeply. Since childhood, she displayed a remarkable ability to see others' true potential. Despite challenges, societal pressures, and emotional suppression, Sandra eventually reconnected with her inner voice.
Now, driven by a passion to empower others, she dedicates herself to facilitating transformative journeys. Her mission: reigniting the connection to your inner voice, fostering self-awareness, and unlocking your true potential. Through her guidance, Sandra aims to elevate consciousness and guide individuals towards ultimate bliss.