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How To Ask For Spiritual Help – A Sustaining Prayer

Written by: Dani Green, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dani Green

Years ago, I found myself between jobs. It took about nine months to recover from my previous job, and I needed help. I was moving from a narrow way of life to a broad and more loving way. I went to a wide array of healing practitioners to help me discover myself anew. An Intuitive assured me that my loved ones who have gone to the next realm could assist me when I asked. A lightworker sang light-power songs for me to connect spiritually to all available assistance. I had my astrological chart and tarot cards read for additional insight. I listened to over 100 books to learn as much as possible about everything! I finally felt I understood how much help was available to me on a day-to-day basis.

Silhouette of woman raising her hands

I spent the next ten years writing and making changes to the following prayer. Every word rings true in my heart. I hope it benefits you, too. Have you ever considered how much spiritual help there is available to you?


Infinite Source,

Divine Love/God with All and Our Dear Mother Earth,

Jesus, the Eternal Christ, and All Ascended Masters

Holy Spirit of Love and The Great Spirit,

The Archangels and My Guardian Angels,

Simply Love and My Spirit Guides,

And My Loved Ones and Teachers – Past, Present and Future.

I humbly ask for and receive your help with gratitude,

within Me and without Me.

Let us join hand in hand in hand,

with My Eternal Soul, My Divinity,

And My Evolving Self and Soul, My Humanity,

for Emotional and Spiritual Freedom and Prosperity for the World!

Amen – so be it.

Namaste – the Divine in Me Celebrates the Divine in You!


Envision a circle of support and protection

My lightworker friend suggested I envision these spiritual helpers as always forming a sphere of support and protection around me. I recite this prayer when I wake up at night, driving to work and anytime it comes to mind. I once shared this prayer with a group of women, and one woman said she could see a pillar of light shine above my head. Wow!


I have listed the prayer again to show where you can discern your spiritual helpers. If you would like to discover the name of your Ascended Master, Spirit Guide, or Life Purpose, book a free Discovery Call. I would be happy to help you because I love you!


Infinite Source,

Divine Love / ___________________ (name your Deity) with All and Our Dear Mother Earth,

____________________ (name your Ascended Master) and All Ascended Masters

Holy Spirit of Love and The Great Spirit,

The Archangels and My Guardian Angels,

_______________________ (name your lead Spirit Guide) and My Spirit Guides,

And My Loved Ones and Teachers – Past, Present and Future.

I humbly ask for and receive your help with gratitude

within Me and without Me.

Let us join hand in hand in hand,

with My Eternal Soul, My Divinity,

And My Evolving Self and Soul, My Humanity,

for _________________________________________________ (name your life purpose).

Amen – so be it.

Namaste – the Divine in Me Celebrates the Divine in You


Your Signature ___________________________________________________


Date __________________________________


Let Dani be your guide to finding your spiritual helpers

Dani is offering a free 20-minute The Emotion Code session, which helps to energetically remove an inherited or current emotion.

Activate Your Soul Power! Live Your Infinite Greatness! Be Your Own Hero! 

Book a FREE Breakthrough phone call and find out about The Soul Power Experience, One and D.O.N.E. Weight Release, or Intuitive Hypnosis sessions! Go to

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Dani Green Brainz Magazine

Dani Green, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dani Green is a certified hypnotherapist, speaker, author and spiritual activist. Dani’s core focus and passion is to guide clients to rewrite the past, present, and future Story they tell themselves at the subconscious level and to discover their own Inner Mantras.

Dani has a 12-session course called The Soul Power Experience. The courses, Be Smoke Free and One & D.O.N.E. Weight Release are each six sessions. Dani also offers Intuitive sessions.

Dani opened her hypnotherapy practice in 2015 and uses client-centered hypnotherapy, as well as The Emotion Code, PSYCH-K, and RIM.

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