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How the Power of Intention Helps You Achieve New Levels in Business

Written by: Sonja Martinovic, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When was the last time you were very intentional about a goal for your business or life?

Let's dive into the journey of what 'intention and focus' can mean for your business instead of giving you tips right off the bat. I want to start with the story that led up to this article.

I am not ‘lucky.’ I never win anything.

After a particular range of experiences, coincidences as some might call it, I learned that nothing is coincident unless you choose to see it that way. I always believed I never win anything in life. I always had to work hard for it and earn success.

Until May 2019, there it was, out of the blue. I won a full scholarship for Unleash the Power Within, a life-changing event of Tony Robbins. I didn’t even know I was part of a raffle, only for the US events. I had to fly from Amsterdam to Miami, Florida.

In the process of unleashing my inner power.

Day 1. There I was, Unleash the Power Within, between 13,000 people in a vast arena having the time of my life, Tony was crushing it, instantly changing people's lives. How come then I felt like I wasn't unleased? It didn’t make sense.

Day 2. I returned to the arena. Tony Robbins was not there. Joseph McClendon lll, an experienced neuroscientist, was instead on stage. Who would know, he had the exact combination to unlock my potential? Challenge, belief, and humor that’s exactly what I needed to breakthrough. What a blessing to meet this amazing speaker.

With this intention, energy, and confidence, I could walk any fire.

Fast forward to February 2021. I decided to launch a podcast in addition to my mindset mastery and online business coaching. I was intentional. I was focused. I knew I would hit the charts and make an impact because I set my Intention on it and removed any distractions possible.

Intention is the promise to make your goal happen, no matter what.

On Launch Day, I hit ten international charts in the top 200 positions, US, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and top 30 in several European countries. I interviewed a couple of sought-after entrepreneurs and influencers who are not only financially wealthy but abundant on many levels in life and business.

I did this, without an official podcast coach, without any knowledge on podcasting, with an Instagram account that I haven't used at all for over 2 years, without a big following.

With a mission, with an intention, and with people wanting to contribute to my mission.

All the way from peers to significant influencers, followers, and clients.

One thing, one direction, all my energy. After intention, focus follows.

Guess who I had as one of my Launch partners?

Yes, Joseph McClendon, who served and impacted over 4,5 million lives, right there at my brand-new podcast, helping me launch it. How did I do that? Keep reading. I will keep it clean and simple because things are as simple or complex as we make them for energy and manifestation. I will give you the keys to the achievement of any audacious goals in business or life.

The five key elements to achieving success with intention:

1. Be crystal clear on what you want with intense energy.

To have clarity with intense energy, you will have to let go of emotions, causing lower energies like doubt, negative thoughts, or the need to control the outcome. Set an intention that arouses feelings like excitement, gratitude, victory, joy, and bliss. I wanted to hit the charts because I want to reach as many people as possible and help people break free from anything that stops them from making an impact in their business and other people’s lives and when I talk about it, you can feel my energy.

2. Park limiting beliefs, set big goals.

You make decisions to take actions on what you think is true, consciously but mostly subconsciously. You don't get new results using old recipes. You can create your next level by actually creating it. Through consistent action, believing in the desired outcome without giving up until you succeed. You create the opportunity. Whether you think you can or can't, you are right, as my friend Joseph McClendon says wisely.

3. Focus. Remove distractions. I mean, really remove distractions.

If you didn't suffer from shiny object syndrome, FOMO, comparison, being busy to be busy syndrome already. I am sure the pandemic and 2020 have challenged your focus and adaptability massively. Your brain is wired to protect you and make sure you are safe and survive. Your brain knows being short-sighted is a safer way to cope right now. But since we have some time to adapt, it's up to the leader to create a new culture. Remove any object of distraction, phone, alarms, notifications. You will not lose anything. You will gain quick progress by following one uninterrupted path—the pathway to success.

4. Take consistent action. No matter what. Again, with intense energy.

Do you know you have the energy? Do you know, everything, material or immaterial, is energy? How much are you willing to invest? When is the currency energy? Do you want to go all-in and win, or at least give it your best shot and learn great lessons for the next try? Or are you going in with a little energy everywhere and not really moving forward? The more energy you point in one direction, the quicker and more secure your win is with intensity.

5. Keep raising energy — your energy, your team, your goal.

The last key element is the power of persuasion. Once you believe in something that hasn't manifested yet, you can still raise the energy and attract people and the material equivalents to you.

Can you even imagine what will happen if you keep increasing your well-being, physically, mentally, spiritually, and affect your environment with it?

Do you want to find your combination to unlock your potential and the next level in business and life? Join our mission and listen to Joseph's full episode and many more influencers of growth and abundance on Podcast the Vault with Sonja Martinovic.

Comment unlocked level up divedeeper or anything close to you if this article moved you.

With gratitude,

Sonja Martinovic

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Sonja Martinovic, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sonja Martinovic, is a Mindset Mastery, online business coach, and top-ranked podcast host.

After 15+ years as an International Sales Manager, certified coach, and trainer of the Sales academy, she was quite surprised by her feeling of emptiness. Since then she burned the corporate boat and stepped into true transformation and online business on the next level. She is on a mission to create a stream of influencers, creating a ripple effect in improving people's lives. With her coaching and hosting experts on her 'The Vault with Sonja Martinovic' podcast, she is well on her way to unlocking potentials, removing limiting beliefs, providing strategies, and intentionally create businesses of Impact.

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