Written by: Tim Nash, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Je ne parle pas anglais.
Lost and alone in the Gare du Nord in the middle of Paris, this was the unhelpful answer I got whenever I asked for help.
I had flown into the city a week earlier and had even managed to find my way into the center of town…despite a city-wide transport strike.

But this was a whole new animal. One which required help.
Looking to secure an overnight billet de nuit to Provence, I needed to both validate my Eurorail pass and pay a supplement.
After this rough start I would go on to successfully navigate a few dozen European train stations and airports over the summer of 1996.
I knew I would eventually get the hang of international travel, but I had no idea I would be developing skills that would serve me on my professional path…
25 years later, it is still a beloved hobby of mine. But not because it helps me in my work. That is just a nice coincidence.
You might think that designing a piece of jewelry or another one of your hobbies is a waste of time…you would be wrong.
Before we look at exactly how your hobby and non-work interests help you, consider that “work is a highly creative process,” according to psychologist and Management Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Here is what the distinguished professor has to say about it:
It involves “fluency, or the ability to generate a great quantity of ideas; flexibility, or the ability to switch from one perspective to another; and originality in picking unusual associations of ideas.”
Do any of this sound familiar?
In your job, how often do you need to switch perspectives to hear all sides, consider all arguments (flexibility)?
When problem-solving, how important is the ability to generate ideas (fluency)?
For complex problems, does it help to choose and connect unrelated or unusual associations of ideas (originality)?
Perspective-gathering. Problem-solving. Connecting ideas.
If you work in the world of computers and phone calls like me, I am sure you do all three in your job.
According to Mr. Csikszentmihalyi, “creative individuals are remarkable for their ability to adapt to almost any situation and to make do with whatever is at hand to reach their goals”.
If you did not have the ability to adapt and be resourceful with what you have, you would be out of a job.
Your answers to the three questions show how important creative skills are and how often you use them.
What does current research say?
In Fast Company’s “Why Your Side Hobby Can Make You Better at Work” Jory Mackay points out:
“…a growing crop of research and anecdotal evidence suggests that spending time and energy on unrelated tasks, hobbies, and interests can actually supercharge our ability to learn and grow, making us even better at all our work.”
Consider three research-based benefits from the eye-opening article:
Wider Range of Knowledge Cognitive scientist Art Markman says these Expert Generalists “have a wide variety of knowledge… [and] are able to use this knowledge to suggest new ways to look at problems [and] are also good at translating across areas of expertise.”
Think about it – the wider range of knowledge you have, the more dots you will have to connect. And you can NEVER have too many of those.
Sense of Mastery
According to a recent study on the correlation between hobbies and job performance, practicing your hobby “gives you a sense of mastery…you’re developing new skills, new thought processes and really challenging yourself to learn something new and develop your skill set.”
Innovative Ideas from Unrelated Things – It is a natural conclusion that the more diverse knowledge you have, the higher the likelihood of you creating something truly unique and innovative. The article presents the example of inventor Stan Weston, who took two unrelated interests, dolls and the army, to create the first doll for boys (G.I. Joe).
“While they might seem completely unrelated to the work you do, those random interests combined with your day-to-day tasks can easily become the catalyst for uncovering something truly new and creative.”
And if the above reasons and benefits are not enough, consider just this one:
You enjoy doing it. Therefore, it gives you energy. Energy helps you in EVERYTHING you do.
EVERY ONE OF US needs a keen sense of focus to be able to do our best work. But denying yourself hobbies and other non-work-related interests can hold you back from doing your best.
The next time you feel guilty for spending time on something other than work, remember that you are expanding your range of knowledge and developing a sense of mastery.
Furthermore, innovative ideas come from unrelated things.
Despite what these experts say, the main reason that I believe my hobbies help me in my work is personal experience.
Case in point – here are three “work-beneficial” skills that my international travel hobby has helped me develop (with real-life examples):
Problem-solving - “I’ve missed my connection and need to find another train/plane to take or where I’m going to stay tonight.”
Adaptability - “Every hotel is booked in this city so I need to find someplace to stay outside of the city.”
People skills - “I’ve never been in this station/airport, so I need to find a stranger and ask for help.”
And international travel continues to provide opportunities to learn, grow and adapt.
In 2017 my wife and I visited Africa for the first time (featured image).
It was Paris all over again – a missed flight connection in Namibia, a sketchy border crossing from Botswana into South Africa…critical situations when good problem-solving skills were required.
Smart Phones and Google Maps have certainly made travel A LOT easier…until your phone does not work or there is no GPS in your rental car.
How does your favorite hobby help you in your work?
In my work I help senior professionals access their powerful inner resources to perform at their best.
Your creativity is one of those MUST-HAVE resources. Sadly, it is often hidden.
For my advice on how to leverage your creativity in your work, book a FREE CALL and let’s talk.
If you’ve ever wondered how 1-to-1 coaching could BOOST YOUR PERFORMANCE, check out these 3 options.
With gratitude,
For regular tips and closer interaction, connect with me on LinkedIn.

Tim Nash, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Tim Nash is on a mission to help senior professionals escape their energy-zapping maze, focus on what matters and pave the way for success. Via the empowering principles of Gestalt, he guides his clients below the surface to overcome what is preventing them from performing at their best.
For over two decades, Tim has helped young professionals to C-level executives lead and collaborate across cultures. He is also the founder of The Path To Peak Performance which includes his dynamic coaching practice and American Transplant web series.