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How Stillness Saved My Life

Danny Bader's is a near-death survivor, keynote speaker, best-selling author and podcast host. Danny brings a unique perspective and powerful message to his audiences,drawing from his own experiences to support, inspire and influence them on their life’s journey to greater levels of fulfillment and resilience always.

Executive Contributor Danny Bader

It was in October of 1992 that I traveled to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in a desperate state of despair. I had died in an electrocution accident on July 28th, a few months earlier. My friend died, too, only I came back to life. The following weeks were brutal as I worked to navigate the nightmares, guilt, despair, apathy, and fear of the future.

A chair in a beach

I went there with the intention of not returning home. I went there to die again. I had been seeking internal direction and inspiration at home to endure the tragedy. I looked in psychiatrists, booze, weed, and sex... and no answers emerged. Then, in the stillness of an off-season beach town, I heard a voice from within. It asked, “I wonder what it’s going to be like when I get better?” It was the first time my internal dialogue focused on the possibility of a future on the other side of this, where I would be “better.” It was the voice of my Spirit, which I realized was not available in the noise of my post-tragedy activity.


Stillness saved my life. I guess it wasn’t stillness directly. Instead, it was what the environment of stillness allowed me to hear. 


Since then, I have worked to make moments of stillness a habit. I create these through breathing exercises, meditation, prayer, journaling, paddleboarding, and walks in nature (note: without your phone).


What have I gained? What is the value? Here are a few I’ve realized


1. A physical reset and recovery

Your heart rate and breathing will slow, and you’ll reduce the amount of the stress hormone cortisol your brain pumps out. Instead, your brain will release dopamine and serotonin, creating feelings of pleasure, happiness, and well-being.


2. An opening to creativity and innovation

Have you ever had a good idea or solution when you were not thinking about anything? I read that JK Rowling, the creator of the phenomenal Harry Potter brand, came up with the story of a lonely orphan who realizes he is actually a wizard destined to fight and overcome evil while traveling from Manchester to London on a delayed train.


3. An awareness of your thoughts

Stillness is not the absence of your thoughts; it allows you to see which thoughts need to be reframed into useful thoughts. You may come to understand this wonderful truth… “You are not your thoughts; you’re the thinker of them.” And when you get this, you step into the field of growth…your ability to choose your thoughts. The late, great Kobe Bryant explained why he worked to be still and become aware of his thoughts and emotions. "Then I can do with them what I want instead of them doing to me what they want.” You see, my friends, your life is lived between your ears, so you’re best off making it an excellent place to be.


4. And my personal favorite A connection to spirit

The poet Rumi offered us this: “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” This voice Rumi speaks of is the 4th energy in addition to your heart, brain, and lungs…it’s your Spirit…and it wants what’s best for you. Think about it, nothing negative has ever been attributed to your human Spirit…it has always been mentioned as the source of tremendous accomplishment, survival, perseverance, resilience, and service to others. Think of Mother Teresa, Anne Frank, and Nelson Mandela. Think Wells Crowther, the 24-year-old former lacrosse player at Boston College (known as the man in the red bandana) who went back into the South Tower to the Sky Lobby on the 78th floor three times on September 11th to save at least 18 people showing them the way out… You must connect with your Spirit…always. 


Your Spirit, your internal voice of support, grit, determination, focus, and resilience is your greatest support on your journey, which you call life.


Be still…you’ll be glad you did.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or visit my website for more info!


Danny Bader, Keynote Speaker, Author

Danny Bader's transformation from a harrowing near-death experience to a source of inspiration is indeed remarkable. His journey highlights the incredible resilience of the human Spirit and serves as a testament to the power of turning adversity into growth and opportunity. As a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host, Danny uses his experiences to craft a message that touches and resonates deeply with audiences worldwide. His unique perspective allows him to connect with people on a profound level, offering them not just motivation, but tangible strategies for navigating life's challenges to create greater levels of fulfillment and resilience always.

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