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How Shadow Work Can Help Your Business Thrive

Written by: Lainne Love, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Lainne Love

Have you ever heard of shadow work? It can help you attract successful outcomes and increase your magnetism. By increasing your magnetism, you can quickly draw to yourself ideal clients, solutions to challenges, and ideas to build a thriving business.

Man Talking to mobile phone while sitting in front of laptop computer

How, you ask?

Magnetism is created when you are being your whole, authentic self and increasing your subconscious self-worth. The 'Magnetic You' pull draws your intentions towards you.

In his book Power VS Force, Dr. David Hawkins demonstrates that our magnetic fields have a measurable energy level and that our magnetic field increases (becomes stronger) as we experience more positive emotions (self-worth).

When emotions are repressed often because we deem them negative or uncomfortable, we disown these aspects, and they become shadows. Shadows because they are a reflection of a part of you that you’ve rejected. They can undermine and sabotage your life not because they wish to cause harm but because they are attempting to get your attention.

Shadow energy is heavy and disruptive, creates low self-worth subconsciously, and can weaken or minimize your magnetic field, negatively impacting your business because you are energetically repelling clients, blocked to solutions, and not inspired to innovate.

Your shadows try subtly to get your attention at first, but we usually ignore and repress them, so their attention grabs get louder and more disruptive.

Emotions are energy and are meant to flow. When you block your emotional energy from moving by suppressing your feelings, you store them. Your shadow is the part of you that longs to be released by being heard so it can, in turn, follow its natural flow of movement.

What makes up your shadow depends on what you subconsciously and consciously have rejected within yourself. You usually hear this as negative self-talk, how you feel held back, and what triggers you. These rejected and repressed parts of yourself often result from childhood experiences.

Shadow work involves exploring the darker aspects of yourself and confronting negative patterns or beliefs holding you back. Shadow work is designed to help you integrate and accept every single part of yourself: the good, the bad, the light, the dark, the parts of you that you subconsciously reject, all of you.

Your shadow aspects are a natural part of development. Your shadow reminds you that every single emotion and wound you possess has a gift to share with you.

Doing shadow work lets you better understand yourself and learn to integrate all the parts of your being and can lead to greater self-acceptance and, ultimately, a more positive and fulfilling life and a stronger, more magnetic energy field.

The more magnetic your energy field, the greater the magnetic pull you possess. The greater your pull, the easier it becomes for you to manifest your intentions and live a more deliberate and conscious life because you are being your whole, authentic self.

As your whole, authentic, magnetic self, it is now easier to go along with the natural movement of energy and draw your desires towards yourself with ease, grace, and flow.

So why not give it a try?

Get curious and explore what your shadows can teach you. You might be surprised by the positive benefits working with your shadows can bring into your life and business.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Lainne Love Brainz Magazine

Lainne Love, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lainne Love – Movement Maker, Literary Alchemist, and Oracular Activist will move mountains to embolden you to show others what is possible when you unleash your awesomeness onto the world.

She is an Award-Winning Spiritual Psychology Coach, Bestselling Author, and Proud Momma. She deep dives with those who are ready to rise up to the call, celebrate their story, and activate their leadership by standing in the authority of their message.

Her process is rooted in Universal Law and Metaphysics. Informed by spiritual psychology and neuroscience and supported with subconscious reprogramming & energetic insights.

Lainne’s work is known for her playful, upbeat, and innovative approach to accelerated growth through story. She has transformed lives worldwide, helping her clients restore their ability to dig deeper, find more within themselves, and birth the masterwork they are here to deliver.

She has been seen in FOX, CBS, NBC, Google, Marketwatch, Benzinga, Disrupt Magazine, and ABC.

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