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How Seven Tips From Journaling Can Unleash Repressed Energy From Your Body?

Written by: Ranya AlHusaini, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Ranya AlHusaini

When your heart has absorbed intensely a painful memory, the mind can’t stop playing a broken record of pain, sadness, anger, frustration, fear, disappointment, stress, confusion and anxiety. The high intensity from any repressed emotion may lay loads of burden on shoulders, head and chest area. The question here, how would you release repressed emotions trapped inside your body? Trapped energy from repressed emotions are knots of memories stored in some part of your body all related to the nature of the emotion, the surprise factor of the situation, and the location of the emotion felt in a particular situation.

A lady holding a pen.

Every experience has a particular home inside the body. Remember when you are sad you will experience some heavy energy lingering in your lower body part including your legs, and slight sensation in your head and chest. Being angry means one thing you are hurt, or scared. The harsh intensity from anger can translate its effect on communication, and how your body resonates with anger. Anger feels like a clench on the jaw, or a sharp hitting headache. Remember, not releasing anger from your body can cause serious illness, and awkward discomfort caused by the repressed energy trapped inside your body.

You don’t forgive what you don’t understand. Understanding your situation, and the feeling you are experiencing is one step ahead in your healing journey. Understanding is forgiving yourself before others, and reaching the meaning you have associated with certain memories. Through understanding you need to release the tension, the meaning and the wording that comes hurrying out of your mind at a particular moment. Hence, the repetition of certain thoughts can link a feeling to a particular situation. Now, how you react and what labels you give yourself is printed inside your mind.

To awaken an old, buried feeling you need to come familiar with your body, emotions, nature, and thinking pattern. When you start to focus more on your deep breathing and journaling, you release the first knot of any buried memory. Releasing through writing will communicate the need of self-expression. When you express the need to write down what happened, what are your feelings, what is making you feel this way, and what is the meaning behind what happened you walk toward self-discovery. Asking deep questions will open another door for self-awareness, and learning more about how you feel, when you feel, and what makes you feel this way?

Therefore, in today’s article we realize the importance of how journaling your repressed emotions can unleash the burden:

  1. Practice to exhale your repressed emotions: The moment you raise a pen on a piece of paper you set good intention to communicate what is buried inside you. You repress strong emotions like anger, frustration, and any shameful memory. You repress feelings because you have been taught by your environment that self-expression is not acceptable to your position. Writing the repressed feeling can tap on past energies via practicing the art of self-expression. Emotions get trapped inside your body as signs of unforgiveness, passive-aggressive communication style, heavy sadness, depression, and haughty reactions. As you start writing down the heavy burden from any repressed emotion you start to learn more about its intensity. Your hand is connected to your mind as you dig deeper with your emotions for the exact descriptive wordings. Expressive writing can boost your immune system as you exhale the heavy burden, continuously. More to add, expressive writing can normalize past situations to your mind.

  2. Empower your self-acceptance: When you accept yourself, and your emotions you start to understand what was the lesson from the situation. Can writing assist in self-acceptance? Writing can motivate you to understand yourself wisely, communicate the right expressive wordings, and accept the details as your mind remembers them. At this point, Acceptance means embracing who you are? And what kind of treatment is kind to your heart? Accepting here means embracing your uniqueness, strength, and faults without judgement.

  3. Direct implication to organize your thoughts: Organizing your thoughts can become a tedious job as distraction burst in between your thinking pattern. In general, distraction plays intensely in discording you from reality, or leading you astray. When organization meets repression, your emotions tidy itself according to importance, and depth. When you organize your daily need for self-expression you emphasize discipline. The more you express, the more liberated you feel.

  4. Facilitates powerful release: If you are crammed with overthinking, going into swirls of dilemma, suffocating a particular scenario then journalling can play an effective role in emotional release. When you speak to your paper, you explain the intensity of a particular moment that has incurred pain, confusion or misery. Again, it is recommended to start your journal with I feel this because, and the story can continue as far as you pull all the details into the paper. Besides, justifying your emotional burden here will amplify the importance of emotional release!

  5. Validate your self-worth journey: Journaling the details of your situation is a way out from any stuck-up energy. Remember, the more you keep to yourself, the harder it gets as you pull a fresh of deep breaths. Keeping in is one of the reasons you feel lethargy, tired, muscle tension, neck and back pain. Validating your self-worth journey can empower your steps toward freedom, authenticity, and act as a positive agent toward empowerment. Writing will separate you from what happened to you, and when this happens you validate your identity, and self-worth. Remember, you are not what happened to you, rather you are what you choose to become!

  6. Linking the dots between memories: When you seek writing, you unleash every repressed memory from your mind, and body. Journaling becomes your mission to understand your perception in reality. Writing can explain the perception extracted from your feeling. Feelings can be born from thoughts, or can find you once memory re-activate itself as you pump into a similar situation from your past. Your subconscious mind here is a gatekeeper to the reserve you keep of memories, sense of security, trials and paradigms. Linking dots to your memory means connecting the meaning behind every passed situation. Repeating to yourself how much void you feel inside, how much love is enough for you, if what you want is available, and what makes you a victim? What you repeat to your mind is the script you have inherited or absorbed from the environment you keep living.

  7. Lead a deep conversation with yourself: Conversing your inner wounds can play a remedy to the part you feel overwhelmed, and heavy. Feel the feelings of that memory, and ask yourself what is making you feel this way? What is one word you might use or begin your journal with? You are guided then to express the need without stopping or polishing your words. Writing here will include letters to your past version, to your inner child, to your pain and memories, to your loved ones, to your judgemental inner critic, to the people who abused you, and to the moment you suffered alone. Right here you are exhaling for good what is not useful anymore to your life.

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Ranya AlHusaini Brainz Magazine

Ranya AlHusaini, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ranya Alhusaini is a mindset transformation guru. Besides, she is a Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner and NLP. Ranya dug her way through self discovery, curiosity and knowledge. Her diverse experience and extensive knowledge in the corporate world made her sculpt a winning strategy for finding success in every endeavour she would tackle. With her experience, knowledge and passion in mindset transformation techniques, Ranya AlHusaini motivates Professional Women to uncover their self-worth to live a balanced life!

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