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How Resilience, LOA & Tenacity Carved The Way To Living Harmoniously – Interview With Linda Matthies

Linda Matthies is a leader in self-improvement education, creating mind/body/soul balance awareness, and promoting the concept of raising our personal vibrational frequencies to achieve success in all forms. Through life's adversities, Linda learned that re-invention and incremental change are the keys to ensure more positive outcomes. She now devotes her energies to uplifting others in search of their soul purpose and encourages clients to aim high when formulating a dream goal list.

Image photo of Linda A. Matthies

Linda Matthies, C.MH. Health and Life Coach

First of all, Linda, why come forward to tell your story?

As a Certified Health and Life Coach, I’m here with you primarily to inspire, encourage and motivate those who have felt literally squashed by life. Anyone with even a tiny grain of reality in their minds realizes that life is filled with adversity. In fact, it has been long theorized that human beings only grow through adversity. It is my belief that we hold the power over whether that adversity will be the defining factor of who we ultimately become.

As a young person, I got the message it was better to be seen and not heard. I was astoundingly gifted as a “people pleaser” and I worked very hard to retain that elite status. Of course, that didn’t stop me from having beautiful dreams and goals to pursue. The tricky part was learning to separate my value and worth from the outcome of all those lofty dreams and goals.

I was taught in my family that hard work and determination were all you needed for success. Also, that woman should follow societal expectations, as well as fulfilling their gender roles. I found these two belief systems contradictory and confusing. I had a burning desire in my gut to own my own business, but also a strong desire to have a family. Where was the handbook to explain how to rock my own business and be the perfect wife and mother? Holy halibut!

Fast forward, I did buy into my own business at twenty years old, which unfortunately failed after a year. And, yes, I had two beautiful weddings, three lovely houses, three gorgeous kids, two extremely painful divorces, a brush with death and I lost my mom to Alzheimer’s right before COVID.

You may be thinking …gee this doesn’t sound very inspiring, let me explain that each one of these life events birthed wonderful opportunities for growth, strength, and resilience.

It is my belief that reinventing myself after each adversity truly opened doors toward greater achievement, happiness, and prosperity. I pushed myself to expand my brain as well as my skills set. Seeking to move forward in a positive way, I earned many certifications inclusive of, Health and Life Coach, Reiki Master, Master Hypnotist, Imagery Facilitator, Sound Healing Practitioner, and NLP Facilitator. I became a published author of two YA novels, a motivational speaker, and developed my own Podcast for Bold Brave TV.

Not bad for a girl who was painfully shy as a child and terrified to speak in public. My first career in this life (Hairstylist) taught me a great appreciation for people and love for working with the public. I chose to parley those attributes in a more fulfilling way and share all the wonderful techniques I’d learned through my own growth with my coaching clients.

What was your motivation to go through such a variety of education?

Aside from the obvious need to expand my income, I had an unstoppable desire to accomplish two things. Firstly, I wanted to be a person my children could be proud of. If I had let adversity or the world squash me, what message would they get?

Secondly, I was determined to become the best version of myself possible. That meant letting go of beliefs, behaviors and insecurities that didn’t serve me. I had a tremendous fear of both failure and success, talk about being at odds with yourself.

I was not exactly sure at first how to get out of the financial hole divorce had dug for me, nor was I entirely sure that I, as a person, was fixable. I was, however, sure that I needed to try. Lucky for me I discovered that I love learning. One small step at a time, I worked on overcoming my fears and added spirituality, healing techniques and modalities to my proverbial toolbox. Practice and faith forged a new way of being for me which now includes living in alignment with harmony and prosperity.

Linda, what inspired you to create the Podcast for Bold Brave TV “Thriving out of the box”?

My conscience which pushes me to help others find an easier way than I’ve had to travel. We are all on this journey through life, my goal is to make it easier for others to avail themselves of the tools that have helped me. If I can reach even one person during each episode, help them conquer a fear or create more possibilities for themselves – that is success!

My focus for each episode is on my big four: Inspiration, Motivation, Love, and Enlightenment. I’ve completed nearly forty, one hour, shows to date with a wide variety of topics. Some of my favorites are: The Magic of Rituals, Sound Healing, Resilience, The Five Love Languages, Conquering Guilt and Shame, and Mastering Difficult Conversations.

Do you find it difficult to fill an hour with material during your Podcast?

I was a little intimidated about that at first, but when I combined the science, research, and personal stories, it became easy to fill the time. My favorite part is the feedback I’ve received from clients who really enjoy the conversational way that I present the material. This has been such a learning process for me as well. I’ve learned to trust and be a little vulnerable while letting the audience in on my personal stories, my successes as well as failures. I want them to see that if I was able to learn the skills, healing techniques and information to make my life a better place- so can they!

All the topics I speak about have actionable steps and information that can be implemented immediately. I also like to add in Inspirational quotes, 30-day challenges and reference material that I have found helpful.

It’s been proven that we human beings learn best through repetition, so I also reinforce this concept with helpful tips and tricks I have learned in school.

Linda, do you have a secret for keeping such a positive outlook on life?

I am an avid Law of Attraction practitioner. There are twelve Universal Laws, The Law of Attraction is the one which demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies that, in turn, attract like energies.

Everything in the universe has its own specific vibrational frequency. All human beings can change the conditions of their lives or alter their vibrational frequencies. Because I understand this to be true, I focus on keeping myself at a high vibrational frequency as much as possible. Positive feelings or expansive emotions such as love, creativity, joy, etc. attract experiences and people on that same level of frequency.

When you look at life in terms of energetic quality, it is easier to understand how and why we create what, as well as who comes into our lives. We really want to be a vibrational match for our dreams, hopes and desires. Sometimes, this is easier said than done, and in my opinion, it is worth practicing every day.

In conclusion, are there any other thoughts you would like to share with our audience?

I appreciate the opportunity to share some positive reinforcement. Never allow anyone else the power to keep you from playing big in your life, including your subconscious mind. You deserve to be the leading lady/gentleman so don’t become the understudy. If you are waiting for the ideal conditions or perfection to shine, I’m afraid you might be letting valuable time slip away. The only thing we have is the present moment, embrace it, give yourself the opportunity to really live.

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