Written by: Dusya Lyubovskaya, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

A few weeks ago a boutique owner from Alabama reached out to me for a remote session of Reiki/Energy Healing. She has a busy boutique, however, she was feeling overwhelmed. There were days when she had customers all week and then it would slow down and she was overwhelmed with bookkeeping, meaning she was not sure how to have a balance between advising customers and having time for analyzing the financial part for revenue.

During the free consultation that I generally offer, I asked her if she had thought of getting an accountant or bookkeeper so she could focus solely on sales, however, she declined and wanted to keep the bookkeeping and do sales and eventually get an assistant to help with customer service.
After the free consultation, I suggested a remote energy healing session to help clear her mind and gain relaxation.
I will call her Diane H.
During the actual remote energy healing session that lasted 45 minutes, I was able to send energy healing and had a vision of this woman in her boutique running back and forth, welcoming customers, and then running back into her office to take care of the financial part of the business.
After the session, Diane H. woke up (she dozed off during the session) and felt relaxed and content. I let her take her time adjusting to being completely awake and understanding her emotions after the session.
After a while, Diane realized that she can balance her time between doing the finances and taking care of customers by taking advantage of the days when customer flow is slow and use that time to be in her office and do what is needed for revenue.
After three weeks, she contacted me to inform me that she feels more relaxed and her customers noticed how at ease she was when she gave customers her undivided attention.
She had more sales and less stress with bookkeeping and plans to get an assistant in the next six months because she really enjoys checking balances.
Two weeks later Diane reached out to me again and asked if I could help her husband who has cancer. I agreed and offered to have a phone conversation.
Two days later, I was on the phone with her husband Mark H. Mark is in his 50’s and had to retire due to an injury on the job. Mark had cancer in one of his organs last year and was able to recover without complications. He talked about his family overall and the toxic relationships/environment.
This year however cancer came back and his doctors wanted to perform a drastic surgery without an explanation that made sense and this surgery would force him to rely on medical equipment for the rest of his life. I listened to his story and what the doctors told him and I had to disagree.
Besides that he was not given the opportunity to consult a cancer specialist which was a red flag in itself for me, I have to explain something here.
Before I went into holistic practice, I have worked with cancer patients for 10 years at least.
I have worked with cancer patients who were at the beginning of their diagnosis, in the middle of their cancer treatment, and terminally ill patients (patients who had only 2 months to live).
Drastic surgery, removing an organ is the last resort. When there is no other solution, you remove the affected organ.
Cancer is ALWAYS genetic/environmental. Meaning you either have a family member who had cancer and or you are a strong smoker or other toxic environmental factors contribute to you having cancer and removing a part of you is done to save your life otherwise you die.
If you had cancer in the past and you recovered without complications, and the cancer is back and again you have a chance of survival by having chemo or equivalent, there is no reason to remove an organ, and more importantly, every doctor knows that is unethical to force a patient to have surgery which is what happened with Mark.
Mark wanted to know what I thought about the prognosis and I shared my medical experience with him. Mark had the same notion and did not want surgery. He knew there were alternatives, however, he was not familiar with holistic medicine until his wife introduced him to the world of energy healing.
My advice was that he should receive remote crystal healing to unblock his chakras.
In the world of Reiki, chakras are the equivalent of your immune system. When you don't take care of your immune system, meaning don't get enough sleep, don't eat healthy, unresolved trauma, or are surrounded by an unhealthy environment, your body starts protesting by getting sick. Your body is your advocate and saying, “This is wrong! Help!“
Crystal healing helps with “unblocking“ your chakras and helping reset your immune system.
The next evening, I performed remote crystal healing on Mark.
The session took 45 minutes as that is the best time frame for the best results.
During the session, I had a vision of Mark on a beach and just relaxing. The next thing that happened was the I saw him surrounded by family and I intuitively sent healing to all the people I saw in the vision. I had an understanding of what the relationship was between him and family members and the crystal healing was addressing every issue in his life.
After the session, I called his wife to share my observations. Surprisingly he was listening to ocean waves while I performed crystal healing (I had no idea!)
Three days later his wife reached out to me to share that he was improving and that while they talked about his family, it's the first time since their marriage that he talked about his family without resentment!
He was completely content and felt so much better after the session.
I offered an additional crystal healing session more for cleansing purposes and he agreed and felt better again and his health improved while his wife is becoming more successful in her boutique.
His wife was very appreciative of my help and was astounded at how his attitude had even improved after the session.
Follow me on Facebook, YouTube Channel, or visit my website for more info!

Dusya Lyubovskaya, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dusya Lyubovskaya is a leader of ancient holistic modalities. After growing up with an abusive father, her trauma caused her to develop health issues that doctors could clear diagnose. Although Dusya has been passionate about science since her youth, she went into the medical field because she had to be the breadwinner at an early age but never gave up her dream of going into science. During her work taking care of patients, she realized there was more than western medicine could offer. However, she felt she was running into walls. Dusya took care of both of her parents, who died from terminal cancer, and knew that she could at least ease their suffering with the holistic modalities she learned about growing up. After her mother’s passing in 2014, she discovered meditation and Reiki, and a brand new world opened to her full of opportunities! She got trained in reiki, and after a year, she was encouraged by many clients to get paid because she appeared to be very talented.
She would perform energy healing on and off on the side, and in 2018 with additional training, became a holistic life as her clients around the world greatly appreciated her positive energy and experience. Dusya has also evolved in her medical career and started speaking for health care agencies as well as government agencies seeking her advice and expertise. Dusya discovered that many chronic health issues in her clients were caused by trauma so she used her western medicine knowing combined with ancient healing modalities and has been very successful. Meanwhile, Dusya has expanded to helping entrepreneurs who struggle to make more than 5k by helping them increase their money mindset and helping them get unstuck by helping them with inner child soul retrieval and helping them reconnect with their inner child as every issue we face as adults is affected by what we learned as children.