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How Past Agreements Continue to Entrap You Today

Hieronymus Quimp is a master in spiritual matters (covering all aspects of business, relationships, and life in general.) known for in-depth analysis, followed by powerful life-changing remedies for prevailing situations and problems by removing or correcting their true underlying causes.

Executive Contributor Hieronymus Quimp

A very warm hello! First of all, you should be aware that agreements have so much spiritual baggage attached to them that you might find reasons not to finish this article! The spirit is apt to turn away from truth sometimes, but always has a good excuse! Please persist if you feel this way, for it is only the barriers attempting to bar you from progress. That being said, let us begin!

Person in black suit maneuvers through a square frame on a grassy field under a cloudy sky, creating a surreal and contemplative scene.

Agreements, we've all made them, so is there a problem? You might ask.

Well, let's take a deep dive into their spiritual consequences, observing how they might be affecting you, your business, and/or your relationships in the present and future, to gain a better understanding.


First of all, agreements can be very productive, as we know. They are essential in trade, industry, and every facet of culture and social interaction. Agreements are a necessary part of life and living, unless one wishes to live as a recluse or have zero interaction with the world at large.

But in this article, I wish to look at the often not considered aspects of agreements and how they, below your awareness, are still affecting you, this life, and future lives unless dealt with terminatedly.

So, what are agreements?

Are they physical, mental, or spiritual in nature?

Let's have a look

Do physical bodies make agreements? Although it may appear so, it is only the hand (by writing) or mouth (by verbal agreement) being used to manifest the agreement into the physical universe!

Does the mind make agreements? The mind is a tool used to formulate (into understandable language) the points of the agreement based on previous knowledge and experience so that all parties know what is being agreed upon, so again, no!

That leaves the spiritual, or, more accurately, the spirit, soul, or person/persons making the agreement. Agreements are spiritual in nature (despite them being made concerning physical situations) because the person/persons involved are spiritual in nature!

You might say, “Well, a limited company is not spiritual in nature, yet it is free to make agreements. Surely no problem here?” But if we look closer, however you try to avoid it legally, the fact remains that it was started and is controlled by people, and people are spiritual in nature. Just because you distance yourself from something does not mean you are ultimately not responsible for it!

These are interesting observations. With men being so accustomed to physical (including handshake agreements) or verbal contracts as the main form of agreement, whether it be a marriage, business agreement, financial agreement, etc., the truth of the matter is often overlooked. They are spiritual in nature, and this is also evidenced by the fact that they can still be found to exist long after the body has passed away. Yes, they are many in number, and past lives are littered with them.

Agreements are connections

An agreement is also a connection with another person or group that remains in existence forever until both parties agree that it is no longer in force. At that time, it has no effect on either party. Both parties have to agree that it has been fulfilled, though!

If one person says, “I’ve had enough, I’m not abiding by the agreement anymore,” or one or the other party is deceptive or changes the terms of the agreement without the other's consent, this causes problems.If an agreement is simply forgotten by one or both parties, or if one party dies without fulfilling the terms of the agreement ad infinitum, this leads to a problem that remains!

So agreements, unless fulfilled, become spiritual baggage that carries from life to life. They affect one or both parties unknowingly. Spirits don’t want to remember certain things from the past, and one of them is agreements that have gone bad!


The person who is always breaking agreements with those around them is, in effect, trapping themselves. Although they might consider the financial gain, or some other type of gain, a good reason for their behavior.

Examples of agreements and how they can cause trouble


In a previous life, maybe you had business agreements with another person (spirit) that didn’t work out well. You meet them again in this life (maybe a new business partner, you think), not remembering the past agreements you had with them. All seems great for a while until the old agreements start to take effect again . Under your and their awareness, animosity builds. Things start to come apart, go wrong, inexplicable, you say!


Oh yes, I’m so in love, we have such similar traits and a beautiful connection, I have found my mate! Sometime later, things are maybe not as ecstatic as when you first met, with little misunderstandings.“Something has changed,” you say, but what? Well, what you didn’t know was that past agreements you had made with that spirit have come back to cause trouble again in this life!

Agreements with self

Derivation of the word agreement

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English "at pleasure, at will."

Late 14c., "to give consent, assent," from Old French, "to please, satisfy; to receive with favor," literally "to one's liking."

In human law, as far as I am aware, you need at least two parties to form a legal agreement, and we always consider the idea that you need at least two parties to have an agreement.

But is this true spiritually?

This is a very important question! Maybe a better word might be a decision with one’s self, but as you are giving consent to yourself, and it is to your liking, yes, I would argue that you can make agreements with yourself to accomplish something, change something, or correct something.

Whether we say agreement or decision with yourself is just down to how you consider the human meanings of words, but the outcome remains the same, they can trap you!

You can fail yourself and others in past lives, hitting so many barriers that you lose all self-respect in yourself, giving up entirely on your noble purposes! And that’s a type of trap, isn’t it?


How many groups have you been involved with in your past lives? Religions, philosophies, secret societies, political groups, etc. Maybe previously, you were born into a revolutionary era, and what side you were supporting depended, to a large degree, on which social strata your family or friends were part of at that time.

Next or later lives, you found yourself in the opposing group as you grew up! Now you are deeply conflicted and confused; you go to war, maybe, but don’t really want to be there. You have a deep feeling that something is not right. Yes, you are fighting a group you had an earlier alliance with, and past strong agreements!

Forced agreements

These are some of the most powerful agreements working against you! Agreements you accepted under duress, to save another or others, to save your own or another's body from harm. War and conflict between groups and nations, and even in the past between planets, have created these types of agreements. They lay crushingly hidden from view but still, today, restrict your potential power and ability in the present and future unless removed.


You wonder why, to a large degree, you have lost your spiritual power and ability. Well, agreements with yourself and others that you didn’t fulfill are high on the list of causes.

Hard to believe?

If you think that this and many other instances of agreements "could not possibly be true," you may be sitting upon so many that it would be painful to accept them.

Take a moment

Take a moment to reflect on what you have just read. If necessary, read it all again. Suddenly, agreements might take on a more significant meaning to your present and future happiness and survival!

The question now becomes: "Oh my, how do I remove those past agreements that are holding me down?"

Luckily, there is a solution!

Free phone consultation

I offer a free in-depth phone consultation, where I will ask you to tell me what you wish to handle.

I shall then look at what you have told me in the spiritual universe, at its deepest cause level.

I will inform you of what is causing the situations you are facing (this alone may astonish you), then assess the work needed and inform you of the cost involved.

You are then free to decide if you wish me to do the work.

There is no obligation to go any further if you don't gain value and serious insights from our discussion.

Feel free to visit here.

I look forward to helping you, so you, in turn, can help many others!

Visit my website for more info!


Hieronymus Quimp, Business/Personal Spiritual Life Changer

From a very early age, feeling there was more to the world and universe than was currently being taught in the schools and universities, a path was decided upon to search for and uncover the 'hidden truths' that lay at the core of life, the spiritual being the blueprint for the physical universe.

This took an immense amount of spiritual research undertaken on an individual basis.

A lifetime of searching and discovery, of these basic underlying truths, is being powerfully used now to change, help and guide others.

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