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How One Woman’s Dream of Being Alive to Thrive will Make a Difference in the World

Written by: Debbie Debonaire, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How can one woman's dream change the lives of so many other peoples across the world? Sounds crazy, right?

Well, let me tell you about my dream.

Hi, I am Debbie Debonaire, an Emotional Resilience Builder and Transformational Specialist. Founder of HeartACT and creator of HeartACT Theaterapy, an innovative process that marries together holistic strategies and the essence and inspiration of the theatrical world. I am a survivor of Clinical Depression and the failure of three attempts at suicide. Yes, five years ago I had a dream that today is about to make a difference in people’s lives across the world, in fact, it has already changed the lives of at least two people, but I will tell you more about that in a moment.

So let’s invite you to my dream. How did it come about, and how will it change lives? My dream evolved from thoughts that I had around the same time, thoughts of bringing together ten women, including myself who had failed suicide, to collaborate in writing a book called Alive to Thrive, Failing Suicide Gives You the Gift of Life. The dream was so vivid. I saw the women from across the world discussing the book, sitting and writing at desks, creating images for the front cover, and standing on stages sharing the messages within the book.

Many of these courageous women failed suicide more than once to now be thriving in life. Their stories are of courage, strength, and resilience. They will help change the lives of those across the world who find themselves in similar situations by showing them that they can overcome challenges, adversities, and suicidal thoughts/tendencies to thrive in their own true potential and uniqueness. To reveal to them that suicide is not the answer, that they have the gift of life in which to flourish.

As I mentioned earlier, the book has already changed the lives of two people, two of the authors who have never embarked on telling their whole story before, never mind getting it in print. Scary for them, I would suggest all of us who have our part to play in this amazing venture! Hell yes! This book is powerful, inspirational, and encouraging and needs to be spread across the world.

The stories that we share will inspire, empower and encourage those who read them to move forward in their lives, away from where they are today. Away from the darkness into the light. Stories of mental and physical abuse, rape, sex trafficking, prostitution, drug and alcohol addiction, bullying, torment, cancer, and so much more. Stories that happened for these women to make them the strong individuals they are today, the advocates and guides sent to make a difference in this world. These women come from across the world, and we aim to get the book in as many households, charities, shelters, communities, and more across the world.

Bringing these women and their stories together is indeed a dream come true, but support is needed to bring this book and our mission to fruition. We are looking for people to sponsor a copy of the book, which I will ship to a charity, shelter, household, or community, or anywhere in the world of your choosing after it is published on 30th July. To sponsor a book, please click here (don’t forget to let us know where you want the book sent to).

Your support will be greatly appreciated. If you feel like this is something you would like to support, then go here to find out more about the book and what it will take to get it into print and across the world.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of my dream for reading this article and saying thank you in anticipation for supporting the dream to come to fruition so we can change people's lives for the better.

One woman's dream can change the lives of others!

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Debbie Debonaire, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Debbie Debonaire is a Global Emotional Resilience Consultant and Holistic Counsellor who has transformed her life to become a beacon of light to help others suffering in adversity, fear, severe lack of self-confidence, and self-esteem. She failed suicide three times, overcame extreme clinical depression and prolonged mental domestic abuse, so she knows what it takes to take back control and transform one's life. Her story is one of extreme courage and focus and has resulted in a complete transformation that has seen her rise to become a highly esteemed expert on contemporary emotional and trauma recovery. Debbie brings solutions, inspiration, and change through her innovative process, the HeartAct Approach™, to guide career women (and men) from negative life patterns to triumphant transformation and empowerment. This gives them the courage to take back their control and live life on their own terms so that they can thrive to their true potential and live the life they desire and deserve.

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