Written by: Edit B Kiss, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I was fascinated by the transformation and success of the Law of Attraction coach and rapper Gareth Bishop. I wanted to know his secret. When I found out how he created his dream lifestyle on the coast of Wales I felt deeply that I need to share it with others too. So, you can all learn about him and follow his advice.

Dear Gareth, I am so excited to do this interview with you and learn about your achievements and the powerful impact you make. Would you please first introduce yourself to our audience?
Hello, Edit great to be a part of this with you.
So, my name is Gareth Bishop. I am a father of three, a Professional music artist, LOA coach and public speaker/ influencer, and an NFT/ Crypto trader working to raise the collective consciousness on the planet and help people to escape the matrix.
As I am following your social media, I know you had some great moves in the music industry this summer. Would you share with us some details of the projects you are working on?
Yes, the summer was very eventful I played at many festivals and in Aiya Nappa which was a great experience. I have signed a record contract for a drum n bass album titled ‘Above Space’ which will be dropping in 2023 and I have also signed a contract for a label that I am unable to mention for a drum n bass freestyle video on one of the biggest platforms in the UK and even the world so I’m currently working on that piece of material and have been for around a month now. I am also planning several releases on Spotify and digital download stores.
How have you come across the Law of Attraction coaching?
I first came across LOA in general through the video called ‘The Secret’ way back in 2010. The film and book changed my life completely and sent me down a rabbit hole of spirituality and gratitude which enabled me to transform my life completely and excel in all areas of my life. I went on to become a coach after meeting and working with Master Sri Akarshana whom I had followed for many years prior on YouTube! I was fortunate enough to manifest my dream of working with him and his team as an LOA coach for their company and was also lucky enough to meet amazing people such as yourself.
I know life can be like a roller coaster full of challenges. What were your biggest challenges that brought you the awakening and AHA moments that resulted in breakthroughs?
In 2013 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition which almost resulted in me having my intestines removed! I lived in a hospital for two months and underwent a deeper spiritual awakening where I turned plant-based and holistically healed myself through meditation, shadow work, and deep introspection. I have gained a level of unshakeable faith through this process and realized my strength and greatness and newfound deeper gratitude for health and general existence. The most powerful realization and fact that I could ever state is this … gratitude is the single most powerful way to manifest what you desire and flood your consciousness with joy and peace.
Thank you so much for pouring your heart out to us. What is your final message or advice to our readers to reach their next level?
Thank you so much for having me Edit! I love your book and all your work! It’s a pleasure to call you a friend and my final message is this:
Nothing easy is worth doing, the deeper you dig for treasure the shiner it will be. For every adversity, there is an equal seed of opportunity, but you must put the work in, or it won’t work out! Peace and love to all!
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Edit B Kiss, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Edit B Kiss is a holistic mentor, success habit coach, 1 best selling author, Humanitarian Award winner and international speaker. She helps her clients to get healed from running mind, insomnia to gain more focus and fill the void in their hearts by raising their frequency and getting them aligned with their true self so they can stand the storms and live their life joyfully and reinvent themselves to the next level.