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How Listening To My Heart Made Me Positive, Happy And Fulfilled

Written by: Tara Antler & King Gabriel, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The Everlasting Moment. There I am, without a sense of self, blissed out with no identifiable reason for it, no one to point to, and nothing with which to point, yet, I feel as if a quintillion orgasms are condensed into this one experience. It is complete fulfillment with no recognizable reason for it. It just is.

There is light everywhere; In fact, it appears that I am this light.

I see this light from a frontal view, I am the entire light stretching out without a limit, and I am a point on the upper right side of the light. It is so fulfilling and beautiful that I could stay here forever.

It’s September 29th, 2009, and I’d just finished my initiation into the Agape International Spiritual Choir in Los Angeles, California.

Coincidentally, the name for a new member of the Choir at Agape is “New Light.”

The requirements to become a New Light were to have a certain number of hours of community service either as an usher or volunteer, and to pass the singing auditions.

I’d completed the service requirement and enjoyed my regular spiritual practices, which allowed me to grow in ways I couldn’t have previously seen as possible.

Music had called me from the tender age of 3, just about when I began meditating and I knew that it would be a part of my journey.

The Life Template

The beginning of this life has remained etched in my mind as if it was yesterday, and by the beginning, I am referring to existence before being in a physical body.

I was light, in the form of a body, though much lighter and slightly different in structure, as there were no apparent legs or arms. Yet, there appeared to be what we would call wings or at least light that spread from the body in the area you would assume wings would be, and there was a beautiful golden-white glow everywhere.

This perception of myself made a significant difference in m thoughts about life and the way I acted within it.

I remember, as a child being outside with the trees, having moments of deep inner communication, and an inclination toward meditation, music and introspection into human behaviour.

The Ultimate Teacher

My Mother would light a kerosene lamp and place it on the kitchen table, and I would sit there and steer at it feeling the calm within me.

I enjoyed a very rich (rich in experience) childhood due to My Parents’ Love and dedication to Us.

My mother and I would take walks together where no one said a word, but peace and inner understanding were always present.

At a fundamental level, I knew that things always worked out for the best.

Enter the “Bad Guy”

I then started the public schooling sysytem, and interacted with different people with diverse beliefs, views and concepts about life’s true meaning.

The idea of sin, not as error, but as a symbol of unworthiness was introduced by the prominent system of religious belief common to our island and at the age of 7, I made a divergent and unexpected choice.

I found money in an envelope in a hallway, and instead of doing the “right thing,” I enacted the Universally known law of “Finders Keepers.”

At the moment, it felt like a fantastic opportunity. Yet, a little while after claiming it, inner turmoil ensued, so I began my money management venture and soon discovered that for a 7-year-old, $110 might as well have been a million dollars because I could not even begin to crack into it significantly.

I bought sticky toys, (you know the type that sticks to the wall and roll down while clinging to the wall). I picked up soft drinks( which my parents would have never given to me at that point), gum and silly things that a 7yr old would want. I even gave $10 to a Friend, but I couldn’t spend enough to get rid of it, which I then desperately wanted to do as the conflict within began to heighten.

Soon the search was on for a culprit as someone had reported the money as stolen instead of lost.

Now I knew, that I didn’t steal it, as it was just lying in the hallway, but I had already felt so guilty in my efforts to rid it that I couldn’t even begin to explain my thought process or the circumstances by which I had acquired this fortune to anyone else.

In short, I was reported by my friend to whom I generously gave $10, and I was severely punished by being carried around the school and beaten by several teachers and the principal This sort of abuse, as it is now categorized, was somehow acceptable in my culture and time.

My parents, believing I had taken a wrong turn, allowed the punishment, believing that correction in the form of punishment was due.

The embarrassment was on par with the physical pain incurred in the beatings.

I felt like I was a bad person, and with each teacher that casted a comment and felt righteous in delivering her wrath to me, I began to experience a deeper and more intense degree of guilt and shame.

Contrary to the expectation that this would curb my ways, the feeling of guilt and shame only made me consider myself a lost cause. Maybe I was just a “bad guy”, and so I continued thinking and feeling this and made a series of errors that could have brought disgrace and shame if discovered.

I observed how I felt, and it was the same feeling of being bad each time I acted in this way.

I was not too fond of it, but it seemed fitting.

The Almost Psychopath

I discovered a few things about human behaviour through this experience

The real challenge was how perceived myself, so after observing, I derived an action plan.

If I was ever going to do anything like that again,I had to convince myself that I was doing the right thing.

I believe this is where psychopaths originate (they convince themselves that their actions are justified despite the divergence from the voice of their consciences).

Fortunately, my meditative practices continued through this time, and my heart became the focal point of my meditation.

There was a tangible shift within me, and one day, I just stopped doing the things that made me feel like a bad prerson.

I had done wrong and learnt right.

But on a much deeper level, my perception of myself had shifted.

Logic to the rescue

I became aware of a simple logical idea that was so self-evident that it could be easily overlooked, but it engendered the basic difference between a “positive” person and a “negative” one.

The simple logic behind it was as follows:

  1. A person behaves as he perceives himself

  2. A positive person perceives himself healthily

  3. A person can become positive by perceiving himself healthily

This was accompanied by straightforward methods of transmuting the former into the latter.

The perception I held of myself shifted and how I saw the entire world and my place in it changed as a result.

My life became more about observing my reactions and those of others.

I discovered ancient, occult and self-evident ways of altering perception without hallucinogens or mind-altering substances and after exploring the effects myself and running through hundreds of case studies with my clients as a Spiritual Practitioner, I began teaching methods of transforming perception with practical tools and practices which allowed students to live from a healthy view of themselves and thrive in life.

The Defining Moment

So, as stated previously, on September 29th, 2009, after putting all that I had learnt into practice and being in a position of service while exploring consciousness through my own life experience, a moment of pure ecstatic unequivocal bliss was experienced.

The word experience may not necessarily suffice, as there was nobody or object per se that experienced it.

It was a moment in which no time, or measure of it was available, as there was nothing to measure with.

It was as if Liquid Lovelight was flowing upon itself, and I was it, observing it and immersed in it simultaneously.

I have no idea what the duration of this event was, as I was not present or prepared for it, so I had no reason to time it. In fact, for me, the entire Universe and all that seemed real from a human perspective did not exist.

Then, out of nowhere arose a thought, in fact it was more of a memory than a thought.

It was the memory of a dream I once had when I was ten years old, in which “Jesus” (of whom I was taught in school and Sunday school, at a nearby Church), came to the edge of a huge body of water on a huge boat. The boat docked on the water’s edge, and I was invited onboard. It seems as if this was the end, as the earth was cracking as if an earthquake was taking place.

He invited me onto the boat and I refused, as the requirement was that I leave my mother behind. I refused and said that I would never leave without her, and then I awoke.

This was the memory which arose in the middle of this totally blissful experience, and as if a choice was made again in that moment, I chose to return for my mother.

The next thing I remember is arising from the bed in my room and feeling as if the biggest secret in existence had been revealed to me.

I saw that who I was as a being was not the surface self (made up of my possessions, Behaviours, Feelings, Values, Beliefs, Worldviews or even my Ultimate allegiance) but my awareness of it all, yet to make a change within the experience, my self-concept was what was in need of change.

I came across a model of the layers of perception which echoed my view, and it was certainly worth looking at.

The model was known as the culture onion, and showed the layers of the individual’s expression from his Ultimate Allegiance all the way down to the things that he was surrounded by, known as Artifacts.

As far as the perception was concerned, a person’s ultimate allegiance was the central idea that governed the many levels that proceeded as a result, hence the change was within the individual, and those who knew that Love, Light and Peace were within, would live a life reflective of those principles, while those who saw a void, or nothing, or darkness, would have a corresponding life.

A negative person can therefore become positive by becoming allegiant to the Love, Light and Peace.

I certainly did.

Now this is not to say that life became magnificently easy as a result. In fact, there were many challenges, heartbreaks and events that would knock most people on their butts for a lifetime, yet that resilience, strength and faith that I was now aware of, allowed me to know once again that “everything was indeed alright.”

Hence My Ultimate Allegiance was and is to Spirit, the Spirit of Joy, Fulfillment, Bliss, Love, Abundance, Prosperity and Peace.

So I ask you my positive friend …Where is your Ultimate Allegience?

Who is King Gabriel?

He is an individual interested in elevating the earth and humanity, bringing fulfillment to the lives of my brothers and sisters.

Co-Founder of the Ascension Academy of LIght, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Practitioner, best-selling Author, Musician and Engineer.

He’s worked alongside the likes of Rev. Michael Beckwith and Rickie, John Gray, Lisa Nichols, Karl Eric Unander (Norwegian Healer), Steve Harvey and Stevie Wonder.

He’s also Shared the stage with Chaka Khan, Will I am of the Black Eyed Peas and many Others.

Becoming a positive person is more about seeing Yourself as You truly are, and not as the story of Your life has dictated.

Discovering yourself and living as him/her is a contribution that matters to everyone in the world.

Only you can shine away any darkness that may reside in your mind, and only you can maintain the awareness of the light that is within you.


So, it's totally up to you to put in the effort to find your authentic self. It's time to take action now.

Connect with me in our Facebook Group so we can move toward what You’re up to in life and speed you along your way. We help Visionaries, Heart-Based Entrepreneurs and Light Leaders to thrive in all areas of life, remember how powerful they are and lead intuitively and exceptionally.

Feel free to join our facebook group and connect and let me help you to live a life that has a huge positive impact on the world.

Success, Joy and Fulfillment are yours as you become aware of the support that is already within you.

Remember, it's never too late to make changes in your life!

Join the walk with me on Facebook.

Follow Tara and King on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or visit their website.


Tara Antler & King Gabriel, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tara Antler & King Gabriel specialize in Intuitive Healing, Soul Coaching & Spiritual Life Mentoring. They both discovered yoga and meditation, and were guided to walk an awakened path when they were very young. They have dedicated their lives to helping others remember who and what they truly are, become masterful manifestors, activate their Soul's purpose, and experience happy-harmonious relationships! Co-Founders of the Ascension Academy of Light ‒ they empower Families, Light-Workers, and Leaders around the world to consciously create thriving, extraordinary, purpose-led lives!

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