Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview
Based on the ancient Hermetic principles: “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” the mission of Astraea Healing Connection lies in restoring balance and harmony, as well as improving the connection among body, mind, and soul to assist in bringing about healing on every level. The services being offered incorporate several energy healing modalities – Reiki, sound healing, and voice spectrum analysis – aimed at balancing body, mind, and spirit.
Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to create Astraea Healing Connection?
In addition to being a holistic health healer, which I consider my primary calling, currently I work as a public service professional for a Federal agency in the Washington, D.C. area. More specifically, I am part of a team that prepares the agency’s annual budget for submission to the U.S. Congress. My life has had many twists and turns and so has my career, which incorporates experience in the legal field, as well as in the field of international affairs. My present day-time job, so to speak, allows me to stay focused on current affairs, domestically and affords me the opportunity to expand my horizon in other areas in my free time. For several years now, I have chosen to consciously transform my reality by realigning my worldly path to match more closely what I intuitively feel to be my divine path for this Earthly walk. This has been an ongoing process and, a couple of years ago, it culminated in the establishment of Astraea Healing Connection. In other words, Astraea Healing Connection was born out of a profound desire to embody my true self.
Can you share the significance of the Mantra of Light in your life and how it influences the way you approach healing?
I “discovered” the Mantra of Light – known as Vairocana in Sanskrit or Komyo Shingon in Japanese – quite unexpectedly, while browsing for images of the Japanese Kanji characters for Reiki. About three years ago, I took an amateur interest in Japanese calligraphy, which I had turned into an artsy hobby. As I browsed through various online resources, I accidentally came across a piece by Frans Stiene and Bronwen Stiene – “The Great Bright Light” – discussing the origins of the Reiki Master symbol: Dai Ko Myo. I found this article fascinating and continued to research materials that discuss in greater depth the benefits and uses of the Mantra of Light. I also started chanting it daily and, in hind sight, I could tell that it had a profound, transformational effect on my life.
One of the ways the mantra had assisted me in my spiritual growth was to aid in connecting with the “other side” – beyond the veil – where one could “meet” and communicate with loved ones, who have passed. Based on my research, I discovered that one could chant the mantra 108 times for someone, who has crossed over, in order to assist the soul in its path beyond the realm of the physical. While this is typically done on the day of the funeral, or shortly thereafter, I thought that it would be applicable outside of time. My thoughts traveled back to my teenage years, when my maternal grandmother passed away. She had, and still has, strong influence on my spiritual growth. Thus, without hesitation, I chanted the Mantra of Light 108 times, holding her in my thoughts.
Following this experience, I embarked on an accelerated path of spiritual growth, which gave me much needed direction and led me to discover more of my potential as an energy healing practitioner.
What motivates you in your work as a healer, and how do you stay connected to your purpose?
I find this type of work energizing and fulfilling in and of itself. When I give a session or discuss energy healing with prospective clients, I feel a profound sense of connection with myself. I consider it to be my calling and the most authentic expression of my true self. Through it, I experience a sense of being that keeps me grounded and connected to my higher self, and ultimately my purpose in life.
Your mission emphasizes the Hermetic principle "As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul." Could you explain what this principle means?
This principle signifies the interconnectedness of the Universe, if I may use a broad brushstrokes statement. Another way of interpreting it would be to say: all is one, or the within surrounds us.
More specifically, it speaks to our connection with the cosmos and how this translates into our everyday life. Astrology provides that link and offers us a way of interpreting planetary influences and how they may impact us. On a more mundane level, I have come to understand astrology as the connection between the “above and the below.”
One of the modalities that I offer – voice spectrum analysis – best exemplifies that connection. The principle: “As above, so below” – underlies the foundation of this type of voice analysis, which combines medical astrology and sound healing. This approach links the planetary alignment at the time of one’s birth (or natal chart) to the tonal spectrum in one’s voice. According to this method, a musical note corresponds to each zodiac sign. The analysis aims at discovering what frequencies in one’s voice may be dominant, or missing and correlating those to the musical notes linked to the zodiac. The ultimate goal being to restore these missing frequencies by way of vocal toning, so that one’s voice may harmonize with the frequencies of the celestial blueprint at the time of one’s birth, with the end result being to attain balance on all levels – physical and beyond.
How does Reiki, sound healing, and voice analysis work together to support holistic well-being?
All three modalities can work independently – each on its own – or together to support one’s energetic balance. As discussed earlier, the vocal spectrum analysis incorporates aspects of sound healing – most notably, its efficacy derives from the balancing impact of vocal toning. Humming in one’s own voice has a therapeutic effect on the entire body, as it relaxes the nervous system by stimulating the vagus nerve, which is the longest nerve in the human body and it regulates the parasympathetic system, responsible for calming the body. As we hum, or tone to a specific frequency, we, in essence, give our body and internal massage. Practicing vocal toning daily improves focus, and mental clarity, balances metabolic processes, and strengthens the immune system.
Sound healing in and of itself balances various systems in the body by the process of entrainment. Entrainment, simply defined, is a way of harmonizing and aligning with a specific frequency. This process occurs primarily in the brain and induces a specific brainwave frequency, but the body, overall, also entrains to that frequency, as we experience audible sound not only as a brain stimulus but also with our entire body. Thus, organs can also “entrain” with a specific frequency.
Last but not least, Reiki enhances one’s overall vitality and energy levels, as it reaches us through all layers of our being, and has a subtle, yet profound, balancing effect. Reiki energy can be incorporated into a sound healing session as well since sound has the capacity to carry vibrations across time and space. Reiki energy combined with sound frequencies could be a powerful tool for creating an optimal holistic health experience.
All your healing and training sessions are conducted via Zoom. How do you make sure your Zoom sessions feel personal and effective for your clients?
Body language constitutes a key element of any type of communication, online sessions included. Personally, I have a very authentic way of communicating with people, which carries over in a virtual environment as well. What I mean is that I do speak with my body, and oftentimes with my hands. I tend to be very expressive in that way - very Italian - to use a popular stereotype.
All of my healing sessions, regardless of modality, comprise a pre- and post-session discussion with clients, during which they have an opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback. In addition, I incorporate some interactive, centering exercises during my Reiki training sessions, which couple movement with affirmations. That helps clients feel more at ease with the setting. Aside from that, my Reiki I training sessions include a segment, during which I show and guide clients through the Reiki hand positions for conducting a complete self-healing hands-on routine. More advanced Reiki training sessions – for levels II and III – provide prospective practitioners an opportunity to send distance Reiki to themselves, another person, or an issue/problem area that they would like to resolve.
What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning their exploration of energy healing?
My best advice would be to invest time in doing some online, or other research into energy healing, and listen to their intuition, mainly, as it will be their best guide when it comes down to choosing a suitable holistic health modality for their needs, or deciding on a practitioner. I would also suggest that they try to connect with different energy healers and schedule a brief conversation, if they may, or send an online inquiry via e-mail requesting information about a specific service.
For example, I offer free consultations for people interested in Reiki training or voice spectrum analysis. In addition, I have monthly specials - free sound healing and reiki sessions - several times per month. My intent has been to offer ample opportunities to potential clients to explore my services and meet with me virtually prior to making a decision on what modality might best align with their needs at the given moment.
What are some of the general misconceptions associated with energy healing, which you would like to address?
As mainstream as Reiki can be, I still encounter prospective clients, especially among those interested in Reiki training, who ask if Reiki can be "misused" in a way that could potentially harm either the practitioner or the client. I would like to spell out very clearly that Reiki is an energy of non-duality - meaning one cannot cause harm or “misuse” it in any way, be it unknowingly or by intent. To put it plainly - you cannot corrupt Reiki energy in any way. When it flows, it works only in one’s highest good. With that regard, I would like to share the link to a blog post on that subject by Frans Stiene: The Nonduality of Reiki, which I find particularly compelling.
Another misconception has to do with the effectiveness of energy healing. One does not have to believe in its benefits, in order for it to work. In other words, there is no placebo effect, so to speak. One's mindset does not impact whether, or not a certain modality would be helpful in a given treatment. Energy healing, being vibrational in its nature, works through the principle of entrainment, which is a way of harmonizing and aligning with a specific frequency. Thus, the outcome and the impact of a treatment do not depend on one's belief system and one's inclination to trust or mistrust the respective energy healing modality.