Written by: Natalie Farrell, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

You are ready to make an impact within your field of expertise. You have all the knowledge. You have all the qualifications.
Perhaps you even have investors?
If not, you have one investor on board. YOU!
Easy and effortless ways to bring in new business as a Soulpreneur.

You 100% believe in your product, brand, and leadership skills. Yet your voice still isn’t quite cutting through to reach your ideal client. I am going to share a Soulpreneur secret today that will release a catalytical chain of events to:
Bring new business
Spark new approaches for you within your business.
Get your voice fully reverberant.
Uplift the voice of your brand
Synchronise and alchemize your message
The subtle change every Soulpreneur needs to know to help their business flow.
When it comes to being heard within our field of expertise, we can often feel frustrated as the “voice” of our business can all too quickly get consumed. Munched up by the diverse array of information at the reach of all consumers these days. Well, I have good news for you fellow Soulpreneur. all-consuming consumers have space for new information.
That’s why I am so excited to share with you one subtle change you can employ within your own day. Every day. To hone your voice and use it in an efficacious way.
Slicing Through The Noise with reverberant voices
Say goodbye to the negative neurological pathways that:
drip feed your system with the fear of failure the more visible you become
the imposter voice that seeps out each time you communicate with your client and audience and get no response.
stop you from taking the fall into the unknown
There is always someone out there waiting to receive what you have to say. And the way you say it holds the key to it being fully heard. The tone of your voice is about to get fully switched on in a delicious way.
Your voice holds a key to unlocking and opening new doors
Your voice is probably the last thing you think about when it comes to your business. You may have mastered the perfect tone for the brand. But have you mastered the tone that resonates fully with your personality? The tone of realness.
The tone of truth isn’t quite making the grade
Soulpreneurs across the globe, right now, are moving beyond the concept of speaking the truth and moving deeper into the visceral levels of vocal and visible vulnerability. Every day leaders within my community and Femtor programs are uncovering new ways to get comfortable with the sound of their own voices. To speak with a fully resonant voice full up with their personality. Allowing their voices to represent their brand through the tone of realness.
Let me explain further:
The information you impart through your voice is loaded with passion
This passion has a tone
This tone is loaded with activation keys for the receiver (whether it be one person or 10 million people) that creates an impact on their day, lives, and business.
If you are still associating with thoughts of fear, doubt, or imposter syndrome each time you speak in/about/on your business you are communicating this subtle unseen energy. Even though you want to be transparent. You are still hiding from the full exposure that tipping on the edge of vulnerability offers you and your business.
Time to explore how the tone of your voice is stopping you from achieving
Over the years I have seen trends within social media within my circles of influencers and clients around the concept of being your authentic self. There is a chain of five words that when respected fully releases a catalytical chain of events leading you as a leader to being real.
Genuine. Trust. Authentic. Truth. Real.
The English dictionary describes genuine as something that is real and exactly what it appears to be.
When a client or customer is attracted to buy from us, if they feel it is genuine then we have offered them a safe space to trust the process to part with their time, vulnerability, and money in exchange for the service or goods they wish to receive.
Authentic within the dictionary definition. Is not false; real, actual. True to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.
It is this last definition of the word authentic that I find so interesting. Because when the voice wavers it falters to be authentic. Somewhere in the chain, something isn’t in alignment with your personality, spirit, or character.
When the voice is released in all its fullness the tone is being heard in a genuine, confident, and authentic way. The tone then that is translated through spoken word and written word (for example within PR pitches, demonstrations, talks, social posts, and newsletters) resonates fully with the truth. This genuine, authentic truthful voice is received with complete trust. This voice is real.
“Natalie you are the real deal.”
Clients often say this to me. Last month during a soul activation session a client felt intimidated by my realness. At the same time, she felt comforted by my realness because it is rare (becoming less so as more of you employ the tone of realness.) Plus, when we meet someone speaking through the tone of realness for the first time it can feel alien as their willingness to be open acts like a sword cutting through all the noise.
I simply smiled at her. Said yes, I am real. This is the way I am now.
You can’t deny realness, unlike falseness which can seep its way in easily and fool you. Realness slices through the noise and cuts you to the bone. A voice that speaks uses its real tone cracks you open and makes you want to shift, move, realign, develop, and be more.
Releasing Reverberant Voices
When you speak from a place of truth it is powerful. Think back to a time in the past month when you have had to speak about your business or yourself (if you are a solopreneur.) Did you believe the tone of your voice as you spoke out loud about the information?
Did you pretend?
Did you hide from the sound of your voice?
Did you capture your audience’s attention?
Did you like talking about it?
Did you chastise yourself and stop yourself from saying certain things because you still feel you are not good enough/worthy to share in this way?
The tone of your voice is your tone. You can change and develop it. But the most potent way for you to use it is in a real way.
The 3 subtle secrets every Soulpreneur wants you to know:
Be more real
Accept your voice as it is
Let your personality do the talking.
Don’t take your voice for granted as these subtleties within your tone are released each time you speak. Make it count.
Be more real. Accept your voice as it is. Let your personality do the talking.
Being real is your subtle Soulpreneur superpower.
Captivate your audience. As you speak to them remember the tone of your voice is always sending subtle signals that they receive (consciously or unconsciously.) As your audience listens within seconds, they decide whether to stay switched on or switched off.
What they really are accessing within these nanoseconds of connection with you:
Is this real? Or not real?
Shall I stay switched in? Or switch off?
I know which one I choose! Real and switched on.
Which one do you choose?
A little story to share on my first awakening moment of vocal and visible vulnerability. I was presenting a radio show on Wellbeing Radio and asked to interview singer and songwriter Siri Akal. This show trended with 25k listeners within one hour. Why I was fully aligned with a subject that invoked the real tone of my work and voice. I was activated and through this activation, I captivated the audience.
Listen to Siri and I chat here it is free-flowing, fun entertaining, and REAL.
Natalie Farrell is a leader in voice activation, intuitive sound healing, and linguistic psychology. With an accomplished 20+ year background in singing, voice coaching, presenting, and writing her work with Solopreneurs acts as a catalyst for profound transformation guiding them to be fully visible within their field of expertise. In 2021, she published her first book, ‘Light The Way’ a powerful companion for modern-day change makers who are ready to go all-in and approach business and life in an unconventional way. Her mission: to release reverberant voices.
Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Natalie Farrell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Natalie Farrell is a leader in voice activation, intuitive sound healing, and linguistic psychology. With an accomplished 20+ year background in singing, voice coaching, presenting, and writing her work with Solopreneurs acts as a catalyst for profound transformation guiding them to be fully visible within their field of expertise. In 2021, she published her first book, ‘Light The Way’ a powerful companion for modern-day change makers who are ready to go all-in and approach business and life in an unconventional way. Her mission: to release reverberant voices.