Written by: Serena Fordham, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The digital has brought a lot of changes and shifts both in our professional and personal lives. For those within the corporate world, networking has changed drastically – with people able to instantly communicate through mobile devices no matter where they are in the world.

Here, we share how networking is different in the digital world:
▪ Going virtual – Networking is a vital component of business expansion, and expanding is the name of the game for many companies in the modern age. On top of the existing trends towards virtual meetings with those worldwide, COVID-19 has forced many businesses to explore the methods that involve meeting others through the virtual realm.
▪ Anywhere at any time – Networking no longer requires a set time and day to execute, as messages can be left for existing or potential associates through emails and similar methods. For anyone around the world, at any time, things can be picked up where they were left off with no stress and little effort – making the act of global networking a streamlined act.
▪ New horizons – With the help of the internet, and all that it brings with it, both individuals and businesses have found that it’s far easier to expand into new areas that they never thought possible before. With social networks providing huge directories and millions of businesses to discover at your fingertips, the possibility to collaborate and commune with new, exciting opportunities is providing companies with the expansion that will take them to new places.
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Serena Fordham, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Serena is an expert Business Strategist, Growth/Development and Empowerment Mentor to Female Entrepreneurs, and a best-selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and successful multiple Business Owner. Her main passion is offering business strategies, support, and empowerment to ambitious and high vibe business women both locally and internationally – through HER Business Revolution. She is also known for her organization skills through owning Glow Virtual Assistants and for her support of women and child-related charities (also founding two charitable initiatives – Mums Empowerment Movement and SociaBubble)