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How Imposter Syndrome Affects Expats Working Abroad And What To Do About It

Written by: Andrea Hunt, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Andrea Hunt

In recent years due to globalization, many people like me have chosen to move to other countries for work experience and live as expats abroad. Living abroad in another country can bring many wonderful new professional opportunities but also many challenges. Adapting to cultural differences, and professional expectations can make even the most confident person doubt their abilities, especially in another language. Imposter syndrome among expats is quite common and leads many to feel like a fraud and doubt their abilities. In this article, we will explore the concept of imposter syndrome and how expat entrepreneurs can use EFT tapping to overcome it and thrive in their business endeavors.

Man sitting at cafe working on laptop

How does imposter syndrome affect expats living abroad?

Picture this: in your own country you have tons of professional experience, you’re confident and a great public speaker, you have great project management skills, understand hierarchies and how standard business practices work.

Now: imagine moving across the world and trying to hold business negotiations with Chinese companies or trying to manage a project team in Italy, while trying to maintain the same exact confidence. Or take your skills and work in Germany while struggling to adopt German organizational habits, which admittedly are the most impressive I’ve ever seen in the world.

When it comes to working in another country or starting a business there, one thing I’ve heard from my expat clients is that imposter syndrome can very easily creep in and have a damaging effect on confidence, particularly those who are starting in new executive roles.

Cultural norms, business etiquette, and workplace culture work very differently in other countries and can be jolting to new expats when they move abroad for their careers. This initial culture shock can be difficult and lead to hesitation when making decisions, risk aversion, fear of standing out, or networking with potential clients in a new language.

5 Ways imposter syndrome affects expat professionals

Imposter Syndrome is by no means particular to expats, but it can even happen to high-achievers when they move to another country. Here are some common signs and symptoms of imposter syndrome in expats:

1. Self-doubt: when we doubt our abilities and question whether we deserve our achievements. It might make us believe we are not as competent or talented as others perceive us to be.

2. Fear of Failure: when we have an intense fear of failing or making mistakes. It might make us avoid taking on more challenges or opportunities due to the fear of not meeting expectations.

3. Perfectionism: when we have high expectations of ourselves and strive for perfection in everything we do. It might make us overly critical of our own work and feel inadequate unless it is flawless.

4. Need for Validation: when we seek constant validation and approval from others. It might make us rely heavily on external feedback and reassurance to feel validated in our abilities.

5. Difficulty Internalizing Success: when we achieve significant accomplishments but struggle to internalize and accept our success. It might make us attribute our achievements to luck, timing, or external factors, rather than acknowledging our own skills and efforts.

However, recognizing these signs and symptoms is the first step in managing imposter syndrome. When we address and challenge these negative thought patterns, we can gain confidence in our abilities and learn to embrace their accomplishments.

Root causes of imposter syndrome

To truly understand and address imposter syndrome and how it shows up in expats, we need to take a look at some of the root causes and underlying factors:

Perfectionism is one of the primary factors that can lead to imposter syndrome in expats. Unfortunately, people who strive for perfection in everything they do tend to set unrealistic expectations for themselves.

In another country and culture, when expats don’t understand the language or instructions properly, they might think they’re doing it wrong but also feel uncomfortable asking for help. Then, when they can’t meet their own high standards due to linguistic or cultural misunderstandings, it leaves them with feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.

Moreover, expats who grew up in environments where they were constantly compared to others can have a deep-rooted belief that they’re not as competent or talented as others perceive them to be because they should be better.

It’s also worth noting that gender stereotypes and cultural expectations can also contribute to expat imposter syndrome. In male-dominated fields or in countries with fewer women in managerial positions, women may feel the need to constantly prove themselves and doubt their abilities. Furthermore, very different cultural expectations of success and achievement can create immense pressure.

This self-doubt can be detrimental to an entrepreneur's confidence and overall success. It’s important during the initial stage of moving to another country that expat entrepreneurs practice self-compassion, challenge their negative self-talk, and seek support from networking communities. Furthermore, there are strategies and techniques, such as EFT tapping, that can help expat entrepreneurs crush imposter syndrome and regain their self-assurance.

How can EFT tapping help with expat imposter syndrome?

So how should expats deal with these new feelings of imposter syndrome or new insecurities that arise from a new environment? Fortunately, EFT Tapping is a powerful mind-body tool to combat and overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome.

EFT Tapping, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique, involves gentle tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on negative emotions and fears. By acknowledging and accepting these feelings, individuals can release the emotional charge and rewire their thought patterns.

Additionally, incorporating positive affirmations and visualization techniques during the tapping process reinforces empowering beliefs and builds self-confidence. EFT Tapping is a safe and non-invasive method to address deep-seated emotional issues, reduce anxiety and self-doubt, enhance self-esteem, and helps to rebuild confidence and a positive mindset.

Become unstoppable working with an expat EFT practitioner

When it comes to managing and confronting imposter syndrome, working with an EFT practitioner is the easiest way to unlock your full potential. Whether you’ve just moved abroad or you’ve been living in another country for a while, you get a tailored approach to address your specific expat challenges.

One of the key advantages of working with an expat EFT practitioner is having a safe and non-judgmental space to confront your self-doubt and improve your confidence. Having a supportive practitioner who is also an expat and understands these unique challenges can help you adjust to a new country.


As an expat nomad, I’ve lived, worked, and studied in many countries and I understand that moving abroad is not easy. It can be downright scary at the beginning and extremely disorienting, even for the most confident among us. This has happened to me many times moving to Mexico, Italy, Germany, China, Argentina, and England and I can assure you that it’s possible to build your confidence in a new environment and feel empowered. I’m here to help you release aspects of your imposter syndrome by providing personalized guidance, and helping you navigate the unique challenges you face. Let me help you unleash your full potential and become unstoppable in your entrepreneurial journey abroad!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!

Andrea Hunt Brainz Magazine

Andrea Hunt, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Andrea Hunt is an online transformational life coach & EFT Practitioner for expats and digital nomads. A US expat who's lived in 7 different countries, Andrea helps those who boldly took the road less traveled to thrive abroad with confidence. She understands the challenges of planning a move abroad, integrating into a new culture, finding new friends and social circles, rebuilding life after a job loss or breakup while living in another country. She helps you empower your mindset and erase your limiting beliefs to thrive.

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