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How I Went From Homeless To A Successful Entrepreneur And How You Can Do It Too

Written by: Laura Lohk, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This is a story, I have often shared with my clients. Why? Because I want to empower them to realise that it doesn’t matter what their background is, whether they are rich or poor, whether they are academically ‘gifted’ or not, they absolutely can achieve their dream life and business. Anyone can. Including you.

I was born in a small country in Europe. I didn’t have a stable upbringing, as I didn’t have a father and my mother was struggling, mentally and otherwise, to provide us with a healthy living environment.

Even from an early age, I went days without a proper meal, sometimes I studied at candlelight because we didn’t have money for electricity. I witnessed my mother’s mental health struggles and even attempts to leave this life.

Academically I was known as the ‘stupid kid’ who probably won’t get too far in life and most of my childhood was spent moving from flat to flat, because we couldn’t pay any rent and were thrown out by the landlord.

At one point, we ended up homeless and were taken in by a Christian charity. I slept in a charity shop on top of a pile of clothes, after which we were sofa hopping for a while.

When I was about 16-17, my own mental health struggles left me wondering, ‘What’s the point?’.

I had no proper living space, I lived in a tiny room, which only fitted a wardrobe, desk and one bed, which I had to share with my mother. I didn’t have money to go out with my friends, let alone invite them over. I struggled in school and I was constantly hungry.

So, how did I manage to move to the UK when I was 19, go to University and study Law, become a solicitor and manager and then a successful business owner?

I can assure you that it wasn’t luck. It was something more powerful than that.

When you reach rock bottom, there is nowhere else to go but up

I remember it clearly when I thought that this is the absolute rock bottom. I was angry with the world, and the more I thought about the injustice, the angrier I got. It was at this time, unbeknown to the power it will have, I made a decision, an absolute commitment to myself, that enough is enough. I will not accept this life, and I will do whatever it takes to build myself a better future.

I had no idea how I’m going to do it, because ‘reality’ was completely the opposite. I just knew with absolute certainty that I will.

As I had shifted my mindset, things started to happen, almost as if from nowhere.

My school councillor, introduced me to a voluntary organisation and I started taking part in some voluntary work. This gave me some purpose and introduced me to new people.

An amazing lady then told me about a book called, ‘The 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teens ‘ by Sean Covey. This was the first book that introduced me to the power of the mind.

To cut the long story short, opportunities started to line up, and when I was 18 I found out about international volunteer opportunities in the UK. The application process was hard (as I didn’t really speak English well) and very long.

But, because I had made the commitment to myself and I just knew that I will have a better life, that I had dreamed about for so long, I just knew that even though there are hundreds of applicants for this 11 months program, I will get it.

The application took about a year, but of course, I did get it. An amazing opportunity where I could go to the UK for 11 months, all expenses paid. The girl who normally didn’t have £0.50 for a bread was flying to the UK.

I arrived to the UK in 2005, with only £42 in my pocket, and I knew I was never going to go back.

A few years later, I decided to also study the hardest thing I could study in a foreign language, that I didn’t speak well, to show all the doubters I had in school, that I can, I will, watch me. Against all odds and with my utter determination, I studied law, worked my way up to a good legal job, and became a solicitor.

In 2018, I left that job to start again, and became my own boss. Here I am today, helping other entrepreneurs to forget about the odds and just go for their dreams. Because as long as they are determined, hungry and never give up, anything is possible.

Of course, this story is much longer than that, so much more happened and so much more was learnt, but there are key things that helped me then and are continuing to help me now.

You are the foundation of your success…

… and if you are wonky, so will be your success. One of the main things I coach my clients now, is how to build a solid foundation ie their mindset so that they can achieve anything they want. Your success is 20% strategy and a whopping 80% of your mindset. If you truly want to succeed and achieve your dreams, your mind is your powerhouse. You need determination, you need to absolutely and utterly want it, because there will be challenges ahead. The thing is, it’s not what happens to you that matters but how you deal with what happens. And it all comes down to your mindset. Build and strengthen your mindset, and you’re almost there.

Laura Lohk

Holistic Business Coach

IG @businessfromscratchcoaching

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Laura Lohk, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura Lohk, is a holistic business coach. She is helping online business owners to get clarity in their business, rewire and update their subconscious mindset blocks that have held them back, teach them the strategies and roadmap they need to quantum leap their success. Her mission is to help people to strengthen their self-belief, confidence and power, so everyone can unlock their potential and reach their wildest dreams.

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