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How I Turned Pain Into Power – Exclusive Interview With Avishai El

Avishai El is a 2x International Best-Selling Author, Psychic Medium, and Certified Holistic Health Coach. She is host of the Avi Unfiltered Podcast and has her own television show, “Heal It All” on the BraveHeartsTV Network. It’s available on AmazonFire and Roku. She is known globally for her expertise in the holistic health and medical fields.

Avishai is an affiliate partner of Dr. Morse and Dr. Joel Fuhrman. She has interviewed Dr. Fuhrman and other doctors and healers on her podcast. Helping people heal from literally everything is her specialty. She also specializes in mental health, nutrition, lifestyle, and manifestation in her coaching practice. 

Avishai is the leading expert in neuroscience and neuroadvocate. She has done several speaking engagements to discuss a wide variety of health topics to support others on their health journey.

photo of Avishai El

Avishai El, Psychic Medium & Certified Holistic Health Coach

Why are you passionate about holistic health and how has it changed your life?

Holistic health fills me with joy because of its healing effects. It helped me heal on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. I am passionate about it because it allows me to feel whole. It provides balance and harmony.

I’m grateful to my mom for discovering the power of holistic health. She shared that knowledge with me, which made me happy because I was in a dark place and was looking for solutions to help me with depression, feeling unrest, and physical ailments. My healing journey started with vegan and plant-based nutrition.

There are many vegans in the world, but some are junk food vegans. I found that there were more healing benefits when I switched over to eating…

  • Unprocessed foods

  • Fruits

  • Veggies

  • Nuts

  • Seeds 

When I ate this way consistently, I noticed a significant increase in my energy. I wanted to go on an adventure every day. Whether I explored nature, went to farmer’s markets, took a stroll in the park, visited raw vegan retreats, etc. The possibilities were endless.

I went from feeling hopeless to feeling as though life had meaning. My spiritual connection became deeper and my visions more vivid when I started eating healthier. I became more powerful and the joy that I felt from Spirit realms was something unexplainable.

But that wasn’t the end of my journey. Nutrition opened a world of endless healing possibilities for me. It sparked my interest and encouraged me to do more research. To my excitement there were other healing modalities, such as essential oils, meditation, qi gong, musical frequencies, and the list goes on.

This is what helped me heal from certain physical ailments. I had a debilitating history of endometriosis, cancer, ataxia, burns, and a traumatic brain injury, I almost went blind in one eye, 

I used to pass out a lot, and had car accident injuries. Using essential oils, musical frequencies, herbs, and tinctures in conjunction with a healthy diet helped me reverse the endometriosis and the eye issues.

I was thankful to God for gifting this planet and me with this so I can always access the peace that surpasses all understanding. It made me realize that I was never supposed to be unhappy on this planet. I was meant to feel uplifted as it was okay to feel that way.

What are some of the hardships that you had to face in your life?

What hardships haven’t I faced in life? Unfortunately, there are too many to count and it’s more than the average population would probably see in their lifetime.

Here’s a list of what I’ve been through:

  • I was sexually assaulted

  • I was sexually abused

  • I was in a domestically violent relationship

  • I’ve been burned 4 times

  • I was homeless

  • Some friends and family turned on me

  • I’ve encountered jealous women and men everywhere

  • People created smear campaigns against me

  • I’ve been gossiped about

  • Terminal illness plagued my life

  • I had a Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Discrimination has been a constant theme in my life

From ages 2.5 to 3 years old I was sexually assaulted, sodomized, and sexually abused by my father’s stepfather. My father and mother got a divorce. She offered for my father to come see me at her house or babysit me over there while she was at work. He refused and insisted that she bring me to his mother’s house.

She didn’t want to do that, but it was court-ordered. Each time I would go over there either he left after 5 minutes or didn’t show up. Therefore, his evil mother had to watch me, but she left as well. She left me with her husband who was a pedophile. She knew what he was doing because she caught him one time.

Instead of getting upset with him, she tried to hit me with a belt. Eventually, I got the courage to tell my mom what was going on. She pressed charges and had him sent to prison. The abuse I endured from him, and my father made me choose toxic relationships. At age 15, I got involved with an 18-year-old football player.

He was tall, almost 300 lbs. and strong. He hated me talking to other men for any reason and mushed me in my face because of it. I was verbally abused and physically stalked by him. He would make fun of my stomach in front of his friends. 

His friends felt bad for me and didn’t like his behavior, but I guess they feared him. When I found the strength to cuss him out and leave him, he started a smear campaign. His other friends who didn’t tolerate his toxicity told me about it and knew he was lying.

Back in 2019, I was in a horrific car accident that almost took my life, and I was burned by the airbag. If I hadn’t escaped in 10 minutes, I would have died from smoke inhalation. Years later due to my body being acidic and being terminally ill, I burned from the inside out.

This happened three more times. I had acid burns on my face, neck, chest, arms, and hands. This was around the time that I faced homelessness and had to stay with a relative. I thought I was loved, but only one relative extended a hand for me to move in with them.

My mom and I lost a home due to discrimination and I was staying with her because I was physically ill. I couldn’t take care of myself on my own. We both had to move in with a relative.

We were heavily gossiped about by some so-called family and friends for choosing the path to sovereignty.

Some people looked out, but hardly anyone wanted to help us and didn’t care that I was dying in the process. When I was on bed rest with leukemia and paralyzed with ataxia, I did the best I could to build my coaching business, so I joined Facebook groups.

I would make time to go get my bloodwork done and engage in those groups. The women would make sly remarks and try to downplay me as a coach. I also was very popular in some of those groups and when I made engaging posts they would get deleted.

People didn’t want to see me win and tried their very best to stop me in every aspect of my career, but I kept going. I cussed those people out and left all those groups, starting on a new path without their help.

My career skyrocketed three years ago when I went on TikTok and started doing psychic reads. These readings gave people clarity on their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. People thought I was “scarily accurate” and started working with me and enrolling in my programs.

Then two years later I had a Traumatic Brain Injury that almost took my life. I was knocked unconscious twice and had a long recovery. It was a horrific experience, but as always, I had a positive outlook in this situation. It taught me valuable lessons and made me put self-care at the forefront.

I was also chosen to speak at a conference for brain health, which made me extremely happy. There’s always a positive twist to every negative situation.

How do you help others?

I’ve been helping people in the medical and holistic health field for 9 years and it has been a pleasure to see people heal and transform their lives. As a Psychic Medium, Certified Holistic Health professional, Certified Raw Food Educator, Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education, with a vast background in every subject matter you could name, I can help people heal from everything.

People have come to me with chronic illnesses, terminal illnesses, injuries, anxiety, depression, job issues, and relationship problems. I help people heal everything and am an expert at doing so. 

No matter what kind of trauma people go through they get rid of it within a year. That’s the max. Imagine dealing with ailments and trauma for years and getting rid of it within that same year. Some of my clients have gotten off their depression and anxiety meds in three weeks.

Avishai, your approach is described as 'crassionate'—a blend of crazy and passionate. Can you elaborate on how this philosophy shapes your holistic health coaching?

People come to work with me from all over the globe to heal and change their lives for the better. Most of them start with my psychic readings and many want to know about their love life, want to improve their health, or want to know their purpose.

During these appointments what ends up happening is we get to the root of their problems and sometimes it has nothing to do with what they think their problem is. For example, some people come to me with relationship problems and then I discover that they have abandonment wounds.

That’s crazy right?!

So, what I do is outside of the norm. I don’t focus on the problem; I help them get to the root of it and provide them with solutions. I’ll give you another example…

Clients come to me with breathing issues. Naturally, the doctor prescribes albuterol or an inhaler. I don’t because of the side effects and the toxicity that’s detrimental to the body over time.

Instead, I’ll recommend certain herbs, foods, essential oils, etc. to help them. If their hair isn’t growing, my first recommendation isn’t to take a vitamin. I focus on the root cause. In fact, on a television episode on the BraveHeartsTV Network, I discussed how to grow hair by aligning the chakras.

So, crassionate is all about doing what’s outside the norm of mainstream and conventional practices. I also teach my clients how to stand in their authentic truth and take back their power without caring what other people think.

Yes, people may think you’re crazy, but feeling confident in your skin is all that matters.

How do your psychic gifts help your clients?

Being a psychic medium is something I wouldn’t change for the world. I’ve been this way since birth and my gifts have helped many people. There have been times when I’ve had visions of people getting sick and have prevented that from happening by telling them ahead of time. 

I’ve also come up with intuitive holistic health protocols to help people heal from blood sugar issues, heart problems, liver damage, and more. People have worked with me on a global scale to help them solve all of life’s problems.

They book psychic readings through my site. When they do, I intuitively read for them using Creator, Spirit, Angels, and Spirit realms to give me specific messages. They’re always accurate and give them the clarity they need to progress in life.

People have healed sickness, gotten better relationships, found their purpose in life, gotten better jobs, and found peace. My psychic gifts give me an inside look as to how to best support people. Some people come to me to receive messages from their loved ones who have passed over.

I’m used to being visited by people who left this physical earth plane. This brings people comfort to hear from their loved ones again and allows them to move on. Some of my clients felt regret, grief, and turmoil when their relatives or friends passed away. When they get the chance to hear from them again it relieves them of that chronic stress.

How can you gauge that your clients have transformed their lives?

Many of my clients have transformed their lives working with me. Each of them has dealt with different issues in their life. I’ve had clients come to be with various dilemmas and I was able to pinpoint what they were, get at the root cause, and guide them out of their problematic state.

Some of the issues they experienced were:

  • Social anxiety

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • The inability to stand up for themselves

  • Sexual trauma

  • Domestic violence

  • Physical ailments

  • Draining jobs

Their transformations looked different for each case, but I noticed that after working with me everyone had a glow and a smile on their faces. Some of them started to document their journey and make videos with confidence.

They updated me on their progress. Sometimes I can gauge that they changed for the better by how they sound on the phone. Many of them would sound overwhelmed and towards the end of their time working with me they sounded more upbeat.

This is the power of holistic health. When you help people heal on an immersive level it has miraculous and profound effects. It takes them from feeling like a failure in their life to feeling heroic.

What made you transform your life?

If I didn’t transform my life, I wouldn’t have lived past the age of 25 years old. I battled significant trauma and strong demons in my life that were leading me on the path of destruction. Although I had a great mother and a few relatives, teachers, and some friends who cared about me, I never had an easy life.

The darkness I went through clouded all the happy times that I had. It was a battle between good and evil for me constantly. I was addicted to drugs from ages 16 to 22 years old and I started drinking at 16. I stopped drinking a year later, but I was also addicted to that as well.

My father was an alcoholic and had an addictive personality, so I was following in his footsteps. This made me feel closer to him, but I also despised him. I was numbing the pain I felt from his rejection and abuse from his stepfather, so I hurt myself with drugs and alcohol.

I cut myself on several occasions and didn’t feel pain until I tried to slit my wrists in the bathtub at 15 years old. My moods were out of whack. I would go from feeling happy, to depressed, to wanting to kill myself. It was awful and I was filled with torment.

My happiness came from living on the edge, hanging out with friends who had my addictions, and being around my love interests. I was a prison girlfriend twice but held three people down in prison.

I only dealt romantically with one, but because I attracted a lot of male attention people started rumors about me and called me obscene names. I was never promiscuous, was exclusive, and very picky. Besides the man who made my face swell up after mushing me in it, the other ones were kind. We didn’t have relations because they respected me.

They were also very loyal, but when one of them went to prison I spiraled out of control. It was a rough year for me. I was used to talking to them on the phone every day and then I was writing them in prison. I lost my best friend and lover and didn’t know what to do with myself.

That suicide attempt saved my life. It made me realize that I was meant to be here. I was in the orchestra as a violinist and decided to audition for music schools. When I didn’t get into one of the schools and found out that I might need help having children, I spiraled again and thought the street life was for me.

I thought I was cursed so I started to get higher than I ever was on drugs. This led me to get into a fight and almost get arrested. That lifestyle also led me to be out late at night with a street gang. One of the guys pulled a pocket knife out on me.

I was so angry about my father and life in general that I didn’t care anymore. I stared directly at him and that knife waiting for him to cut me. I was ready to fight him, but he felt that energy and put it away. 

Months later I decided to commit my life to God, so I stopped doing drugs and cut off all my old friends. I also discovered that I wasn’t infertile so that gave me a sigh of relief. From the time I was 17 to 26 years old, I was fasting, praying, studying, going to college, and staying celibate. It wasn’t an easy journey, but it helped me fight my demons.

There were a lot of fake people in the church, but I didn’t let that cloud my connection to God. One of my relatives who used to be the leader of two gangs, but changed their life around was glad I didn’t go away to one of the colleges that I was accepted in. They thought I was wild and would have a relapse.

They saw themselves in me and I thought, “If this person thinks I’m wild and would go all out then maybe I need to chill out.” Although church helped me apply biblical principles to my life, holistic health deepened my relationship.

I left the church and found spirituality. This resonated more with me, and I graduated from having to be under a leader. I’m grateful for what I was taught, but knew I had to go on my journey.

This was a freeing experience and an accomplishment for me because I wasn’t reliant on somebody to get a prayer through for me. I was able to do that myself and it was empowering. Realizing my own power and cleansing my mind, body, and soul with nutrition, a connection to God, nature, and more helped me transform my life.

What prompted you to write your international best-selling memoir, “I Made It Out”?

Writing my memoir was a difficult experience. I started writing it back in 2017 but couldn’t finish it. Rehashing those traumatic memories opened wounds. However, I was thankful that I encountered that because it showed me where I still needed healing.

So, I took that opportunity to do the uncomfortable healing work and came back to writing it in 2021. My Spirit and Angels kept urging me to write this book and I wrote it in one month. I knew that it could save many lives and by not writing it, I was being selfish.

Self-care was imperative throughout the writing process. When I had to talk about certain experiences, I would write some, then take a break and go to the gym. This boosted my mental energy and allowed me to process what I needed to.

By this time, I was healed and was able to get through every moment of my life with more ease. Taking care of my overall health made this a fun project. I carved out time to focus solely on writing because I knew it had to be completed and people could change their lives by reading it.

People started promoting it and I had a book tour for it throughout the United Kingdom. There were blogs written about it. I enjoyed every moment. It ended up on the Hot New Releases and International Best-Sellers List on Amazon.

Everyone was raving about the book, and it was a huge dream of mine that I achieved.

Is there something that makes you jump out of bed in the morning?

Well as an avid workaholic, I find myself going to bed in the morning and getting up in the afternoon. Sometimes I pull all-nighters. I work for myself and mostly by myself. Certainly, I outsource and get help when needed, but I love working.

I’m not perfect and need better sleep patterns for sure. With my history as a holistic hospice nurse, having a history of cancer, and being a traumatic brain injury survivor, my sleep patterns have been out of whack for years. Also, I am passionate about working and accomplishing my goals.

If you’re familiar with astrology, then you know Cancer and Capricorn are heavily associated with work. I have a Capricorn Stellium so there’s a lot of concentrated energy in that Zodiac sign. It’s my focus.

Work is what makes me jump out of bed in the morning. Being homeless, losing jewelry to crooked pawn shops, and losing storage items in my past drive me to focus solely on work. I don’t want that to happen again. It was devastating and made me feel immense heartbreak and regret.

I work so I can eat and live a good life. My mindset is focused on longevity and building my life for the long haul. The lessons I learned in life were harsh and brutal, but they made me work wisely.

You have several life-changing programs. Tell us more about those.

I’m addicted to course and program creation. These are life-changing programs that have helped people heal from everything you could name. I created my first one back in 2018. I’ll never forget how I was stuck at weighing 150 lbs. and sick of dieting.

It was either go back to my horrible food addiction or find a way to have my cake and eat it too. My focus was on losing weight, so I decided to go back to the drawing board and read holistic health books. The goal was to find a way to enjoy all my food favorites without gaining weight.

To my surprise, this was a possibility and it made me very happy. If the food was nutrient-dense, I was able to eat whatever I wanted. My favorite foods at the time were vegan burgers, pizza, and cheesecake. I started writing out recipes and did a fun experiment on myself.

Within two weeks I lost 12 lbs. and was relieved that I was finally in the 130s. This made me feel great and led me down the path to healing my mental and emotional health. I was eating my stress away and enjoying food again in a healthy well.

It prompted me to create my “Eat Stress Away” program. This is my high-end 16-week course that takes people who have experienced trauma, emotionally eat because of it, and want solutions to getting rid of chronic stress.

Many people have enrolled in this program and enjoy it. It’s convenient for myself and others. Before having programs and courses I would meet with clients over the phone. Most of my day would be me talking to and supporting them on their health journey.

While it was a wonderful experience, I found that I had no time or freedom. Putting all my methodologies and ideologies into a course helped me reach more clients and have more time for myself. From that program, I created other smaller courses based on the modules.

In total, I have about 8 programs. They help with everything. In the voice of Stefon from SNL, “These courses have everything!” I know how it is to go through life looking for solutions to problems, so I wanted people to be able to come to my site and gain access to those.

They provide solutions for:

  • Weight loss

  • Overcoming traumatic experiences

  • Feeling confident

  • Being authentic

  • Speaking up for yourself

  • Better organizational skills

  • Time management

  • Self-love

  • Getting over heartbreak

  • Releasing abandonment wounds

  • Improving nutrition

  • Beauty regimen

  • Non-toxic lifestyle

People have seen tremendous results and I’ve been amazed at how these programs and courses have helped them. 

How are your programs different from other people’s?

My programs are different from other people’s because I deal with the whole person, and they have an intuitive component. The programs are created based on an intuitive strategy. They’ve been strategically created based on what the natural mind and finite mind can’t see.

Utilizing intuition Spirit can detect what healing modalities and teaching methods will suit everyone who enrolls in the best possible way. Many people don’t access and use their intuition in this format to help their clients.

Also, some people’s programs focus solely on nutrition and improving physique. They aren’t getting to the root cause or helping their clients heal from ailments. My clients have reached out to me and told me that they’ve been healed from trauma and gotten rid of pain from Multiple Sclerosis.

This is what it’s all about… helping people heal in all aspects so they can function at their optimal. People can enjoy their lives without pain on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. Thriving is the way to go and my programs do just that.

You’re multifaceted. You play violin and every single instrument, you sing, you’re psychic, you have your skincare line, you have your paintings, you’re an incredible writer, you’re a professional UX copywriter, you’ve done acting, you’ve been in plays, you’re funny, you’re excellent at cooking and baking, you do excellent makeup, you know how to raise children, and the list goes on.

How do you help people heal with all of these?

It’s become a fad and a trend for people to play instruments and sing to help other people heal, but I started doing this back in 2014 to heal my body. Musical frequencies can heal every form of sickness. When it comes to violin it’s standard to tune the A to 440 HZ, but I tune my A to 432 HZ because of the healing benefits.

This frequency reduces stress and anxiety and enhances mental clarity and focus. Once the A is tuned to 432 HZ the other strings can follow suit and provide various healing benefits. 

Before I got into holistic health I went to school for music. My first job was on Albany Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut where I got paid to be a jazz violinist and apprentice. I was 15 years old.

I played at Weaver High School graduation, churches, funerals, weddings, and concerts. 

Then I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Music in 2012 and had to learn every single instrument. I’ve recently incorporated violin reiki into my holistic health coaching practice and it has helped people with epilepsy, ataxia, liver damage, cancer, and to simply relax.

I’ve been singing since I was 2 years old. The first time I sang was on a Nickelodeon mic and it was a song by Whitney Houston. I sang in the church choir, auditioned to sing in talent shows and won, and went on to sign in Broadway plays when I was in middle school. It wasn’t on Broadway, but it was a rare opportunity to sing in the play “Evita” at the high school.

I used to sing to God when I would pray as a way to get messages to the Most High and have my prayers answered. I sang at school, in college, at churches, online, at concerts, and in hospitals to help people heal. People enjoy listening to me sing and they feel freer in mind, body, spirit, and soul afterward.

The psychic medium life chose me. It helped me manifest myself out of a traumatic situation when I was little. People who passed over have been reaching out to me since I was little. My closets used to open on their own, I would see dead people in the grocery store, and outside my window. 

My psychic gifts have helped people heal from everything. It’s been a rewarding feeling to impact many people’s lives globally and give them the closure they need to move on without burdens.

The skincare line premiered at Artists & Fleas SoHo back in 2018 and it helped people clear up their acne and feel beautiful from the inside, out. I remember coming across a woman who was excited to use my product.

Within 5 minutes she said, “My depression is gone.” I created these products to have a profound healing effect on people’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. It’s a miracle in a jar for sure.

People loved it. I had to stop making them because I was sick and in and out of the hospital with ataxia and cancer, but I loved that skincare line.

My paintings are avant-garde and abstract and they’re meant to invoke euphoria in the lives of whoever purchases them. I’ve been painting for many years and won an award for it at 11 years old. When I couldn’t afford physical therapy, I used painting to help with my motor skills. 

Now, I sell them so people can decorate their homes and create a more peaceful aesthetic. I used eco-friendly and plant-based paints to avoid allergic reactions for myself and anyone else who wants to purchase them.

Writing has been a passion of mine since I was little. I’ve won awards for writing and scored high on standardized tests for it. My poetry and books have helped people heal from trauma, brought laughter, and made them feel seen, heard, and loved.

As a professional UX copywriter, I help writers get rid of self-limiting beliefs and stop overthinking. The methods I provide them usually encompass holistic healing methods. I also write about holistic health and beauty to help businesses better support their clients and expand their reach in those fields.

My mom is an excellent playwright and she’s written plays since I was a child. I’ve been acting since I was in elementary school. I was always the one doing vocal impersonations of famous people and would make people laugh. It was fun to see people’s spirits uplifted.

I can’t help but incorporate that in my videos online. My clients are always laughing at my sense of humor or the random skits that I post. Sometimes people have a rough day, and they need to ease their minds with comedy.

Baking and cooking are something that I’ve been doing since elementary school. I know how to make everything and would host several holiday gatherings. My cookbook, “Earthly Desserts” is a hit on Amazon and my clients love my recipes in courses.

I cook and bake everything with love. Because my meals are healthy people can heal their bodies on a holistic level. Preventing and reversing illness are always in mind when I create menus. I’ve had my own baking and juicing business years ago. Everyone loves what I make, even picky eaters. It’s a natural talent and gift.

Makeup is artistry and something that I started doing at 5 years old. I would always steal my mom’s lipsticks and put them on as I sat in my vanity. I’m self-taught. It enhances my natural beauty. Wearing non-toxic makeup was instrumental in helping me heal my face burns, so I’m thankful for it.

I have my makeup tutorial available on my site and always do my face. For several years I didn’t wear makeup, but I’m used to wearing it after being burned in the face three times and having dark circles from a Traumatic Brain Injury.

Eating healthy consistently has helped my face heal more. I’m still beautiful without makeup, but my face has a tad bit more healing to do. I’m accustomed to wearing makeup at this point but have gone out without it. People love my natural face, but most importantly I do.

Thank God for makeup and the way it makes me feel. I love the fact that I can change the eyeshadow, lip, and blush colors. Giving people the tools they need to apply their makeup helps them boost their confidence. It warms my heart to help others enhance their natural beauty with non-toxic makeup.

I’ve been helping raise children like they were my own from 9 years old to being in my 30s. I adore children and have had a profound impact on their lives. They will have memories with me and I, them that will be cherished forever.

Watching them grow and remembering the times I spent with them brings tears to my eyes. I’m glad I was able to be a positive force in their lives. They went on to be successful and some have families of their own now.

 If you could offer hope to someone feeling stuck or lost in life, what you tell them?

Feeling stuck or lost in life is an illusion. Looking for ways to surpass that is the key to success. Don’t focus on what makes you feel unhappy and burdensome. Stay positive and seek out ways to get you to where you want to be.

Write down your goals and what you’re good at. Be clear about what you want to achieve and come up with strategies that will help you. Have an organizational plan and create a consistent, systematic process.

This will allow your imaginable goals to become tangible and accessible. You can apply these principles to all aspects of your life. Keep a tunnel vision on what you want out of life and don’t listen to that negative voice that tells you, you can’t. You can.

Visit my website for more info!

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