Written by: Natasha Zo, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

From childhood, we have heard that we should never shy away from the truth. But do you ever sit back and wonder what exactly truth feels like? It's a fascinating question. What our truth looks like? Is it elusive or simple? Does it depend on our experiences, feelings, and perspectives? And most importantly, how can we always speak the truth?

I've always wondered about the essence of truth—what it truly feels like and how we can embody it in our lives. But then I crossed paths with this remarkable woman, Patty Oliver, an energy healer. Let me tell you, chatting with her took my contemplation about the nature of truth to a whole new level. Here's her journey when she started speaking her truth.
Are you speaking YOUR TRUTH or just living to please others?
Patty shares that she often encounters strangers who feel they are speaking the truth but are only pleasing others. The statement dropped a bombshell. If the fact puts you in a concern, here are the reasons why you're not speaking and living your truth.
You speak to please others or so that others can accept your opinion.
You hide your thoughts or opinions so that others don't get offended.
You don't accept your opinion to seek peace. More or less, you often agree with others to avoid debate and conflicts.
You underestimate your ideas and opinions so you don't look different from the group.
You feel that the front person is superior to you and generally agree with them and their rules.
Let's do a quick reality check. If you find yourself sailing in any of these situations, then harsh but real, it might result in feeling constrained, untruthful, or even caged. The truth that sets you free makes you feel authentic and liberal.
The Ultimate Energy of Speaking Your Truth.
If you're wondering why you should live your truth and how a little filter affects your life anyway. Everything in this universe is bounded by energy. Holding back your truth is like putting on a mask and pretending to be someone you're not. It's like cranking up the volume on inauthenticity, and trust me, that creates some serious vibrational energy. What makes it worse, these negative vibrations or energy never disappear into thin air. It stays with you like a coffee stain on your favorite shirt.
And guess what? It attracts similar circumstances and vibes right back at you. That’s how the cosmic boomerang effect works! Now, let's flip the coin. Once you speak your truth, you let your emotions flow freely. You unleash a tidal wave of positivity. Your authentic self shines through and makes a splash! Your energy becomes a magnet, pulling in all the happy and good stuff of the universe.
Self-Introspection – Only Path To Discover Your Truth.
Patty says, One of the biggest gifts you can ever present to yourselves is by starting to speak your truth. She believes the first step towards speaking your truth is recognizing when you're hiding it. It's like unraveling a tangled knot; speaking your truth becomes easier once you identify it. So, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery together.
All it takes is a few minutes of self-introspection and reflection. Pause, take a breath, and observe the results of your actions. Are you truly satisfied with the outcome? And in case the results aren’t satisfying your soul. Uncover your truth. What truth meant for you. If your truth is to agree with others and avoid conflicts, or it's to hide the judgments not to hurt others. Simply put, if you're not getting at the end, what you crave. It's time to realize what truth looks like for you.
10 Powerful Questions: Patty's Journey Toward Speaking Her Truth.
I just love the way Patty is clear about her thoughts and conceptions. Unlike Gen Z, who searches for all their answers on the screen, Patty still believes in the timeless magic of pen and paper. She feels journaling is the best way to discover everything about you, including YOUR TRUTH. While on this journey, she prepared a list of questions to discover her truth.
Spot a cozy place, sit and relax, and start writing down answers to these questions. Here is that list that would help you to realize YOUR TRUTH. Further, answer these questions about how you feel about these without caring about other opinions or how you have been raised to act.
What brings JOY in your life?
When do you feel most like yourself?
When do you least like yourself?
What will you do if you get a chance to do anything?
How do you tell yourself when you can't do something?
How do you tell yourself that you should do those things?
What do you need to feel free?
What do you want or need from your every relationship?
Ask yourself the deepest desire this lifetime.
What actions should you take today to start living the life you want?
Take your time. Let the ink flow as you pour your thoughts and emotions onto the pages. There's no rush. This is your personal journey of self-discovery, and each answer holds a precious piece of your truth. And, once you truly answer these questions, you will discover YOUR TRUTH. Once discovered, ACCEPT AND START SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH.
Returning to Patty Oliver, she is presently helping people around the globe discover their truth, study their Akashic records, and release their negative energy. You can always click through her website to discover more fascinating facts about truth, life, and energy.
That’s how Patty's journey to speak her truth started and still going on. Her story inspired millions worldwide to embrace the power of their truth. Truth, you see, is not a stagnant entity that exists solely in black and white. It is a kaleidoscope of colors molded by our unique perspectives, emotions, and experiences. It is the essence of our authenticity, the guiding light that sets us free from the chains of conformity.

Natasha Zo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Natasha Zo is a former journalist from Siberia turned international media relations specialist. She is a founder of Cosa Famosa media – a boutique PR agency on a mission to amplify messages of conscious leaders, health, and wellness entrepreneurs through earned media. Known for her connector skills, she guided a number of authors to Amazon bestseller status, booked national TV, top-tier media, and over 400 podcast interviews.