Written by: Janylene Turcotte, Cl.hyp, ACC, RTT, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Six years ago, a jarring event occurred in my life that would end up being the catalyst for incredible change. At the time, I had no idea that the very day I lost my employment would be such a positive, pivotal moment in my life and that my whole world would be turned upside down. It was the end of an era.

Fast forward to a move to the countryside, a new career, a myriad of new friends, a thriving new business and a new me that is 30 pounds slimmer and sober! Just writing this, it all seems unreal.
In August of 2016, as I sat in the conference room next to my colleagues, I knew instinctively that my life as I knew it would be dramatically altered. My superior had flown in from Toronto to meet me in person; I remember how I appreciated the soft and thoughtful energy I felt as she entered the room. To this day, I still have immense respect for her and feel a lot of compassion for those who have been informed—in this new virtual era—through web meetings and not face-to-face, that they are being let go from their jobs.
I had just returned from a week in a Bahamian ashram where my alcohol and caffeine-free program consisted of daily meditation and yoga. I was more relaxed than I had ever been. When she broke the news that I was to lose my job, I actually felt a kind of peace—still on a ‘high’ from my yogic experience. I was ok; teary, but light and ok, nonetheless. All was good ‒ for now.
Somewhere, somehow, there was a part of me that felt relieved; the little voice inside me that thought that I was not enough made me feel like I had never really ‘’belonged’’—all those years in the highly polished corporate world—I felt like an impostor. I was secretly thinking that they had finally “found me out.” I later heard that my dismissal was part of a massive reorganization in the company and that many of my colleagues were going to be let go as well. So the voice inside me telling me it was because I never really belonged, was, in reality, a deeply-rooted false belief that luckily, I would go on to change later in life.
Lesson No.1 Jumping in too fast.
A mere four days after I had lost my job of eight years, I had my first job interview. It was raining, but I was smiling, happy that I had landed an interview so quickly. During the interview, however, I drew a blank. I remembered nothing about the coveted position I was trying to get. I was confused. I wanted to go home.
On my way home, I realized I didn't really want a carbon copy of my last job, in another large corporation. In my desire to quickly fill the void left inside me by losing my job, I had chosen the familiar path—but maybe, what I really needed was to create a new ‘familiar.’ At the time, I was already a certified coach and I was contemplating starting my own business. I eventually did move forward with this business but it ended up lying dormant for three years, until I became a hypnotherapist. I had planted the seeds in my subconscious of being a ‘solopreneur’—many people had advised me that this was the way to go—but I did not believe them. I believed I needed security and that I did not have what it takes to start a business and be on my own.
Lesson No.2 Your network is your support system; build it well.
I am somewhat intimidated by large groups. I rarely attend cocktail parties and other gatherings where ‘shmoozing’ is required. So I was amazed to discover I had quite a solid and deep network of people I could reach out to; people who genuinely cared for me, took me out for lunch, recommended me, wrote and texted me regularly to see how things were going. They were hugely encouraging and amazingly healing! These brilliant people had faith in me! I was overwhelmed, but thankful that I had managed to surround myself with such quality people.
Whether you want to admit it or not, losing your job—especially in your late 40’s—delivers a serious blow to your self-confidence. Even if you are in HR, have fired excellent people before, and should probably know better. The fact is you don’t know better. At least, I didn’t. There is a stigma around losing your job; people always privately wonder if you had some kind of problem and you often feel you are on the justifying end of the story.
Lesson No.3 Take a break and it’s ok to consider bridge employment.
Months trickled by and then came the holidays with family gatherings, travel and new encounters, all of which provided opportunities for referrals and inquiries about potential jobs. Looking for work is itself a full-time job. Some may think you’re enjoying “time off” but the stress of uncertainty, the constant pressure to “sell” yourself, and the interview merry-go-round are draining! It’s ok to take a break.
Taking a break, whether through travel or other means of self-care is essential before diving back into the job hunt. It refuels your intellect and your energy. It also provides time to take in everything you might have missed. It’s also a wonderful time for creative endeavors, as your mind is free to wander. Besides, nowadays, you don’t need to be home to search the ‘net’ for opportunities. So why not explore the job sites while enjoying time with friends in the country or overseas!
This is how I ended up accepting a consultant position in a small firm I knew. Again, at the time I had no clue that this would be an amazing opportunity to bridge the gap between being a corporate executive and a business owner. At that firm, I learned a lot of skills that would prove helpful to me when I started my own business.
While I was learning the ropes of the consulting business, I also became sober. The landscape of my life was starting to change and new circles of friends and life habits started to take form.
Lesson No.4 Open yourself to new learning and possibilities.
As I became sober, I took an interest in new things. I signed up for a weekend NLP (neuro linguistic programming) course. During the course, there was a hypnosis demonstration and I volunteered to do the exercise. I instantly fell in love with hypnosis—its endless possibilities and how quickly it worked— so much so that I took private sessions with the instructor to help me stay sober.
As I left the first session, I knew I would become a hypnotherapist but I didn’t know at the time that eventually, I would unite my coaching skills, my experience as an executive, and hypnosis, to help people transition and transform their lives. I felt fearless, as if the last three years since I had lost my job suddenly made sense, and I was finally able to come to terms with it.
Back then, I would never in a million years have considered or even thought about becoming a hypnotherapist and an entrepreneur. But life has a funny way of working out. One thing led to another and I went from accepting a bridge employment to signing up for new courses and suddenly things became clear.
After more than 2000 hours as a hypnotherapist helping clients transition and transform, I can see, looking in retrospect at the big picture, how I was led subconsciously, to a succession of choices that ended up making sense
Funnily enough, my brother reminded me the other day that when I was in high school, I had taken a course on meditation and relaxation and after school I was leading relaxation classes for my siblings, much like the hypnosis classes I am giving today. I had totally forgotten about this time in my life — to the point where I really have to make an effort to try and remember it. Then, about a month ago, I bumped into one of my best friends from high school and when she found out I was a hypnotherapist she said “I am not surprised; don’t you remember that you were doing these kinds of things on us?” Honestly, I don’t remember, but I guess the signs were always there.
During sessions with my clients, we go to those places of childhood play and explore scenes that could point them in the direction of their deepest aspirations. Many times, the elements of our true purpose or calling are already there waiting to be accessed. Simply talking with someone from your past may unearth hidden treasures for you.
I know without question that I’m a better person today and have a more enriched life now than I did on that day when my colleague broke the difficult news to me in the conference room. I understand, in retrospect, that this learning experience perpetuated more learning experiences.
I also know that my corporate career has been instrumental in helping me build my new business. It gave me access to a wide network of people that I had been a part of and gave me credibility, which I had built during my time in the corporate world. In fact, every job I have held in the last 40 years has contributed to my current experience as a business owner ‒ everything from selling encyclopedias door-to-door to making hamburgers and selling clothes in a retail store, to being an HR executive.
Bonus Lesson: The Human Experience
The HR executive I once was may have helped me understand the mechanics of job loss. Having lived it first hand, I now possess a deeper understanding of the human experience and how what seems at first like the end of something can become a whole new beginning. It’s no surprise that your job affects every aspect of your life: your ego, your image, your finances, your relationships, etc. And much like hypnosis, losing your job can sometimes be a transformative event— a stepping stone to a whole new life.
If you or someone you know is going through a difficult transition, I invite you to contact me for your free 30- minute consultation session and see what hypnocoaching can do for you.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Janylene Turcotte, Cl.hyp, ACC, RTT, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
After more than 25 years as a top-level executive in the corporate world, Janylène Turcotte made a 360-degree career change and became a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Coach, and HypnoCoach. While going through her own major life transformation, she developed a unique 3-STEP MODEL as a tool to help herself, and now, her clients, through the complex process of transformation and transition. She graduated from the Marisa Peer School as an RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) Therapist. She has been an ICF Certified Coach for more than eight years and hosts the podcast ‘’ It’s Just a Belief’’.