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How I Found My Self-Worth

Written by Soad Elmasoudi, Performance and Mindset Coach

Soad Elmasoudi, a dedicated performance and mindset coach, excels in aligning strategy, tactics, and tools with a powerful mindset for precise execution. Overcoming personal challenges, Soad draws on her transformative journey, uniquely shaping her coaching philosophy. Trained by the Proctor Gallagher Institute, she seamlessly integrates mindset development with practical strategies.

Executive Contributor Soad Elmasoudi

Growing up, I heard it often: "You're such a good girl." But no matter how many times I heard it, I never felt it. Deep down, I always questioned whether I was enough. The words didn’t align with how I saw myself. Instead of feeling proud, I felt a constant need to prove my worth.

a person with short dark hair, wearing a blue top, and sporting bold red lipstick. They appear to be deep in thought

For years, I tried to meet everyone’s expectations—family, friends, society. I thought if I could just be what they wanted, I’d finally feel validated. But the harder I tried, the more disconnected I became from myself. My happiness and sense of self-worth were tied to what others thought. I didn’t ask myself what I wanted because, honestly, I wasn’t sure if my opinion even mattered.

I remember the moment it clicked for me. I had spent years climbing the corporate ladder, managing a successful career, yet I still felt empty. No amount of praise from others filled that void. That’s when I realized—I was looking for validation in all the wrong places. 

hadn’t been living for me. I had been living for the approval of others, and it left me unhappy and unfulfilled.

That’s when I made the shift. I started choosing my own path. I began listening to my inner voice instead of the noise around me. I stopped asking, “What will they think of me?” and started asking, “What do I want?” The more I leaned into my own desires, the more confident I became.

I won’t lie—it was hard at first. Changing a mindset built over years of conditioning doesn’t happen overnight. But as I began to choose what made me feel proud, my self-worth grew stronger. I no longer needed others to tell me I was “good” because I finally believed it myself.

Now, I live by one principle: the only opinion that truly matters is my own. And that’s what I want for you too. If you’ve been stuck in the cycle of seeking validation, it’s time to break free. Start listening to yourself, not others. Choose the path that feels right for you, and take pride in it.

Because once you embrace your true self, you’ll find that you were always enough. You just needed to see it for yourself. Start being you!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and website for more info!


Soad Elmasoudi, Performance and Mindset Coach

Soad Elmasoudi, a dedicated performance and mindset coach, excels in aligning strategy, tactics, and tools with a powerful mindset for precise execution. Overcoming personal challenges, Soad draws on her transformative journey, uniquely shaping her coaching philosophy. Trained by the Proctor Gallagher Institute, she seamlessly integrates mindset development with practical strategies. Soad provides clients with both the right mindset and effective execution tools, going beyond conventional coaching. In a world where mindset is paramount, Soad stands out as a passionate guide committed to unlocking individuals' full potential, whether you're a professional, entrepreneur, or leader.



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