Written by: Nicole Dupuis, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I am a goal setter...a goal digger... a goal getter! And at the end of the year, that is when I shine; diving into what I accomplished in the last 12 months and what I want to accomplish over the next 12.

What will next year look like for me? What will my theme be? What do I want to accomplish?
And don’t even get me started on vision boards!
This past year, I had a list of 16 goals for the year. I used these goals as the foundation for many of my monthly and quarterly action steps, intending to focus on the short-term which would align with my long-term, 2023 aspirations.
Now, I know the internet is a judgment-free zone, so please take it easy on me when I express to you that up until I wrote this article, exactly zero of the 16 goals had been achieved. Not three or two... none!
As a Productivity & Leadership Coach, I am not setting the best example here. Daily, I support others in goal setting and achievements, and here I am, looking at a list of UN accomplishments.
Why do I share this with you? Because there are lessons in the goals you set even more so than there are in the goals you achieve. So let’s see what we can learn from my 2023 goal-setting mishap.
Lesson one: Be strategic
My goals for 2023 were everywhere. From health, to habits, to work, to real estate to travel. There was no order, no theme among my goals. This is why when I hear people ask what your “word” is for the year or your “tagline” or “mantra,” where others may scoff and perform an instant eye roll, I actually think this is a great place to start.
Having all your goals weave and flow with one another helps keep them top of mind and also keeps the arbitrary I-feel-like-this-should-be-a-goal items off the list. You drill down and narrow your focus. All goals align with one major word/dream/idea/theme/brand/concept/wish and everything else becomes deprioritized
Implementation Tip: Start to list your goals and see if there are any themes among some of them. Then think about if that theme is important to you, what it means to you and what it could mean to you in 2024 if it was your total focus.
Lesson two: Goals versus resolutions
New Year's resolutions and goals are different. Resolutions, by definition, are decisions to do or not do something. Goals are much more than that. Example:
Resolution: Stop eating sugar
Goal: Eat 3 vegetarian meals each week
Resolution: Start working out
Goal: Run my first 5k in March
Resolutions are a little bit more “check the box” whereas a goal is a journey. Where do you go after achieving the goal? What is the next goal? Resolutions are more focused on what you want to change, and often, what you want to STOP doing (ie, quit smoking, cut out carbs, cut out desserts). Goals are more focused on what you want to achieve. When you break goals and resolutions down, it is focusing on what you want versus what you don’t.
Be more intentional at mealtime
Focus on being present when eating meals
Implementation tip: Review your goals or resolutions and keep them focused on what you want to accomplish, who you want to be, and how you want to design your journey.
Lesson three: Revise
Using Facebook for business was a great goal. I became more active in posting, engaging, and updating on the social media platform in the early months of 2023. Around March or April, I decided that Facebook was not my jam. I did not want to be using the platform and I certainly did not want to increase my activity there to gain business from it. So, to keep this as a goal made no sense.
Instead of revising this goal to something more meaningful to my business, I kept it there to add to the disappointment in my recent 2023 goal review. Goals can change because life changes. You may have things that seem important but you realize they don’t mean as much to you later in the year. Or you may set a timeline that you realize is far too long or too short. Adjusting your goals isn’t a cop-out. It’s keeping your goals and your reality top of mind and making tweaks to ensure you are staying on the path you want to be on.
Implementation tip: Schedule a goal check-in NOW for 2024. At least quarterly, add a “Goal Review” appointment to your calendar so you are reminded to review and adjust your goals if needed.
Lesson four: No “shoulds”
People love to give advice and opinions. What’s the phrase? Opinions are like... anyway. You cannot swing a dead cat without hitting someone more than willing to give you advice on literally ANYTHING! Same with goals. If you have a colleague, boss, friend, or spouse, you most likely have heard some perspectives on goals you should set in 2024.
Don’t let other people’s opinions on what goals you should have sway your goal setting. You must be able to answer WHY to any of your goals. If you can’t or the answer is “because my boss told me to,” it is more of a should than a real goal.
Implementation Tip: When setting your 2024 goals, write down why you want to achieve each goal. What will it mean for you to achieve the things you want to focus on in 2024? Who will you be on the other side of these goals?
Lesson five: Don’t give up
I lied a little bit. By the beginning of November, I had accomplished none of my 2023 goals. By the end of November, I had accomplished two goals in just a month. I think we would all be surprised at what we can do if we set our mind to it. So as you revise and revisit goals, don’t give up.
If something is important to you, you are capable of prioritizing, re-focusing, and getting something done. Believe you can and you will. Goal setting is not just for December or January. Let your goal setting journey shift as your personal and professional life develops throughout the year.
Implementation Tip: Think about your 2023 goals. Are there any goals that are a) still important to you and b) not yet achieved? Can you do something in the next few weeks to get you a little closer to that goal? You may not hit the goal this year but you will be on the path to achieving it and will have moved you further along the path.
Let these lessons help guide you to success in 2024. And if you miss a Goal Review in the second quarter of the year, or you find one goal is totally misaligned with your theme for the year, don’t panic! Always come back to your why and the idea that this is a 12-month journey you are planning. Enjoy the adventure!
Let’s connect! Check out my website, or connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Nicole Dupuis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Nicole Dupuis' coaching background started in the financial industry where she first discovered the art of tackling topics such as confidence, communication, goal setting, and time management. Nicole's coaching encourages clients in self discovery and exploration, guiding them to the most impactful action. Nicole coaches leaders in Fortune 100 companies, and small business owners in industries such as finance, tech and marketing. She has clients in over 5 countries and her company, Find Clarity Here, prioritizes finding clarity above all else.