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How Good Girl Syndrome Sabotages Your Money Mindset And What To Do About It

Empowerment Coach and founder of Own Your Life, Julie Vander Meulen pioneers in researching and applying personal development strategies to help ambitious women overcome the good girl syndrome and become the powerful individuals they were always meant to be.

Executive Contributor Julie Vander Meulen

Are you undervaluing yourself, even when you know you deserve more? As ambitious women, we often find ourselves caught in a web of societal expectations that dictate how we should behave, especially when it comes to money. Good Girl Syndrome, a pattern of self-suppression driven by the need to please others, doesn't just affect our personal lives—it infiltrates our financial decisions as well.

A confident woman working on a laptop

This often results in women downplaying their worth, undercharging for their services, or avoiding financial discussions altogether.

But what if I told you that recognizing and breaking free from these patterns could be the key to not only achieving financial success but also living a life where you truly feel deserving of wealth?

Understanding the link between good girl syndrome and money mindset

Good Girl Syndrome isn’t just about being agreeable—it’s about a deeply ingrained belief system that convinces women they must be accommodating, selfless, and humble to be valued. Unfortunately, these beliefs often extend to how we handle money.

When society tells women that it’s greedy to want more, or that being financially ambitious is unfeminine, it creates a mindset where money becomes a source of guilt rather than a tool for empowerment. Women may hesitate to ask for raises, set higher prices for their services, or even discuss finances openly because they fear being judged as “too much.”

But here’s the truth: Money isn’t dirty, shameful, or something that should only be earned through hardship. Money is a tool that allows you to create freedom, security, and the ability to make a positive impact in the world.

The consequences of a damaging money mindset

This mindset doesn’t just hold women back—it can have far-reaching consequences:

1. Personal finance

Women with a Good Girl Syndrome-influenced money mindset may find themselves under-earning, experiencing financial stress, or lacking savings and investments. This can lead to a constant feeling of insecurity and dependence.

2. Career impact

In the workplace, this mindset can stifle career advancement. Women may shy away from asking for raises, avoid negotiating their worth, or take on too much work without proper compensation, leading to burnout.

3. Self-worth and money

Tying self-worth to income creates a vicious cycle. When women feel they must work excessively hard to justify earning money, they often never feel truly deserving of financial abundance. This mindset perpetuates a life of overwork, underappreciation, and financial scarcity.

Shifting the mindset: Steps to financial empowerment

It's time to break free from the limitations that Good Girl Syndrome imposes on your financial life. Here are practical steps to help you shift your mindset and embrace your financial power:

1. Redefine what money means to you

Take a moment to explore your beliefs about money. Have you internalized the idea that wanting money is greedy or unfeminine?

It’s time to challenge those beliefs– instead, start viewing money as a tool for freedom, security, and the ability to give back.

Mini exercise: Journal about your earliest memories of money and how those experiences have shaped your current beliefs. How can you begin to redefine money in a way that aligns with your true values?

2. Set financial boundaries

Your time, energy, and skills are valuable– it’s essential to set clear boundaries around them. This might mean learning to say no to unpaid or underpaid work, or confidently setting higher prices for your services.

Mini exercise: List the tasks or services where you feel you are undercharging or overcommitting. Write down a plan to increase those rates or set new boundaries around your time and energy.

3. Practice asking for what you’re worth

Whether it’s negotiating a salary, setting fees for your services, or asking for a raise, it’s crucial to get comfortable with advocating for your worth. Start by practicing assertive language (even just on your own) and focusing on the value you bring to the table.

Mini exercise: Role-play a negotiation scenario with a friend or mentor, focusing on articulating your worth confidently. Practice it again and again until you feel ready to bring this assertiveness into real-life situations.

Stop being a good girl and embrace your financial power

Breaking free from the financial constraints imposed by Good Girl Syndrome is about more than just changing how you handle money—it’s about reclaiming your power and living a life where you feel fully deserving of wealth, success, and happiness. By shifting your money mindset, you not only open the door to financial abundance but also to a deeper sense of self-worth and empowerment.

It’s time to stop playing small and start recognizing the immense value you bring to the world. Embrace your financial power today, and watch how it transforms every aspect of your life.

Take action

Quiz: Assess how much Good Girl Syndrome is affecting you by taking the Good Girl Syndrome Quiz. Discover where you stand and what steps you need to take next.

Subscribe: For regular insights and actionable tips on empowering yourself and getting rid of Good Girl Syndrome, subscribe to my Sunday Newsletter. Join a community of ambitious women who are breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing their worth.

Book Your Free Meet & Greet Session: Want to take a deep dive into your financial mindset and start making real changes? Book your free Meet & Greet session to explore personalized strategies that will help you get rid of your Good Girl tendencies and achieve financial empowerment.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Julie Vander Meulen, Empowerment Coach for Ambitious Women

Julie Vander Meulen is an Empowerment Coach for ambitious women and the visionary founder of Own Your Life Academy, a premier coaching platform dedicated to personal and professional development. Through her innovative research and holistic coaching strategies, Julie specializes in guiding women to break free from the 'good girl syndrome,' empowering them to claim their worth and step into their power. Her work is rooted in the belief that every woman has an inner powerhouse waiting to be unleashed. With a vibrant community and a track record of transformative coaching experiences, Julie's mission is to inspire women worldwide to embrace their true selves and create lives they love.



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