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How Everything You Know About Love Is Wrong

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs.

Executive Contributor Bianca Piculeata

In this article, I will share all the limiting beliefs and societal misperceptions we have around love that keep us stuck in toxic & unhappy relationships and how to work on yourself and heal in order to attract a much healtier and happier relationship. 

Woman sitting on sofa using laptop

I was the worst when it came to love relationships...

I made all the mistakes in the book on love trials and errors...

I trusted men that I shouldn’t trust…

I did not trust myself when I knew they were cheating on me...

I tried to manipulate men thinking it was coming from a place of love...

I lacked self-respect to buy their love...

I put myself last thinking they would put me first...

I let them stomp on my boundaries to be perceived as lovable…

I refused to love myself while looking for love in all the wrong places...

I searched for my father's love in men who loved me with conditions...

Do you relate?

It's not your fault...

There are so many things that are wrong in our society when it comes to love relationships...

We are taught to believe that: 

Love exists only outside of ourselves...

That we should not trust our intuition over a man's word...

That our father loves us even when he mistreats us...

That our mother loves us even if her love is conditional...

That we should not express our emotions in relationships...

That when a man treats you wrong it's all his fault...(I will explain below where your responsibility stands and it's not what you think) 

That we should hide our vulnerable side in relationships...

That verbal or physical abuse is still love...

That when you are crazy in love, that man is meant for you...big illusion! 

That we should stay in abusive love relationships…

That we should settle in relationships…

That we are not worthy of a healthy and loving relationship…

That a man can make you happy...

That we should let men disregard our boundaries by fear of losing them..

That you should not stir the pot and share your true thoughts...

That you should accept being treated as not valuable or important...

That you are a half that needs to be completed by another half...

That men that are unavailable emotionally is normal...(here is important that you first become emotionally available to yourself)

It's time to get rid of this cultural nonsense...time to burn it all down and put it in a trash bin...where it belongs.

Advice to my younger self on love and self-love

  • You are worthy of unconditional love

  • You are valuable and important

  • You are worthy of respect and to be treated as a priority

  • You should become emotionally available to yourself to attract an emotionally available man

  • You are already loved by your guides and love is already present in your own heart

  • You are already complete within yourself 

  • You are never alone, your guides are watching over you from above

Take a split-second decision right now and decide to love yourself right now, in this moment…

If you want a man to love, respect, value, and treat you as a priority, you have to give that to yourself first...

If you are running after a man, he'll end up running away from you.

When you are trying to control the outcome of a relationship, that man will be repelled by your masculine energy…

Even if you're trying to convince them can feel your low self-esteem a mile away! 

You can be happy with yourself when you choose a life full of passion and self-love 

A man is like the cherry on the sundae and you are the sundae baby! 

Have you had enough of running after a man’s love? Start loving yourself now! 

Your intuition should always take over a man's word (unless you are insecure in love relationships and your insecurity makes you always doubt your partner)

If you feel your partner is cheating on you…he probably is…don’t doubt yourself…

When a man mistreats you in a relationship, he's simply a mirror of your inner subconscious beliefs, he’s only a reflection of you...triggering you to heal.

So where is the solution to come out of all this false propaganda and free yourself of society's trash bin ideals?

4 steps to raise your love frequency

  1. Take a journal and express all your anger, sadness, grief, and frustration when it comes to the men in your life (your 1st father figure, your exes, your husband, etc...)

  2. Take a deep dive deep that there is nothing for you to say anymore because you have written it all down...

  3. Go back to your text and highlight any negative beliefs these men have triggered in you, for example, I am not worthy of love.

  4. Create new positive beliefs about yourself, for example: I am worthy of true love.

  5. When you wake up and just before falling asleep, say these new positive beliefs in your head with your eyes closed for at least 30 days or until you feel that you have integrated them and you believe them 100%.

For the spiritual woman that is ready for a powerful, fast and an all-around transformation, you can book a soul match free 30-minutes discovery call with me to see if we are a match made in heaven! You are worthy of living in abundance at all levels, start by clicking on this link. 

Read more from Bianca Piculeata


Bianca Piculeata, Healing and Transformation Leader

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs, Bianca created her own transformational method called Transformation 360 because she felt other methods were not powerful, simple or fast enough for her. She has since dedicated her life to helping wounded spiritual women to heal, transform and reach a higher frequency that will bring them abundance at all levels. Her mission: to bring justice to every spiritual woman so that she too, can experience happiness and abundance at all levels!

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