Written by: Alisha Eisler, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

When you first start to learn about empowerment it's presented as a happy-go-lucky rainbow & butterflies kind of a thing, that's supposed to be the "key" or "path" to your happiness, but no one ever takes the time to explain why. You're just told, "go, be empowered & all will be healed! Woo!" and then you wonder why you can't follow through on your self-care practices and you still can't speak up for yourself at work. "I'm so broke" and "I regret my life's decisions" don't seem to stop playing in your head.

While yes, empowerment is the "key" to your freedom-filled life, there's also a lot about empowerment that gets overlooked by most books, coaches, and podcasts. So, let's set the record straight.
When we start to look at empowerment on a deeper level instead of for face value, we start to realize that empowerment is not just a powerful tool to get your peach off the couch, but it's also a necessity for living in this world and will save your life and the lives of those around you when you allow it to. Hear me out!
When we start to look at the definition of empowerment as "claiming one's rights"...and "becoming stronger and more confident," (as per Google & Oxford Languages) and perhaps even going as far as to say it's about fighting for power of choice, this in and of itself is essentially the how to guide to life.
The Moment My Life Changed
As I reflect on my own life's decisions during the darkest times of my life, as I was deep in my depression, experiencing PTSD, and had severe anxiety, I lacked the very essence of empowerment. I had unknowingly taken away the power of choice in my own life. I was no longer claiming responsibility for my life or its outcomes and was actively (yes actively, it's a thing) giving away my power to people and the places around me–and here's the kicker! My lack of knowing how to access the how-to guide to life led me straight into an even deeper state of despair, pain, and darkness. I'm talkin' about a dark night of the soul on a cataclysmic level kind of experience. For days, I would deep belly cry, feeling so lost as if there was no way out.
It wasn't until I decided that I had had enough of my enabling and took the initiative to begin a journey of self-discovery, that I learned empowerment TRULY is your "key" to thriving and flourishing in this world. Empowerment will always be that one thing that brings you out of the darkness and into the light, so you can finally begin to live the life you so deeply desire. All because you've ALLOWED yourself a choice.
You've allowed yourself new opportunities. You've allowed people into your life who inspire & support you and now have the freedom to take your life back because you're CHOOSING to make different decisions. You're now choosing to go down a different path and beginning to awaken the true power that lies within you.
The Path to Empowerment
Every day got a little easier as empowerment weaved its way into my life and every day my smile got a little brighter because I was living at my full capacity. I was showing up for myself in a way I never thought was possible. I could hold my own with CEOs, as I fought for equity and stood in my truth when I left my marriage. I was and am more than powerful. I am Empowered.
…and you can be too, just by choosing to live with intention.
A Daily Empowerment Practice
Set intentions every day for how you want to feel and how you want to experience life and sure enough, you will see who you truly are.
So I ask you, will you let empowerment save your life?
Want more empowerment tips?
Join me and the rest of the Empowered Living Community on a quest for liberation, to live in our power & ascend in our light!
Book a soul activation chat today & check out my podcast “IMMA TALK ABOUT IT” for more Empowered Living tips!

Alisha Eisler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Alisha Eisler who also goes by Ngozi, is a leader in healing generational trauma and an advocate for women's wellness. Having to navigate life in the corporate world as a femme, black, outspoken queer female, Alisha faced many hurdles with equal pay, mental health stability & social equity. She's now dedicated her life to empowering femme presenting people from intersectional backgrounds to heal and self-advocate for their needs and the life they desire. Alisha is also the CEO & Founder of Flourish Ase, a safe haven for mystical folx where she offers 1:1 coaching in her ancestral healing journey "More Than Worthy" and holds group coaching sessions in her "Empowered Femme Initiation" journey.