Written by: Melanie Ashley, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Let me introduce myself as Melanie Ashley – I help people to find peace – for the sole empowerment of their health, vitality and supporting their soul to live its dream.

I’m quite a peaceful person, yet it took some twenty years of yoga, pranayama, meditation, and spirituality to recognize this as a gift to offer others.
Part of the process of helping others to find their peacefulness is recognizing the gift they were born with, and then finding ways to keep, use and live by its energy. Yes, to live your soul’s purpose. So, let’s be real. Much of this is wrapped in the current fashion of mindfulness, meditation to ease anxiety and stress. But there is so much more. Being mindful to believe in your intuition and to take notice of how you sense the world around you can help utilize your untapped potential.
Why do I do this?
Initially, creating and working with people to find their pure essence was not on my radar at all. I simply wanted to be a fashion designer. However, the ebb and flow of life led me here. And as an empath, seeing so much pain around me is distressing – when I know and passionately believe that developing practices can alleviate some of the anxiety, overwhelm and stress-related disorders that many people live with today can be achieved so easily.
Some of the practices are so simple they are dismissed due to the human belief that anything that works well needs to be complex. It can be. But why waste energy when simply doing, exploring, experiencing, and accepting will give you all the answers. And when the appropriate practice is found it is amazing how life seems so much brighter, lighter, and full of love, gratitude and appreciation.
Without practice, it is so easy to remain in the loop of the known, building layer upon layer of everything that we don’t want until it weighs us down and becomes the root of innate illnesses, which we are born and fated to experience. Even when the way out is handed to us on a plate, the fear of something better – especially when presented by someone who looks like the perpetrator – is too risky. It is safer to stay with the pain of the known – despite the escalating anxiety and stress which affects quality of life.
Yoga & meditation courses
I help people to take comfortable steps into the unknown by introducing practices – baby practices and rituals that fit their model of the world. It feels safe. There is trust. They are in control. They are exploring and experiencing practices in a different way. In doing this, they create their own map by noticing the difference and putting it into context. Everything is done by collaboration and a process of ‘What if?’ and ‘What did you notice?’ How do you now perceive this situation?’ Most people know the drill. My job is to help you notice what you notice, notice what you missed, highlight what might be significant and to choose a combination of mindfulness courses to attune the senses; meditation courses to sharpen the mind; yoga for anxiety and stress to strengthen the body; spiritual practices to nourish your soul AND ensure they are energetically supported for maximum effect.
The end goal is to understand how your senses, body, mind, and beliefs interact with the different energies around you so you can change your perceptual state in the blink of an eye.
What's more, you confidently know the practices to develop a particular state to suit a specific encounter. And even more, you recognize your ‘superpower’ and its relevance in helping you to make positive choices in your life and the lives of people you directly care for.
It's healing
By healing, I mean the practices create congruency between thought, action, behavior and feeling through attuning the senses, taking notice of the body, and developing perception. With this, one could heal oneself through divine intervention – or by making informed choices and actions to seek the proper help rather than fall prey to what is fated.
How do I know it works?
“Done the practices every day. I find it so helpful …. I feel more in tune with things and able to maintain a clearer mind et. It’s truly been transforming since your course.” – Female Doctor 2023
I felt safe enough with Melanie to travel to India to begin my yoga practice as way to reboot my strength and vitality – and yoga practices were key to that.
She taught in a way that my cerebral brain accepted the purpose for each of the practices: whether the asana, pranayama or Ayurveda. And many of these practices I continue and developed and been my ally within my demanding world. – Dr Gettie Audain
I love how you integrate the science, spirituality with movement to create a wholesome practice. It’s more than a sequence of movements. And I enjoy the pace as it allows me to feel I am doing the postures properly and building a practice that is sustainable.” – Middle Management Female

What Do I Do Again?
My job is simply to help you find peace.
I help you to remember your innate gifts.
I help you reconnect with your soul.
I remind you how precious and unique you are.
You Matter – and the world is a better place simply because you are here.
And this helps me fulfil my soul purpose.

Melanie Ashley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Melanie helps overworked and exhausted professionals navigate through draining life changes. She helps them find mental clarity, physical strength and emotional balance by them to reconnect with their personal truths, purpose and motivations. Melanie does this by uncovering hidden gifts, building energetic practices and opening the realm of possibilities to create a unique practice for each person.