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How Do You Reclaim Your Sovereignty?

A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica Falcon is an International Soul Embodiment Guide & Relationship Expert. She guides you to embody your power, reclaim your sovereignty, and experience true freedom. Tune into her Soul Sovereignty & Sexuality Podcast.

Executive Contributor Jessica Falcon

To be sovereign is to be your own authority. You are self-governing, which means that you choose for yourself. You trust your inner world. You speak on your own behalf. Sovereignty requires deep levels of self-knowledge. The more you embody your soul’s truth, and release what is not your truth, the more you reclaim your sovereignty. It is a continual process of pulling your power back from external sources. The result? You create freedom in all of your relationships.

Woman in striped shirt working on laptop at a table, focused. Background has large windows with curtains, creating a calm office setting.

What is personal sovereignty?

Sovereignty has traditionally referred to a nation's ability to govern itself. Yet, there has been a modern-day resurgence of the word "sovereignty" to refer to an individual's capacity to govern themselves. In ancient times, sovereignty meant to "sit on one's throne." The goddess Isis from ancient Egypt was the epitome of sovereignty. Her hieroglyphic symbol was a throne.

To govern yourself is to be your own authority. You decide who you are. No one else gets to tell you who you are. In other words, you see yourself through your own eyes, the eyes of your soul. The vision of your soul, your inherent divinity, is untainted by external perceptions.

Therefore, the journey of reclaiming your sovereignty is a shedding of all that you are not, while simultaneously aligning to the truth of who you are. You then begin to live from the inside out. Rather than taking in the external world, opinions, demands, expectations, the judgment of others, and making it yours, you filter everything through the eyes of your soul:

  • "Is this mine?"

  • "Do I agree with this (insert judgment)?"

  • "Is that what I truly desire?"

  • "Do I choose to abide by that expectation?"

It is a continuous process of bringing consciousness to:

  • How you live your life

  • Your thoughts and the underlying belief systems

  • Your feelings and associated thoughts

  • Your habitual patterns and tendencies

To be sovereign is to choose for you. Yet, an unconscious choice is not really a choice at all. That is why deep levels of self-knowledge are the pathway to sovereignty. You cannot know who you truly are if your entire identity is based on external roles, how others view you, or the amount of money you have in the bank.

In fact, the most ancient telling of a journey to the underworld provides the path to reclaiming your sovereignty. Written over 5,000 years ago, the Hymns to Inanna contain a description of her descent into the underworld and resurrection into new life.

Inanna was the Sumerian Queen of Heaven and Earth in ancient Sumer, which is the earliest known advanced civilization located in modern-day Iraq. Inanna put her ear to "the Great Below" and began her initiatory descent into the underworld.

At each of the seven gates, she was asked to part with one of her precious possessions. At first, she protested, as we all tend to do. The ego, which is the part of us that solely identifies as being human, purely physical, and nothing more, does not usually like to release its attachments, especially to those that provide a sense of worth or value.

However, that is the very reason we must let go. The sovereign soul knows its divine worth. It knows that its value is not contingent on anyone else's agreement. It knows that as we release our attachments to the external world, we begin to discover our true identity. Our true power. Our true freedom. The kind of freedom that is claimed, not granted.

This path to sovereignty requires:

  • Healing the core wounds of shame, guilt, doubt, blame, fear, and unworthiness

  • Confronting inherited belief systems and absorbed social conditioning that tell you who you are supposed to be or how you are supposed to act

  • Coming face to face with all of the ways you have denied yourself, sacrificed yourself, or silenced yourself

Sovereignty requires learning how to source love and safety from within by aligning to the truth of your god-self. It is a process of coming into wholeness, or inner sacred union, with all aspects of yourself.

Once Inanna entered the underworld, she was hung from a hook on the wall in the darkness for three days and three nights. This represented the death of her false self, her ego self. The Sumerian god of waters, Enki, had empathy for Inanna. He created two beings from the dirt underneath his fingernail: the kurgarra and the galatur.

They flew into the underworld disguised as flies. There, they found Ereshkigal, the sister-queen of Inanna, moaning in pain and mourning Inanna's death, even though it was she who had condemned Inanna. When Ereshkigal cried, "Oh, oh my liver!" the two beings responded, "Oh, oh my liver!" When she cried, "Oh, oh my stomach!" they again repeated her words.

They did not try to take away her pain. They did not try to fix her or make her better. They did not try to tell her everything was going to be okay. They simply let her feel what she felt. They witnessed her and her experience. What a gift it was.

Ereshkigal turned to the kurgarra and the galatur and asked what gift she could give them in turn. The corpse of Inanna was all they wanted. Thus, it was handed over. They sprinkled the food of life and the water of life on Inanna's head, and she was resurrected into new life. For all of her was seen. All of her was welcome. All of her was loved.

Love is the source of union. It is the source of wholeness. It is the remedy to separation. As you come into union with yourself, your inner world, your own experience, your needs, feelings, and desires, you become your own authority. You belong to you. You are whole and complete unto self. You are sovereign.

Why the body is the key to sovereignty

The body is synonymous with the underworld that must be visited on the path to sovereignty. Why? Because the body contains your subconscious mind. It is where we house suppressed emotions and past trauma. It connects us with our own inner experience. Most importantly, it is also through the body that we access the energy of the soul.

The body is formed and created by the soul. Yet, the soul carries with it energetic imprints from this and past lifetimes. (Since there is no linear time, all lifetimes technically occur simultaneously, which allows us to access them all in the present moment by bringing consciousness to the energy of the body.)

Based on my experience working with clients from around the world and delving deep into my own body, I believe that the subconscious mind is formed by past-present life energetic imprints that have yet to be healed and brought into wholeness. We access the subconscious mind through our feeling state. Biologist Bruce Lipton has helped us understand that 95% of our behavior is based on the subconscious mind. That is, we make choices based on what is beneath the level of consciousness (aka our mental mind). Of course, we can bring the subconscious to the conscious mind by working (consciously) with the energy of the body and our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion.

In order to reclaim your sovereignty, you must learn how to:

  • Connect with your body as energy (not purely a physical object you carry around)

  • Attune to the frequency of your soul, which is your innate divinity

  • Allow all feelings and thoughts to come to the surface so you can heal unresolved wounds, shift your perception, and align to your soul's truth

If the heart is not open to receive what is stored within your energy body, it will not rise into your consciousness or clear itself. The frequency of the soul is the frequency of divine love. Thus, the path to sovereignty is that of embodying your soul (hence why I call myself a soul embodiment guide).

Why does sovereignty matter?

Sovereignty is freedom. We are conditioned to believe that we become free when, or after, we have enough money, get the right job, travel around the world, and leave the difficult relationship.

None of this is true freedom (though there may be aspects of freedom that you obtain). You get to claim your true freedom now by shifting your identity to that of your divine self, which allows you to reclaim your power from external sources and return it to where it belongs: inside of you.

When you attune to and embody the frequency of your soul, your life shifts. Sovereignty asks you to co-create your life by bringing your truth into the world (rather than taking the external world in and making it yours). It is the basis of magic. Magic is the merging of the physical and spiritual worlds. It occurs when you merge them within yourself.

The most powerful shifts I see in clients, however, are how much their relationships change when they reclaim their sovereignty. Most modern-day relationships are built on the belief systems of the past. These belief systems are rooted in unequal power dynamics and what I call "false forms of love." By that, I mean we have been conditioned to believe that it is selfish to have a self and that love requires us to sacrifice ourselves.

True love does not come at your expense. It overflows from within and is shared with another. This puts an end to need-based relationships, codependent patterns, and unhealthy or toxic attachments.

You pull your power back (and heal any unresolved karma) without waiting for the other person to change. You do not need to make demands or seek their permission. You no longer give them authority over you, because you are your own authority. That which possesses itself cannot be possessed by another.

How can I begin my path to sovereignty?

The first thing you must do is decide that you desire to reclaim your sovereignty. That you desire to know the depths of yourself and your power. That you desire to embody your soul's truth. When you decide this, the magic begins to happen, and the path opens.

Thus, I have created a free Ritual to Reclaim Your Sovereignty that you can download on my website here. It includes a 15-minute video introduction,n and journal prompts to deepen into Self. Access it here.

The next step is to begin to connect with your body as energy so you can:

  • Clear your subconscious mind

  • Access your soul's truth

  • Reclaim your power from external sources

I developed a Sacred Body Wisdom Foundational Series with eight activations and embodiment practices that support you to embody your soul's truth and reclaim your sovereignty. You can learn more and purchase it here for a very affordable price.

You must create time and space to hear your inner world: the deep desires that live within you, the beating of your precious heart, and the beauty of your feelings. The heart feels. As you open the heart and release all the false armoring, you increase your capacity to love not only yourself but others. This is why you create freedom in your relationships when you reclaim your sovereignty.

Since it is difficult to see what you don't see, having a guide such as myself is highly recommended. You can schedule a free 30-minute Sovereignty Breakthrough Session with me here. I would be honored to guide you on your path to sovereignty. True freedom awaits.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info.


Jessica Falcon, Soul Embodiment Guide & Relationship Expert

A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica Falcon is an International Soul Embodiment Guide & Relationship Expert. She guides you to embody your power, reclaim your sovereignty, and experience true freedom.

Jessica spent years researching religious history, ancient civilizations, and mythology to get to the root of unequal power dynamics in relationships. She has identified the core beliefs and wounds that must be confronted to experience shared power and freedom in relationships.

She leads retreats, workshops, and online portals of transformation to help you embody your divinity, activate your sexual life force energy, and revolutionize your relationships. Tune into her Soul Sovereignty & Sexuality Podcast on all major platforms.

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