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How Do You Get Into Flow and Stay There? – 7 Tips for Maintaining Your Flow in Life

Patricia Kaulmann supports the balance between body and mind. She published the book "My Little Big Transformation" in Portuguese and German in 2024 and is co-developer of HTGMusic, a supportive energetic method with sound/frequencies.

Executive Contributor Patricia Kaulmann

Why is being in flow a great feeling? Because the area of the brain responsible for worry is switched off. Flow is a state, a state of mind, which means you have to do something to achieve it. What happens? In flow, your performance improves. You gradually complete your tasks calmly, with concentration, focus on solutions, and greater efficiency.

Woman in gray shirt stands with eyes closed and hands on chest, meditating in a serene forest, with a mossy waterfall in the background.

Your results are consistent because you stay focused on the task and free from worry.

Being in flow makes you happy and increases joy, so all these elements work together to encourage you to remain in flow.

When your emotions, thoughts, and actions align, your results fall into place.

As we know, positivity attracts positive things. Where you place your attention, growth follows.

1. Wake up in flow

When you wake up, before opening your eyes, express gratitude with joy, for your life, for the day ahead, and for your ability to take solution-oriented actions.

It may seem like a small act, but it triggers your brain to release hormones associated with joy, satisfaction, and gratitude, setting a positive tone for your day.

Are there difficult tasks ahead? All the more reason to focus your attention where it can help you. You create the boundaries in your life. Your reactions and actions shape your day. This mindset will help you navigate challenging situations more quickly.

Start taking small steps to make your life happier.

2. Organize your thoughts and structure your day

Write down your daily tasks in keywords. You can sort them by priority or difficulty, it’s up to you. Do you prefer tackling difficult tasks first, then easing into simpler ones? Or the other way around? Experiment and discover what motivates you best.

Remember, everything is in constant motion. Sometimes, you’ll need to adapt when urgent tasks arise. That’s OK! Having everything written down keeps it in view and under control.

A crucial step for your brain and overall satisfaction: tick off or cross out completed tasks. Even if it seems unnecessary, your brain needs visual confirmation of achievement. This simple act releases hormones that boost self-esteem and satisfaction.

3. You're not a machine, take breaks

Plan a break and see what suits your situation best. Either work for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break, or work for 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break. The second option is more commonly used.

During your break, do something different. If you work while sitting, stand up, move around, and drink water consciously during these 10-minute breaks.

Drink water consciously? Yes. When you drink, notice how the water moves through your body, nourishing you and bringing life into you. Take a moment to appreciate it.

During breaks, your limbic system calms down and becomes content again, like a small child allowed to play for a while. Meanwhile, your brain continues working in the background, generating solutions or ideas that will surface once you return to your task.

4. We are made of atoms, charge yourself up with energy

That's physics. Atoms are more energy than mass. It’s wise to pay attention to your body's frequency.

Certain melodies contain high frequencies, such as 432Hz or 528Hz. There are also specific symbols (HTG – Hexagram Therapy Genetics) designed to enhance your body's energy, particularly in areas where something may be lacking.

HTGMusic (the new path) is a perfect blend of both, allowing you to select melodies and programs for specific needs, such as flow, focus, or happiness. You can play these as needed.

5. Take care of your physical self

Pay attention to essential nutrients daily. Our bodies require nine essential amino acids, along with vital minerals and vitamins, to function optimally. Just as a car needs fuel, oil, and properly working parts, we need to meet these basic nutritional needs to maintain smooth performance.

Pay special attention to vitamins B, C, and D, as well as magnesium and omega-3. These essential nutrients can be found in foods such as kiwi, chia seeds, nuts, fish, and many others.

Are you over 40? If so, your body benefits from foods that stimulate metabolism, such as cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric. Combined with fitness exercises, these will have an even greater impact on your overall well-being.

6. Live with gratitude and self-love

Feel gratitude for everything you experience throughout the day. It’s best to write down five things you are grateful for every evening. Everything counts, waking up, going to work, receiving a smile, or holding the door for someone. This practice trains your mind to focus on positive things. Your brain learns to recognize the good more quickly, making you more solution-oriented. No matter how difficult a situation may be, you will find a way to make the best of it.

The more you grow spiritually, the more challenges arise. This is life in motion.

When you experience negative emotions like worry, anger, or sadness, don’t ignore them. Observe them closely. Ask yourself how much of what you’re feeling is real and how much you might be amplifying. Take a deep breath and reflect: What is this teaching me right now? What can I do now or later?

You are in control of your emotions. Learn to navigate them with intention.

7. Move your body

Daily exercise is essential for health, nothing new there. But you only need 15 minutes a day to stay fit. No joke.

Choose something easy to accomplish, the smallest movement that would feel embarrassing if you skipped it. It could be as simple as five squats, one push-up, and five sit-ups. Be disciplined. Anything beyond that is a bonus. Even doing the bare minimum triggers a sense of reward in your brain, releasing dopamine, serotonin, and other feel-good chemicals. These, in turn, improve your sleep. There’s only something to gain here.

Now it's your turn

Seem like a lot? Don’t worry. Just start and build up step by step. You’ll soon feel satisfied and happy with the small changes you’re experiencing. After all, it’s your life.

And then comes discipline, that’s your responsibility.

So, now it’s your turn: When are you going to start?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Patricia Kaulmann


Patricia Kaulmann, Specialist for Biological Emotional Balance

Patricia Kaulmann helps people understand how they can activate their self-healing through their thoughts and emotions. How they can get rid of blockages and beliefs through emotional intelligence and energetically supported frequencies.

The right mindset plays a major role in healing. For this, it is essential to understand your own body embryologically, biologically and emotionally. This is where Patricia brings in her expertise. Everyone should have access to this information and be able to live happily.

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