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How Collective Consciousness Affects Your Money Flow

Written by: Aeron Lazar, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The Collective Consciousness is the iCloud, the Dropbox, or the Google Drive of humanity’s subconscious. It’s where ideas, belief systems, and thought patterns are stored, uploaded there by each and every human being “plugged in” to the cloud. Ever wonder why sometimes you think about buying an air fryer, for example, and next minute you find three consecutive social media posts of your friends about air fryers? Or maybe you’re thinking of a song, and the next minute, your mother hums it mindlessly around you?

This is the Collective Consciousness affecting our lives every day. It’s a beautiful, invisible cloud sitting over our entire population, and we upload and download from the cloud every day.

The entire human race is enveloped by this massive cloud of consciousness, but within this cloud are smaller pockets of consciousness where individuals could be plugged in depending on their social status, nationality, industry, hobbies, and interests, etc.

Even your country has its own Collective Consciousness. Beliefs and imprints that have accumulated over centuries of shared history, culture, traditions, and ancestry, each country’s Collective Consciousness could affect the aspects of its people’s lives, including the way they perceive, receive, and treat money and finances.

Unplugging From Collective Consciousness

I grew up in a small town in South Wales, where most people were raised in a scarcity mindset, often compromising happiness, pleasure, and comfort for the sake of penny-pinching.

This theme in South Wales’ Collective Consciousness when it comes to money is what I subscribed to well into adulthood, even as I travelled around the world and eventually moved to Australia.

For example, I would mentally convert Australian dollars into sterling just to approximate how expensive something is by the standards of South Wales. Every time I went into a shop and let’s say, I really fancied strawberries, I would look at the price (groceries are relatively quite expensive in Australia). If strawberries were $5 a punnet, I’d buy a bag of apples instead, not because I liked them but because they were cheaper. No matter what I wanted, I'd always be driven by the cost of something. It even got to the point where I learned how to service my own car and change the oil to save on the prices of mechanics, as again, labour in Australia seemed expensive. This was because I was still plugged into this Collective Consciousness of the Welsh valleys. I hadn’t unplugged there and plugged into Australia yet.

When you’re plugged into the Collective Consciousness of a country, often, similar experiences and patterns of the people living in the said country would manifest into one’s reality.

I can display behaving and acting in life as if literally, the money that you’ve got in your bank account is the last time you’re ever going to have any kind of income coming in or that there’s never enough. It’s built into this society designed to keep us in this place of lack”.

As I stepped into my soul mission, however, I developed energetic tools to unplug myself from the Collective Consciousness of South Wales, which was no longer serving me in my current reality.

These Quantum technologies helped me disconnect from the collective consciousness that no longer served me and connect to the consciousness of a more abundant country that I lived in at the time: Australia. I have done it with respect to my roots, paying honour to the country of my origin but also saying goodbye to it. Since then, I have used this uncoupling technique often in my energetic blockage removal sessions with my clients, and each time the effects were powerful and immediate.

Ancestral Trauma And Financial Struggles

A lot of times, when a person struggles with money and finances, the patterns of lack stem not from their own life choices, such as moving countries in pursuit of better opportunities, but ancestral imprints incurred through generations and generations in a certain lineage or family tree.

This is particularly true for children of migrants who may still be plugged into the grid of the “old country” even though they were already born in a new, more opulent country.

For example, if your grandparents have suffered and struggled around finances, especially during a war that they fled or right after they arrived in a new country with nothing to their name, this can create generational ripples.

By doing the correct energetic work, this ancestral pattern of lack and struggle can be dissolved, however. As we do it we remove the distorted frequency around money and perceptions of money.

As an energy worker, I always teach my students to honour their ancestors and the struggles that they went through as the first step of releasing ancestral patterns.

After which, a process of releasing trauma from the ancestral pain-body is performed, followed by separating a client’s energetic field from the ancestral patterns and/ or collective that are blocking the flow of abundance in their lives.

Within a matter of days, the realities begin to shift once a person's energy thermostat is set to an optimal temperature.

Living in such a beautiful, vast, resource-rich, and limitless universe, deciding what you want out of your human experience and setting your intentions in alignment with what you want can truly give you a life beyond your wildest dreams – if you are willing to do the energetic work that the universe requires for you to achieve it.

Locked and loaded with the right energetic tools and methodology, supported by a mindset aligned and tapped into the universe’s abundance pool, you can create a life that you truly deserve here on Earth in every single aspect.

For updates about my upcoming classes and events, visit my LinkTree.

Finally, you can also connect with me on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok or Instagram!


Aeron Lazar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aeron Lazar is a modern mystic, spiritual activator and a forefront mentor for awakened Starseeds and conscious entrepreneurs alike.

Empowered with the profound knowledge from the Akashic Realm and assisted by Beings of Light as Guides, Aeron works with invisible energy to enact deep, instant, tangible shifts in his clients’ lives.

As an author of many online consciousness development programmes, Aeron Lazar combines psychic abilities with a down-to-Earth approach when teaching his students how to access higher dimensions, read the Akashic Records and channel powerful frequencies from advanced civilisations of Light such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians.

Aeron Lazar is also a host of the Architects of Destiny Podcast, dedicated to guiding and supporting leaders of the New Earth on their soul missions.

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