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How Can Technology Humanize Culture?

Written by: Dr. Troy Hall, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Dr. Troy Hall

Contemplating the integration of technology to humanize culture and the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the HR domain raises thought-provoking questions.

Hands of robot and human touching big data of Global network connection

If you find yourself grappling with these inquiries, you're not alone. The pervasive influence of technology on business, from data storage to robotics and the ever-evolving AI, has transformed both global digital interactions and personal connections.

A brief retrospective on technological evolution reveals an unprecedented impact on corporate and societal realms, with predictions suggesting not just a century but an astonishing 20,000 years of growth in the 21st century. This paradigm shift is evident in the registration of 1.35 million technology startups, a number expected to surge in the coming 3-5 years.

Utilize emerging technologies to humanize culture

A recent SHRM publication discloses that:

  • 75% of organizations lack generative AI guidelines,

  • While 20% of HR professionals prioritize AI integration in 2024.

As I prepare for a keynote at an HR and Technology conference, the emphasis is on encouraging HR professionals to contemplate technology's impact on humanizing culture.

The prospect of humanizing culture through technology becomes tangible when considering three foundational elements of a culture infused with cohesion: belonging (inclusion), value (meaningful work), and shared mutual commitment (collaboration).

Belonging (inclusion) is fostered through the creation of a virtual "community" where employees can freely engage, share recognition, and affirm one another's contributions, transcending the limitations of physical presence.

Value (meaningful work) stems from employees’ understanding that what they do matter. In organizations fostering cohesive cultures, organizations have a system of continuous evaluation processes, replacing traditional annual performance evaluations with immediate feedback loops. This shift not only acknowledges the significance of individual contributions but also aligns with the desire of 80% of workers for real-time feedback, as reported by

Shared mutual commitments (collaboration), the third element, is seamlessly facilitated by online collaboration tools. These tools not only enhance teamwork for in-person, remote, and hybrid teams but also contribute to solving complex problems, sharing knowledge, and maximizing overall efficiency and productivity.

The critical question emerges: Can technology truly humanize culture? The answer, with thoughtful consideration and innovation, appears affirmative. By constantly learning about human needs and employing technology as a solution, we can navigate the evolving landscape, integrating the power of human interaction with technological advancements.

In the words of Ted Turner, a pioneer in the media industry, "Do something. Either lead, follow, or get out of the way." Embracing this ethos, the challenge lies not in replacing human interaction with technology but in harmoniously blending the two for a future where both coexist and thrive.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and you can learn more about my services on my website. I also write a blog, and a bi-weekly newsletter that readers can subscribe to on LinkedIn by clicking here.

Dr. Troy Hall Brainz Magazine

Dr. Troy Hall, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Recognized as a top business leader by ValiantCEO magazine and featured on The Today Show, ABC, the Global BV-TV Network, Beyond the Business Radio Show, and CEO World, Dr. Troy Hall is an award-winning talent retention consultant, international speaker, and author of the bestselling titles: Cohesion Culture: Proven Principles to Retain Your Top Talent, Fanny Rules: A Mother’s Leadership Lessons That Never Grow Old, and Back After Burnout.

As the founder of Cohesion Culture™, Dr. Troy has dedicated his career to establishing a cycle of culture wellness in the corporate and professional sphere. His consulting and executive coaching engagements are built on the strategic framework of Cohesion Culture™, making the concepts of belonging, value, and commitment easy for organizations to adopt and implement.

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