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How Asking Yourself The Right Questions Will Lead You To Live The Epic Life You Deserve

Written by: Cristiana Blasutta, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You’ve been fed a lie this whole time. Because you've been looking for all the answers, but what you actually need are the right questions.

Colored cards lying on wooden table.

Have you ever noticed how kids ask a gazillion questions ALL THE TIME? They are a volcano of “WHY?” 24/7.

They live in a “wonder” and “marvel” state. And although as parents, it can be exhausting, for them, it’s how they get to know the world.

But this amazing way of experiencing what’s new gets to a sudden stop when they start going to school.

Suddenly they are forced to go from being “question” oriented to being “answer” oriented. Instead of staying in a place of exploration and growth (and I would totally add fun), they need to start focusing on giving the right answers.

Can you spot the shift and the lie here?

Growing up, we are trained to lose this wonderful ability to ask the right questions. Not fair, huh?

And as time passes, we don’t even remember that we used to ask the most creative questions ever.

Now, as adults, we immediately go for the answer, hoping to get the right one...and when we don’t find it (hint: because we’re not asking the right question), we start struggling and get stuck. And it can take a very long time to get unstuck and move forward with our life!

But let’s go back for a second here: What are questions and why are they so powerful?

I like to say that questions are keys to unlocking our communication with our inner know, that voice inside us that knows exactly our deepest desires and what’s good for us! So, when we allow ourselves to stay with the question, ponder it and don’t shift into “answer mode” right away, the magic happens.

The magic of questions happens in the silence: only when we’re quiet are we able to finally listen deeply to that voice that is usually lost in the background noise that we all have in our lives (all the million things we have to take care of on a daily basis, right?).

But when we allow ourselves to ponder the questions, something REALLY amazing starts happening: we get in alignment with who we really are, and that means that we can finally create the life we’ve been dreaming of this whole time, in full alignment with who we truly are. It sounds amazing, right?

How I became such a fan of asking the right questions.

A few years back, I was in a dark place in my life, and I felt overwhelmed and lost…it seemed like my plate was too small for the things I needed to manage.

Did it ever happen to you too?

I was looking for a solution, but I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

One day I was really on edge and had a silly argument with my husband, so I told him that I needed to have some “me time,” and I went in.

I immediately felt compelled to grab my colored pens and post-it notes, and I started writing one question after the other. After a while, my desk was full of notes, so I started sticking them on my whiteboard. It was like I was under a spell and just wrote frantically for a few more minutes. When I stopped, I was amazed: my whiteboard was full of questions (I wish I took a picture!) and looking at it, I had my most amazing realization…I’d been struggling to find a solution because I was asking myself the wrong questions!

Still amazed by what had just happened, I counted the post-it notes: they were 52. I had written 52 questions, one for each week of the year.

I decided to ask myself ALL those questions, and the results were stunning. I started getting unstuck, moving forward in my life in ways I didn’t even think were possible.

So I started using these questions with my clients, the results were amazing as well so I decided to share them with as many people as possible to show them how powerful something so simple can be!

When we start asking ourselves better questions, we get better answers.

And in this case, the questions were so deep that the answers were really life changing!

What I learned is that the key to asking better questions is to avoid asking yourself “Why” (ex. “Why did it happen to me?”) and focus instead on asking a “How” or “What” question (ex. “How can this serve me? Or “What can I learn from this?”). How does it sound?

So at the end of my journey, I made a deck out of those questions, and I called it the “Fifty Two Keys To Unlock Your Life.”

These are 52 powerful questions that you can use to unlock your life.

Out of these questions, there is one that I would love to gift to you.

It’s a special question that will allow you to find out what you really, really want in life so that you can finally go for your crazy dream and create the life you’ve always desired.

This question is seriously going to change everything for you! (And I bet you can’t wait to find out what it is!) What you have to do is let it linger in your soul to bring you back the answer that will allow you to move forward and create the epic life you know you deserve, full of passion, purpose and pleasure. I’m SO excited to share it with you! Sign up here to access it.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Cristiana Blasutta, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Cristiana is the Master Weaver of Transformation. She loves working with powerhouse women who know that they are meant for more. She helps them reignite their passion, find their purpose, and finally give themselves permission to seek and feel pleasure so that they can live the epic life they deserve. Cristiana stopped calling herself a “coach” and fully embodied being a Weaver, someone who is able to look at the messy parts in your life, untangle all the pieces, and weave them back together in a way that’s truly aligned with your passion, purpose, and pleasure so that your life is authentic to you.

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