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How And Why To Share Your Story – 6 Tips For Your Website & Beyond

Written by: Georgia O'Keefe, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Georgia O'Keefe

I just got back from 4.5 months on the road traveling in my campervan all around the United States with my dog and my soon-to-be husband (I should probably be doing something for the wedding right now, but instead, I am writing).

jump shot of a woman in the middle of the road

This trip opened my eyes to so much – not just beautiful views and good food (though there sure was a lot of that!) but also how I want to run my business. I’ve always known the importance of storytelling in website design and content creation, but I truly realized its power in the conversations I had with others throughout our travels. So many unique individuals challenged my perspectives simply by having different ones. I hadn’t considered; so many opened themselves up to me and created an impact on my adventure, and my life, for years to come. The online connection may be more common in today’s age than face-to-face human connection, and though I encourage all to have more in-person conversations with those near and far, the online world is not going anywhere. Luckily there are ways to express your unique story and form connections through your corner of the internet, too. Nothing can replace face-to-face human connection, but when it comes to the content on your website, incorporating storytelling is crucial for establishing connections and transforming visitors into loyal customers. There are people out there who need exactly what you have to offer and are going to resonate with the way YOU offer it over someone else.

So, Here Are 6 Ways To Use Storytelling For Website Success:

1. Why did you start your business?

We’re all curious by nature! Anyone who has a small child or has been a teacher can think of many examples of being asked “Why?” And as we grow up we’re no different – learning about others and why they do (or don’t do) things is fascinating. Finding others we can relate to is comforting, and those with vastly different points of view are intriguing. The point is, the right people who are drawn to you and what you have to offer are going to want to know why – why did you start this business? What about you can they relate to and what about your story makes them want to work with you?

2. Who needs to hear this story?

On that note, you need to think of who you’re speaking to. Just like not every book or movie is for everyone, not every business story is for everyone either! Knowing your ideal audience is crucial in order to target your storytelling in the right way. Writing your website story will be easier when you have that group of people and what they want and need in mind. Some questions to help you: Who is going to hear your message and think “Are they talking to ME?!” Where was I a few years ago and what message did I need to hear? Quite often the very person we are speaking to is a past version of ourselves…

3. What will hook them in and leave them wanting more?

Think about what makes you want to read a book or watch a new show or movie on Netflix – the important parts of the short are revealed to you but it leaves you wanting MORE. The same goes for your website. Give your people enough of the story that they’re eager to learn more and work with you, but don’t write so much that there’s no excitement or anticipation – or even worse, too many words can be boring!

4. How can your audience reach you?

More on that “boring” comment – In 2023, we all have fairly short attention spans. Yes your ideal audience will be excited to be scrolling your site if you’re sharing your why and speaking right to them, BUT if it’s too hard for people to find out HOW to get in touch with you, it’s very possible they will get frustrated and move on. Throughout your website story make it SUPER clear what your call to action is and how these beautiful people you’re sharing your story with can get in touch, sign up, book a call, etc.!

5. Where will they be after working with you?

Throughout your story, share where you’ve been and where you’re at now, in a way that relates to your audience. You’re sharing your story but your speaking directly to them to show that where you are at is a place they can be too!

6. When can they expect results?

Similarly to the above, everyone loves a timeline! No, you don’t need to be extremely specific here, but showing someone 3-4 steps of your process will help them conceptualize going from point A to point B and feel less overwhelmed about that journey.

Above all, remember…

Whether it’s in person or online, there’s only ONE you, and every conversation is an opportunity to touch someone's heart, inspire change, or spark a connection.

Ready to take the first step towards simplifying your processes, adding joy, and achieving your website goals? Book a free chat with me or download the freebie below for some guidance. I can’t wait to hear your story!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Georgia O'Keefe Brainz Magazine

Georgia O'Keefe, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

I am a former educator who left the field to follow my intuition and my curiosities and start my own creative design business, and I am currently traveling the US full time in my home on wheels. I help teachers and small business owners make space for what lights them up in life, and feel empowered to share their journey through beautiful content and website stories.

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