Written by: Dusya Lyubovskaya, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I worked recently with a client in Victoria, Australia. I will call her Renata R.
Renata is the daughter of immigrants from Turkey.
Renata has done different jobs in her early 20’s and decided to go into business. She chose a spiritual business, to be specific. Renata reached out to me because she needed help with mental blockages.

We had a call where I offered a free consultation, and she shared her story / her problems.
She has a business and wants to make it a spiritual business. However, she is not sure where or how to start.
I asked her then what she meant by spiritual?
Renata was surprised by my question.
Here is the issue, nowadays there are two definitions of the term spiritual. I am not necessarily talking about the dictionary version of spiritual. However, there are definitions that people use in 2021. One version people use is going to church or other religious institutions. The other version is believing in a higher power like the Universe without restriction to a certain religion.
Renata was impressed and explained that she believed in angels and wanted to work with angels to guide future clients. However, she did not feel connected.
I asked her to share about her childhood and when she first became interested in working with angels. After hearing her story, I realized that she needed a crystal healing session because of her mental blockage from not being able to connect, and I recommended ancestral healing to release the obstacles from her upbringing and limiting beliefs she was raised with.
In my practice of helping entrepreneurs, I noticed that anytime entrepreneurs feel stuck or not being able to offer adequate services to clients/customers, it is always because of something that happened in their childhood and or family traditions.
Her family was very spiritual. However, their idea of being spiritual was attending a religious institution, while Renata wanted to connect deeper spiritually. There is nothing wrong with either Renata or her family. It is simply that she wanted a deeper connection and was very talented. Her family just did not know how to connect deeper or was not aware that this was even possible. For Renata, it came naturally, and it confused her family, which caused them to neglect her in some ways, and that again caused her to feel lonely, which caused mental and emotional blockage.
After the free consultation, I did an hour and 30-minute session entailing remote crystal healing to unblock her mind and help her reconnect with her ancestors.
After the session, she was crying and releasing her emotional blockages and was able to connect with angels.
I showed Renata how to pay attention to messages from angels and to let them guide her in working with clients in her business.
Renata being able to work with angels and their guidance will help guide her to be of service to her clients and gain more clients and provide financial abundance.
Follow me on Facebook, YouTube Channel, or visit my website for more info!

Dusya Lyubovskaya, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Dusya Lyubovskaya is a leader of ancient holistic modalities. After growing up with an abusive father, her trauma caused her to develop health issues that doctors could clear diagnose. Although Dusya has been passionate about science since her youth, she went into the medical field because she had to be the breadwinner at an early age but never gave up her dream of going into science.
During her work taking care of patients, she realized there was more than western medicine could offer. However, she felt she was running into walls. Dusya took care of both of her parents, who died from terminal cancer, and knew that she could at least ease their suffering with the holistic modalities she learned about growing up. After her mother’s passing in 2014, she discovered meditation and Reiki, and a brand new world opened to her full of opportunities! She got trained in reiki, and after a year, she was encouraged by many clients to get paid because she appeared to be very talented. She would perform energy healing on and off on the side, and in 2018 with additional training, became a holistic life as her clients around the world greatly appreciated her positive energy and experience. Dusya has also evolved in her medical career and started speaking for health care agencies as well as government agencies seeking her advice and expertise. Dusya discovered that many chronic health issues in her clients were caused by trauma so she used her western medicine knowing combined with ancient healing modalities and has been very successful.
Meanwhile, Dusya has expanded to helping entrepreneurs who struggle to make more than 5k by helping them increase their money mindset and helping them get unstuck by helping them with inner child soul retrieval and helping them reconnect with their inner child as every issue we face as adults is affected by what we learned as children.