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Home Stretch or Revolving Door — Why?

Written by: Fran Pedron, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Why? Why? Why? Why?

You’ve heard that and said that since you were a kid. Today though, is your answer any better?

Why creates chaos, stagnation, or power. Do you see yourself in each? There lies a great advantage when you know.


Do you ever sit and wonder why? Why makes the world go round, either right-side-up or upside-down.

For a kid, “why” is a learning curve. Children have the neatest way of offering time-interrupts, with why-this and why-that. Sometimes to the point of their parents throwing up their hands in frustration. Either you have grown out of that learning curve or live frustration daily, which might be from moment to moment.

Adults, however, choose big people's actions, where the consequences surpass frustration.

In the Cyclone

Have you experienced any repetitive patterns in your life where chaos is the status quo? Events happen that hit your pause switch, and you feel like you’re in The Twilight Zone or experiencing Ground Hog Day over and over and over again.

After a while, this becomes a living life pattern. The expectation is built, and the outcome is pre-determined. And the pattern has negative connotations.

  • In your personal life: ruts are built; relationships end; self-destruction happens mildly or very in-depth. The list is limitless.

  • In your professional life: raises are low or non-existent; promotions arrive slowly, or the invitation never comes; busy-work affects job performance; ostracizing is commonplace; and much more.

What have you experienced in your personal and/or professional life? Dissatisfaction lingers in both areas. Frequently, there is bleed-over, and both are a blur.

Movement is a challenge and often stops.

Impossible Options

Have you ever experienced a time where no movement happened in any direction? Many times, forward motion is non-existent, and stagnation is the continual word of the day.

When this happens, life stops, similar to chaotic times. The outcome, however, is different by leaps and bounds.

Health deteriorates, emotionally and physically. Finances bottom out. Hibernation is chosen out of depression, fear, and so much more. Many people choose detrimental action to stop the continual downward spiral.

If you see yourself here or are experiencing these and similar outcomes, please reach out for help. Your local mental health professional can guide you in the right direction.

Why directions also have power performance.

Your Why as Your Biggest Win

Knowing there is the power to be had in your why builds momentum. And your cry of victory is heard around the world.

Your why discovery is a bountiful treasure. It opens your doorways historically blocked and often holds outcomes you never dreamed imaginably.

Have you ever noticed a period in your life when all of a sudden an awakening occurred? That awakening destroys those cycles of defeat, ending life-stealing habits, chaos, and stagnation. Drilling down in your why gives birth to answers, unlimited possibilities, and positive outcomes.

Start with your original “why” answer.

  • Think about the result you were searching for.

  • Why would reaching that outcome be important to you?

  • How would you feel about that outcome happening?

Do you see a pattern of enlargement and possibility happening for you now? As you continue to delve into each answer, ask yourself the next question. Repeat this process until you get to the root of your “why.” As you break through each layer, you begin to have clarity and direction.

What do you want to do? IT.

  • Why is doing this “IT” important to you?

  • Why would “IT” happening be important for you?

  • Why is “that IT” important for you?

Go through this process for six to eight levels.

Now in reflection:

  • What understanding have you achieved?

  • Do you still need to achieve this particular item/event in your life?

  • How do you feel?

  • How do you see yourself in the future?

This process works for anything. Pause, take a breath, and build this discovery muscle.

Know that any day you experience being inundated with “why” and stymied where to go next, you have an answer. An answer leading you into your Heart Driven Action, the reflection of your truth and your true passion.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Fran Pedron, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Fran Pedron combines intuition, education, and life experience to help clients understand their foundational self-definition, make changes, and intention-purposed plans, which align with who they are as they create their desired outcomes.

Her experience in insurance, technology, accounting, communications, along with being abruptly downsized later in life, led her to understand how change affects people and their decision-making processes, along with the need to make decisions aligned with their authenticity.

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